1.By analyzing the basic tenets and significant impact of deconstructionism on the traditional translation theories,the paper discusses the progressiveness and limitations of deconstructionism translation theory.通过剖析解构主义反中心和反二元对立的基本哲学主张对传统翻译理论产生的巨大冲击,揭示了解构主义翻译观的进步性和局限性。
2.It aims to present the development process of modern and contemporary educational leadership in China faithfully,and analyzes the historical progressiveness and limitation of modern and contemporary educational leadership in China,taking history as a mirror to forecast the future,which applies historical foundations for today s development.历史真实地呈现了中国近现代教育领导的发展历程,解析中国近现代教育领导发展的历史进步性和局限性,以史为鉴,昭示未来,为今天教育领导发展提供历史依据。
3.A brief analysis is made of the characteristics of this official system and the progressiveness and historic roles of this set of official system.本文简析了这套官制的特点,指出了这套官制存在的进步性及其历史作用。

1.China's war is progressive, hence its just character.中国的战争是进步的,从这种进步性,就产生了中国战争的正义性。
2.On the Progressive and Conservative Aspects of French Peasantry in the Process of Modernization;论法国农民在现代化进程中的进步性与保守性
3.Rationality and Modes of Scientific Progress;科学进步的合理性以及科学进步模式
4.Sexes, Femininity and Its Studies, and Their Relations with the Harmony of Social Development性、女性、女学与社会的和谐进步
5.The Theory of Social Harm:A Further Critical Clearance;社会危害性理论:进一步的批判性清理
6.Study on One Step Response Characteristics in Hybrid Stepping Motors;混合式步进电动机单步响应特性的研究
7.The emergence of Feminine Economy furthers the development of feminine tourist market.“女性经济”的出现促进了女性旅游的进一步发展。
8.Scientific and technological progress is a decisive factor in economic development, and educational development is the foundation of scientific and technological progress.科技进步是经济发展的决定性因素,发展教育是科技进步的基础。
9.linear synchronous motor propulsion vehicle用线性同步电动机推进的车辆
10.The quasilinearization method can be further recognized through these theorization and discussion.从而对拟线性化法有更进一步的认识。
11.This will further allow you to customize your security translation.这将进一步允许您自定义安全性转换。
12.see further complication of the matter看到事情进一步的复杂性
13.Further Research on Correctness of Program关于程序正确性证明的进一步探讨
14.The evidence suggests a need for more clarification.这些证据暗示着进一步澄清的必要性。
15.But that only deepened the mystery.不过,这进一步加深了神秘性。
16.Encryption makes the system more secure.加密机制进一步加强了系统的安全性。
17.impose a further tax on wines and spirits对果酒及烈性酒进一步加税.
18.The nature of the crop may have an impact on the rate of technological change.作物的性质可能影响技术进步的速度。

1.The quintessence of his musical thinking lies in his diligently striving after progressive ideas of musical works and a wealth of emotions,and in his advancing a new idea of combining both classical style and romantic emotions while composing musical works.其精髓在于:对音乐作品思想的进步性和情感丰富性的孜孜追求,将古典主义形式与浪漫主义情感在创作中结合这一理念的提出。
2.The ancient Greek political philosophy revealed the connotation and logic structure, to judge the progressive nature of political civilization from the closeness of the city-state to the idealistic political model.古希腊政治哲学确定了政治文明的基本内涵和逻辑结构,从现实城邦对理想政治模型的模仿和切近程度来评判政治文明发展的进步性质;中世纪神学政治观拓宽了研究政治文明的视野并以必然性充实了政治文明进步性的内涵;霍布斯、卢梭、黑格尔等思想家结合近代西方社会发展的现实,摒弃了中古时代政治文明进步性的狭隘传统和观念,使政治文明的理论和实践进入了现代阶段。
3., The progressive and extensive nature of D.民主党派的进步性和广泛性既是多党合作的政治基础 ,又是它们自身的政治特色和政治优势。
3)progress[英]['pr?uɡres][美]['prɑɡ,r?s, -r?s, 'pro,ɡr?s]进步性
1.In the novel "The Hunchback of Notre Dame",Victor Hugo resisted dissimilation through dramatis personae s despicable conducts of dissimilation and manifested the progressive strength of humanitarianism.他的人道主义的进步性,十分突出地反映在他强调文学的人民性立场。
1.Advancement and Defectiveness of the New Marriage Law;新婚姻法的进步性与缺陷
2."Madame Bovary" embodies in a sense advancement of feminism at the day,but simultaneously promulgates the woman heroine could not escape the tragedy foreordination of degeneration in a society predominated by patriarchy.《包法利夫人》在一定程度上体现了当时女性主义的进步性,同时也揭示出在父权制主流社会下女性(书中的女主人公)注定要走向堕落的悲剧宿命。
3.Thus,the phenomenon can be analyzed and judged from many academic perspectives,in order to affirm the rationality and advancement of sports news entertainmentilization.采用整体的视野,将体育新闻娱乐化现象置于广泛的哲学、文化学、社会学、心理以及西方传播学的多学科框架中加以多元审视及理性解读,从而在理论的角度对体育新闻娱乐化的现象进行分析判别,肯定体育新闻娱乐化存在的合理性及社会进步性,从而澄清对此问题的模糊认识,为中国体育媒体的娱乐化发展在理论上指明方向。
5)progressive nature进步性
1.On The progressive nature Of Li Zhi s theory of children s mind and its impacts;李贽“童心说”的进步性及其影响
6)stepping characteristic步进特性

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-