1.Analysis of Nutrition State of Premature Infants in NICU;NICU中93例早产儿营养状况分析
2.Analysis of influential factors of feeding intolerance in premature infant;早产儿喂养不耐受的影响因素分析及对策

1.A prematurely born infant.早产儿过早出生的婴儿
2.Premature Birth: Birth less than 37 weeks after conception.早产:早产为孕期不足37周的分娩。
3.Clinical Analysis of the the Medical-indicated Preterm Labor and the Spontaneous Premature Delivery治疗性早产与自发性早产的临床分析
4.Causes and complications of prematurity in hospitalized premature infants住院早产儿的早产原因及并发症分析
5.The Analysis of Cause and Prognosis in 1495 Case with Premature Infants1495例早产早产原因及预后临床分析
6.Analysis of Pregnancy Outcomes on 124 Cases with Preterm Premature Rupture of Membranes;124例早产胎膜早破妊娠结局分析
7.Research on Early Intervention to Prognosis of Brain Damage of Premature Infant早期干预对早产儿脑损伤预后的研究
8.Measurement of Urinary S100B Protein Concentrations for the Early Evaluation of Brain Damage in Preterm Infants尿S100B蛋白对早产儿早期脑损伤的意义
9.Early Intervention to Improve The Prognosis of Premature Infants Progress早期干预改善早产儿预后的研究进展
10.One Hundred and Thirteen Cases Clinical Analysis of Premature Delivery Combine Premature Rupture of Membranes早产合并胎膜早破113例临床分析
11.Effects of Early Music Interventions on Milk-intake of Premature Infants早期音乐干预对早产儿进奶量的影响
12.Clinical analysis of 49 cases of premature rupture of membranes早产胎膜早破期待疗法49例临床分析
14.The baby was two months premature.那婴儿早产了两个月。
15.the frequency of premature births in this region该地区早产情况的频繁.
16.isolette negative pressure apparatus早产婴儿负压保育设备
17.the special care of premature babies对早产婴儿的特别护理
18.The cow cast a calf.母牛早产下一头小牛

Premature delivery早产
1.Prognostic value of fetus Fibronectin and length of cervix uteri detected by vagina sonography for premature delivery;胎儿纤维连结蛋白、阴道超声检查宫颈长度预测早产价值
2.Role of infection in development of premature delivery;感染在早产发生中的作用
3.Therapeutic efficacy of dexamethasone in antenatal therapy in premature delivery gravidas;地塞米松在早产孕妇产前治疗的疗效分析
3)preterm labor早产
1.Changes of maternal serum cortisol and corticosteroid binding globulin levels in idiopathic preterm labor;母血皮质醇及皮质醇结合蛋白水平在特发性早产发生及分娩中的变化
2.Cellular proliferation and apoptosis in placental trophoblast of preterm labor;早产胎盘绒毛细胞的增殖和凋亡
3.Relation of expressions of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-9 in human placenta and to preterm labor;胎盘组织中基质金属蛋白酶-9的表达与早产的关系
4)Preterm[英][,pri:'t?:m][美]['pri,t?m, pri't?m]早产
1.Efficacy of intravenous or atomizing ambroxol for prevention of respiratory distress syndrome in preterm infants;沐舒坦不同给药方式预防早产儿呼吸窘迫综合征疗效观察
2.Analysis of the concentration of plasma copper and collagen in fetal membrane of the preterm s mothers;早产儿母亲血浆铜和胎膜胶原含量初步分析
3.Brainstem auditory evoked potentials at different of click stimuli rates in preterm infants;早产儿在不同刺激速率下的脑干听觉诱发电位变化
5)Premature labor早产
1.Study on the significance of fetal fibronectin in the prediction and early diagnosis for premature labor;胎儿纤连蛋白在早产的预测和早期诊断中的意义研究
2.Clinical observation of oxyephedrine(Anbo) on management of threatened premature labor;安宝治疗早产的临床观察
3.Study of the relationship between serum ferritin and PROM and premature labor;铁蛋白与胎膜早破、早产关系的研究
6)premature birth早产
1.Analysis on the social factors associated with the effects of premature birth and its results;孕妇早产社会因素及后果分析
2.Premature birth is one of the main reasons of perinatal death and pregnancy complications.早产是妊娠期围生儿死亡及并发症的主要原因之一。
3.IntroductionNeonatal chronic lung disease (CLD) is one of the most frequent and serious clinical problems associated with premature birth in neonatal intensive care units (NICU).目的 早产儿慢性肺疾病(chronic lung diseases,CLD)是指生后28天或纠正胎龄(胎龄+日龄)36w仍需要吸氧,伴胸片改变者。
