1.In the process from traditional society to modernization,the ethics of ruling by law is in an embarrassing situation between "what should be" and "what is".要实现对我国法治伦理的完善,应当在法治伦理化和伦理法治化进程中,坚持正义原则的要求,走一条以程序正义为基点和出发点的法治伦理之路。
2.The same is that while both concern the utilities of art in the beginning,the Chinese aesthetics stress the ethics of art in the end.这些因素的作用给中西美学以深刻影响,和西方美学相同的是,中国美学以关注艺术的社会功利性始,和西方美学相异的是,中国美学以艺术的审美伦理化终。

1.Systematic ethics, with regard to its connotation, is a dialectic unity of ethicalization of systems and systemization of the ethics.制度伦理就其内涵而言是制度伦理化和伦理制度化的辩证统一。
2.Summary: Expectations for an Ethical Future总结:期盼伦理化的未来
3.Feudal Legalized Ethics and Moralized Law and Their Significance;封建伦理法律化与法律伦理化及其借鉴意义
4.The Ethicalization of Administration: the Third Symbol of Administrative Modernization;行政伦理化:行政现代化的第三标志
5.Ethic of System:"Systematization" Medium of Transformation of Ethic Resources;制度伦理:伦理资源转化的“组织化”中介
6.An ethical culture is the soul of business ethics.伦理文化是经济伦理的灵魂。
7.Describe an ethical culture.形容一种伦理文化。
8.A Contrastive Study on Pre-Qin Confucian Ethical Culture and Muslim Ethical Culture;先秦儒家伦理文化与伊斯兰伦理文化的比较
9.The Nationalization of Ecumenical Ethics and The Cumenicalization of National Ethics;论普世伦理的民族化和民族伦理的普世化
10.Towards Virtue Ethics: Creating an Ethical Culture朝着美德伦理学前进:创造一种伦理文化
11.Thomas--A Media Of Transformation From Virtuous Ethics To Normative Ethics托马斯:德性伦理学向规范伦理学转化的中介
12.Evolutional Ethics and its Challenge to Traditional Western Ethics;进化伦理学及其向西方传统伦理学的挑战
13.Emergence of Environmental Ethics: the Drastic Change in the History of Ethical Culture;环境伦理学的产生是伦理文化史上的深刻变革
14.Cultural globalization, global ethic and renovation of education philosophy;文化全球化、全球伦理与教育理念更新
15.The Psychological,Theoretical and Ethical Issues in Cultural Exchange;文化交流中的心理、学理与伦理问题
16.On the Impact of Ethics and Folk Culture on the Aesthetic Culture in Qinghai;伦理、民俗文化对青海审美文化的影响
17.The Ethical Path of Rule of Law Culture in the Context of Harmonious Culture;和谐文化语境下法治文化的伦理路径
18.Turning Morality into Culture--Zhang Dongsun s Theory of Ethics;化道德为文化——张东荪的伦理思想

1.Exploring the Historical Source of the Ethicization Trend of the Late Greek Philosophy;晚期希腊哲学伦理化倾向的历史根源
1.In the whole context of religious limits, the value tendency of Buddhist aesthetics has a deepening course of theoretic connotations from transcending subject-object s value tendency of ethicalization to that of philosophicalization and psychicalization in history.在总体宗教性质限定下,佛教美学的价值趋向体现为由伦理化超主客价值趋向,向哲理化、心理化超主客价值趋向推进深化的历史建构过程。
4)the ethical tendency伦理化
1.Through the Book of Songs,we can see,the orbit has the following characteristic: rationalism, humanism and the ethical tendency.通过《诗经》,我们可以看到,这道轨迹具有以下特征:理性化、人本化和伦理化
1.If they are ethicized, the human right relationship between an individual (or the masses) and the state (or a political society) will become the common relationship between an individual and others.若把人权伦理化,则就把人权之个人或群体与国家或政治社会的关系转变为个人与别人的关系;同时由于伦理的利他性,伦理化的人权就不但不应向别人要求权利,倒是相反地把本应属于个人的权利让渡给别人。
6)ethical culture伦理文化
1.Discussion on the Islamic Ethical Culture and the Constructing of Socialism Harmonious Society;试论伊斯兰伦理文化与社会主义和谐社会的构建
2.Harmonious culture,with the rule of law culture and ethical culture as its main content,guides and supports the building and development of a harmonious society.和谐文化引领与支撑着和谐社会的建设与发展,法治文化与伦理文化是和谐文化的主要内容;在构建和谐社会的历史进程中,弘扬法治精神与培育法治文化理念是实现国家各项工作法治化的必然选择;自由、公平、正义等法治精神引领着伦理文化的创新与进步,而伦理文化则以其丰富的资源与深刻的内涵支撑着法治文化的生成与发展;立法的伦理形式、司法的伦理适用与守法的伦理机制是法治文化的主要伦理路径。
3.The pre-Qin Confucian ethical culture representative of the Chinese traditional culture and the Muslim ethical culture in the Islam world have much in common while differing in may respects.中国先秦时期逐步形成以儒家伦理思想为代表的中国传统伦理文化体系。

公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)axiomatical method  gongllbuafangfa公理化方法化和形式化。(axiomatieal method)见公理