1.Establishment of the punishability:an approach to politicization of criminal law论可罚性阶层的确立——一种刑法刑事政策化进路
2.Nowadays it is whithout dispute that action liberty in cause is punishable,but when scholars discuss the concept of action liberty in cause and its basis of punishability,there are lots of different views.当前对于原因自由行为是可罚性已无争议,但是当学者们在探讨原因自由行为的概念以及原因自由行为的可罚性根据时,便出现了许多不同的见解。
3.The theories field puts forward a lot of standpoints for solving the punishability of action libera in cause,but each standpoint contains blemish.理论界为解决原因自由行为的可罚性,提出了很多观点,但每种观点均有缺陷。

1.Reconsideration of Penalization for a Preparation from the Angle of the Criminal Norms Science;规范学视野中预备行为可罚性的反思与重构
2.Study on Punishment of Assistant Behavior of Neutral Action during Goods Sales商品销售中立行为的帮助之可罚性探究
3.Establishment of the punishability:an approach to politicization of criminal law论可罚性阶层的确立——一种刑法刑事政策化进路
4.An Exploration on the Nature of the Punishment of Crime Preparation;犯罪预备可罚性的本质探究——兼论抢劫罪犯罪预备的认定
5.Discussion about Punishment of Actio Libera in Causa and the Improvement of Relevant Systems of China’s Criminal Law论原因自由行为可罚性及我国刑法相关制度的完善
6.Probe into the Punishability of Neutral Behavior--on the Judgement for the Behavior of P2P Provider网络中立行为的可罚性探究——以P2P服务提供商的行为评价为中心
7.Principles and Methods improving the stability of the penalty kicks提高足球罚点球可靠性的原理与方法
8.On the Necessity and Feasibility of Establishing Punitive Damages or Vindictive Damages System in China;论我国建立惩罚性赔偿制度的必要性和可行性
9.The illegality which is short of punishment should be ground for elimination of illegality.缺乏可罚的违法性应当是违法性阻却事由。
10.The Insurability of Punitive Damages in American Insurance Law;美国保险法中惩罚性赔偿责任可保性研究
11.Feasible Proposals on Constructing the Punitive Damages System in China关于构建我国惩罚性赔偿制度的可行性建议
12.1. The Threatened Penalty Must Be Criminal Rather Than Civil in Nature.(一) 可能来临的处罚必须具有刑事而非民事性质
13.The result was the bitter and punitive legislation known as the Intolerable Acts passed in 1774.结果是1774年颁布了苛刻与惩罚性的《不可容忍法》。
14.The argument is illegal to practise medicine the related law item and maneuverability of the punishment;议非法行医处罚之相关法律条款及可操作性
15.Study on the Issue that whether the Afterwards Defense Should Be Punished in Given Situation;特定情境下事后防卫行为的可惩罚性问题探讨
16.Study on the Suability of Punitive Activities of the Individual Sports Union;单项体育协会体育处罚行为的可诉性研究
17.On Learning of Punishable Illegality--from the Perspective of ‘Gravity of the Circumstances’可罚的违法性理论之借鉴——以“情节严重”为视角
18.Regulative Rechtsprinzip :the Function of the Theory of Probability of Anticipation (Zumutbarkeit)调节性刑罚恕免事由:期待可能性理论的功能定位

1.The focus is impossibility of crime not considered as criminal,unpunishable and impossibility of crime punishable.鉴于我国新刑法倾向于客观主义的立场,因此,我国应在立法上明确规定不能犯不具有可罚性
2.Whether “actio libera in cause”is punishable,scholars pursuant to different theories have put forward different positions.原因自由行为是否具有可罚性 ?学者们依据不同的理论根据提出了不同的观点 ,但无论哪种学说似乎都有其缺点。
3)Essence of being punished可罚性
1.Actio libera in cause means the action of person who gets stuck in the state of limited capacity for duties or no - capacity for duties intentionally or neglectfully and causes the emergence of a certain objective factor of criminal constitution , Its essence of being punished probably is identified as an exception of " the principle that actions and duties should exist simultaneously".其可罚性在于它是“同时存在原则”的一种例外。
2.Actio libera in cause is a special form of criminal act and its essence of being punished may be regarded as a exception of“the principle that actions and duties should exist simultaneously”.它是犯罪行为的一种特殊情形 ,其可罚性在于它是“同时存在的原则”的一种“例外”。
1.This essay makes a series of study among action liberty in cause and the principle of behavior and responsibility existing at the same time,the problem of inculpation,th.探讨原因自由行为与"行为与责任同时存在原则"、可罚性问题、主观罪过问题,并就其出路提出立法建议,具有重要意义。
1.Discussion about Punishment of Actio Libera in Causa and the Improvement of Relevant Systems of China’s Criminal Law论原因自由行为可罚性及我国刑法相关制度的完善
6)penal illegality and penalty可罚的违法性和可罚性
1.It is proposed that people should realize the relative illegibility of social harmfulness and take the theories of expected possibility,penal illegality and penalty,and social suitability as theoretical referenc.应认识到社会危害性自身模糊性的相对性,借鉴期待可能性、可罚的违法性和可罚性理论及社会相当性理论将为现实的社会危害性评价提供理论上的依据。

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-