差异显示,differential display
1)differential display差异显示
1.Isolation of the drought responsive cDNA in Alternanthera philoxeroides by mRNA differential display;用差异显示技术分离空心莲子草抗旱相关基因
2.Isolation of the drought up-regulated gene in Alternanthera philoxeroides by differential display technique;运用差异显示技术分离水花生在干旱胁迫下表达上调的基因(英文)
3.Several strategies used to improve differential display PCR;运用多种策略改良差异显示PCR

1.The recurrent nasal polyp analysed by mRNA defference to demonstrate复发性鼻息肉组织中mRNA差异显示分析
2.Populus Tomentosa Cyclophysis and Research for mRNA Difference Display;毛白杨成熟效应及其mRNA差异显示研究
3.Screening the Differentially Expressed Genes in Brown Planthopper Biotype Ⅰ and Ⅱ by Fluorescent Differential Display-PCR;稻褐飞虱不同生物型的荧光差异显示
4.Analyzing Differential Sex Gene of Tilapia Using a Siliver Staining Based DD-PCR Protocol;罗非鱼性别调控基因的mRNA差异显示
5.Screening the related gene from the colorectal carcinoma by mRNA differential display method;mRNA差异显示筛选大肠癌相关基因
6.The Application of mRNA Differential Display PCR Technologyin Plant Heredity and Breeding;mRNA差异显示技术在植物学中的应用
7.RNA Isolation from Apical Buds of Chrysanthemum and mRNA Differential Display Reversetranscription-PCR(DDRT-PCR)菊花顶芽RNA提取与mRNA差异显示
8.Establishing the System of Citrus mRNA Differential Display Technology柑橘mRNA差异显示技术体系建立
9.Comparison of Three Methods for Confirmation of Differential Fragments from RAP-PCR不同方法鉴定差异显示技术RAP-PCR得到差异基因的比较
10.Analysis of Genes Related to Self-compatibility in E.Sativa Mill by mRNA Differential Display Technique;芸芥自交亲和性相关基因mRNA差异显示分析
11.Screening and Primarily Characterizing ESTs Differential Displayed in Yangzhou Goose s Follicular;鹅卵泡差异显示表达序列标签(ESTs)的筛选及分析
12.Screening and Primarily Characterizing ESTs Differential Displayed in New-born Black-Bone Chicken s Liver;初生乌骨鸡肝脏差异显示ESTs的筛选及分析
13.Isolation of Total RNA and Establishment of DDRT-PCR System for ZiZiphus Jujuba Mill;枣总RNA提取及mRNA差异显示技术体系的建立
14.Differential Display of mRNA for Hepatic Metastasis Associated Genes of Gastric Cancer;mRNA差异显示技术克隆胃癌肝转移相关基因
15.Screening of the Genes Highly Expressed in Tumors by mRNA Fluorescent Differencial Display;mRNA荧光差异显示筛选肿瘤中高表达的基因
16.mRNA Differential Display Analysis of KAx-3 Cells and AK127 Cells in Dictystelium Discoideum;盘基网柄菌KAx-3细胞和AK127细胞mRNA差异显示分析
17.Silver Staining mRNA Differential Display Analysis under Aluminum Stress Condition in Chinese Fir Different Clones;铝胁迫下杉木不同无性系银染mRNA差异显示分析
18.Isolation cDNA Related to Wood Forming in Chinese Fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) by mRNA Differential DisplaymRNA差异显示法研究杉木木材形成相关cDNA

1.Isolation and Cloning the cDNA Fragment of Genic Male Sterility Related Gene in Watermelon[Citrullus Lanatus] Using DDRT-PCR;利用mRNA差异显示技术分离西瓜[Citrullus lanatus]核雄性不育基因相关cDNA片段的研究
2.In our study, suspernsion cells of Taxus chinensis were used as materials for gene expression analysis with differential display reverse transcription PCR (DDRT-PCR) approach.我们以中国红豆杉悬浮培养细胞为材料,设两组平行实验,一组为阴性对照组,一组以茉莉酸甲酯进行诱导,所得细胞利用mRNA差异显示技术进行分析,研究了茉莉酸甲酯对红豆杉细胞mRNA表达的差异,最终共获得34个差异表达片段。
3.We got 26 bands from DDRT-PCR,3 bands belonging to the group of zinc deficiency; 6 bands belonging to group of zinc sulfate and 13 bands belonging to the group of Zinc-methioneine; the other 3 bands were occupied by.采用银染差异显示技术进行差异基因的初步筛选。
3)mRNA differential display差异显示
1.Application of mRNA differential display in study of stage-specific gene expression during spermatogenesis;应用mRNA差异显示技术研究精子发生中阶段特异性基因表达
2.Five expressed sequence-tags chosen by mRNA differential display were used to screen the prostate cancer-related genes in the Non-redundant GeneBank of the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) by Blast program.明确用mRNA差异显示技术 (mRNA DD)筛选出的前列腺癌相关基因NSBP1(NucleosomalBindingProtein 1)在前列腺癌细胞系的表达情况。
3.A novel expressed sequence tag (ESThp9 1, GenBank accession number: BI596262) was isolated from pig skeletal muscular tissue by using the mRNA differential display technique.利用mRNA差异显示技术 ,从猪骨骼肌组织中分离到一个新的表达序列标签 (expressedsequencetag,EST)ESThp9 1(其GenBank登录号 :BI5 96 2 6 2 ) ,其序列长 196bp ,经BLAST程序与GenBank中存在的序列比对后 ,发现与猪的所有序列无同源性 ,但与大鼠的U3A核内小RNA基因及小鼠的U3B 。
1.Isolation of the cDNA fragment of watermelon genic male sterility related genes using DDRT-PCR;mRNA差异显示分离西瓜核雄性不育基因的相关cDNA片段
2.By DDRT(differential display reverse transcription)-PCR and reverse northern, a 280bp sequence is acquired from the epidermal.首先,我们利用差异显示技术和反Northern技术,以蚕豆叶肉细胞为对照,从蚕豆叶片表皮细胞中克隆出长280bp的新的表皮特异表达基因片段,再通过RACE技术获得此基因片段的3’端全序列和5’端部分序列。
5)mRNA differential displaymRNA差异显示
1.Compared analysis of mRNA differential display in peripheral blood leucocyte of Uygur and Kazak patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus;维吾尔族和哈萨克族2型糖尿病患者白细胞mRNA差异显示比较分析
2.Detection of differentially expressed genes in hepatocellularcarcinoma cells SMMC-7721 treated with Typhonium giganteum extract by mRNA differential display;mRNA差异显示法比较独角莲作用肝癌细胞SMMC-7721前后的基因表达
3.Cloning of spermatogenesis related genes by means of mRNA differential display;mRNA差异显示法筛选小鼠精子发生相关基因
1.DDRT-PCR and application in plant research;mRNA差异显示技术及其在植物研究中的应用
2.The theory of DDRT-PCR and its applications in plants;mRNA差异显示技术及其在植物生理研究中的应用
3.Studies on Establishment and Optimization of DDRT-PCR with Silver Staining in Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.);棉花银染mRNA差异显示体系优化研究

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