1.Cosmopolitanism pays not only attention to universal ethic meaning,but also difference thought meaning,in this sense,cosmopolitanism is a cultural cosmopolitanism.世界主义是文化世界观的一个体现。
2.The thinking logic of cosmopolitanism demonstrates that the race is no longer a term to discriminate "us" from "others",and that an absolute exclusiveness is no longer predisposed.世界主义是当今全球知识界所推崇的一种新的思想观念。

1.The Realistic Socialism:Cosmopolitanism and Nationalism;现实社会主义:世界主义和国民主义
2.a cosmopolitan outlook世界主义的见解 [看法]
3.A cosmopolitan person or organism;a cosmopolite.世界主义者世界公民;世界性生物;四海为家者
4.Cosmopolitanism became difficult to disentangle from its overtones of anti-nationalism.世界主义很难摆脱反爱国主义的色彩。
5.Literature-cosmopolitanism,Multiculturalism and Cultural-unification;文学世界主义·文化多元主义·文化融合
6.Cosmopolitanism and Nationalism :Sun Yat-sen’s Response to New Culture Intellectuals世界主义与民族主义——孙中山对新文化派的回应
7.Cosmopolitanism became difficult to disentangle from its overtones of anti-semitism.世界主义被认为很难摆脱犹太主义的色彩。
8.He felt daring and idealistic and cosmopolitan.他觉得自己大胆、有理想主义和世界主义的精神。
9.World Association of World Federation世界联邦主义世界协会
10.International Association for the Union of Democracies世界民主主义联盟协会
11.World Association of World Federalists世界联邦主义者世界协会(世联协)
12.Long live the world socialist revolution!世界社会主义革命万岁!
13.the world's mystic religions世界上的神秘主义宗教
14.World Federalist Movement世界联邦主义者运动
15.The world tends to socialism.全世界向着社会主义。
16.Project of the World:On Nietzsche’s Worldview of Perspectivism;世界的投射——论尼采透视主义的世界观
17.Socialism will certainly prevail against capitalism the world over.社会主义必将在全世界战胜资本主义。
18.Feminism","the Third World Women" and "the Post-Colonialism;“女性主义”、“第三世界女性”与“后殖民主义”

1.The Stoicism’s mind such as natural law、 individualism、cosmopolitism and equal conception is one of the main sources of western political culture,we should take the ideological heritage seriously.斯多葛主义提出的自然法思想、个人主义、世界主义和平等观念是西方政治文化的主要源泉之一,是我们不得不认真对待的重要思想遗产。
2.At the same time he started developing the cosmopolitism and enlightenment,which gradually takes up the leading station in Lu-Xun s thought.鲁迅早期思想中的确存在着民族主义成分,但不是民族主义者,他这是已经开始走上了世界主义启蒙主义的道路,而且越来越成为鲁迅思想的主导成分。
3.Chinese civilization has had the tradition of cosmopolitism ever since the ancient times.中华文明自古就有一个世界主义的传统 ,有破“国家中心论”的较低层次的世界主义 ,如梁启超、顾炎武 ;有破“区域中心论”的较高层次的世界主义 ,如先秦诸家 ;有破“人类中心论”的最高层次的世界主义 ,如张载、陆象山、康有为。
3)cosmopolitan democracy世界主义民主
1.David’cosmopolitan democracy is based on traditional liberal democracy,however his theory focuses on the legitimacy of democracy in globalization context.通过对赫尔德世界主义民主理论的分析,指出其从自由主义民主到世界主义民主理论的建构过程,世界主义民主理论来源于对传统西方自由主义民主理论的改造并综合了世界主义思想,它向我们展示了全球化与民主化之间的关系,但同时也暴露出问题。
2.In seeking to give answers to many problems posed by globalization, Cosmopolitanism advocates universal human rights,international distributive justice and cosmopolitan democracy as its basic values.在当前全球化的背景下,面对国际政治、经济秩序的重大变迁,一系列关乎人类命运问题的显现,以个人主义的价值前提和全球共同体的道德理想为基础,世界主义在人权的普遍性、全球范围的分配正义和世界主义民主等不同领域都表达了自己的道德诉求。
4)cosmopolitan citizenship世界主义公民权
5)ideal cosmopolitanism理想的世界主义
1.Kant s political philosophy is embodied particularly in his "political liberalism" and"ideal cosmopolitanism",as are the political and legal manifestations of his teleology.康德政治哲学具体表现在"政治自由主义"和"理想的世界主义"两方面,这是其目的论在政治法律层面的落实。
6)World Socialism世界社会主义
1.With the development and change of the world situation, we should keep adjusting the development strategy of the world socialism.世界形势是不断发展变化的,世界社会主义发展战略也应不断地加以调整。
