末次给药时限,Time from the last treating day to sampling day
1)Time from the last treating day to sampling day末次给药时限

1.Study of the relationship between different time from the last treating day to sampling day and the result of positive rate in candida vaginitis patients念珠菌性阴道炎检测阳性率与末次给药时限的相关性研究
2.Produce month-end balances and reports for Financial Department to the deadlines stipulated.在规定时限内完成给财务的月末平衡和报表。
3.Please continue to take the same medicine I gave you the first time you came to see me.继续吃你第一次来时我给你开的药吧。”
4.Mortgage is ration for first- time buyer.抵押只限给初次购买者。
5.Development and Application of Needle-Free Drug Powder Delivery System;无针粉末注射给药系统的研制与应用
6.Toxicokinetics of CXY-001 Following Single and Repeated Administration to Beagle DogsCXY-001单次给药和反复给药的毒代动力学研究
7.The Basis Studies of Transdermal Powdered Delivery System by a Supersonic Nozzle;超高速粉末喷射透皮给药系统的基础研究
8.Yes, I think you still have time to catch the last post .是的,我想您还有时间赶上末次邮班。
9.Remember to change their dressing in time.记着及时给他们换药。
10.This medicine is to be taken hourly.这药每小时服一次。
11.Take one dose of the medicine at bedtime.就寝时服用该药一次。
12.Pharmacokinetics of mitiglinide calcium tablets in human healthy volunteers米格列奈钙片单、多次给药人体药代动力学研究
13.Pratical Value of Time Pharmacology in Clinical Administration Care;时辰药理学在临床给药中的实用价值
14.The recommended dose in one ampoule[' mpul]. Give subcutaneously.建议1次剂量为1安瓿,皮下注射给药。
15.Lesson in the university longer, the lesson the rest number of times is limited, this brought her very great inconvenience doubtless.大学里课时比较长,课间休息次数有限,这无疑给她带来了很大的不便。
16.The Military Thought and its Characteristic of Yuan Shikai:within the limit of the late Qing Dynasty;试述袁世凯的军事思想及其特点——以清末为时限
17.Influence of Borneolum Syntheticum on Cytochrome Enzymes in Liver Microsome;冰片单次和多次给药对肝脏微粒体药物代谢酶的影响
18.Efficacy:1. Many kinds of Chinese medicine are good for every enginery of eyes.通过透皮给药,使眼部血液循环加速,达到视神经末梢,眼睛亮泽、神。

1.Methods:25 Chinese healthy volunteers were randomly administered with a single-dose of marine sus- tained release tablets(600,900,or 1 200mg,n=18)or a multiple-dose of marine sustained released tablets(600mg,bid,n=7)for 7 days.方法:研究分为单次给药和多次给药两部分。
2.Objective To evaluate the tolerability of single-dose ceftriaxone/sulbactam (4∶1) injection in Chinese healthy volunteers.目的观察中国健康志愿者对注射用头孢曲松钠/舒巴坦钠(4∶1)(第3代头孢类抗生素)单次给药的耐受性。
3.METHODS:43 subjects were enrolled in the non-controlled single-dose trial or multiple-dose trial.其中,单次给药者31人,经筛选合格后随机分配到7个剂量组(1、2、3、4、5、6和7粒组)。
3)multiple dose多次给药
1.Pharmacokinetics after single and multiple doses torasemide in healthy subjects;托拉塞米片多次给药药动学研究
1.Clinical Evaluation of the Drug of Protecting Cardiac Muscle and Administration of Drug in Different Times for Reducing Cardiotoxicity of Adrianycin;护心药物及分次给药对阿霉素心脏毒性的影响
5)single dose单次给药
1.Methods The healthy volunteers were divided into 6 different dose groups randomly for the clinical trial including 4 single dose groups and 2 multiple dose groups.方法采用随机分组的观察方法,共分6个剂量组,即单次和累积给药剂量组,其中单次给药剂量组4个,累积给药剂量组2个。
2.Methods:32 healthy volunteers were recruited,of which 20 were divided into 4 groups (4,6,6 and 4 volunteers per group) for the single dose tolerance test.方法:健康受试者32例,其中单次给药耐受性试验20例,分为小剂量组(0。
3.Of the volunteers,32 volunteers were randomly divided into six groups(2,4,6,6,8 and 6 volunteers in each group in the turn of dose escalation) for the single dose tolerance test.分别比较了单次给药和连续给药前后受试者的生命体征、心电图和实验室检查结果的变化,单次服药和连续服药后观察到的不良事件和受试者报告的不良反应。
6)twice administration group两次给药

抗真菌药和抗立克次氏体药抗真菌药和抗立克次氏体药Chemotherapeutics, Antimycotic and Antirickettsial kans抗真菌药和抗立克次氏体药第9卷 O }}(1)CICH之一C一CHZCI一-~甲~~~~~叫~~一~~~(2)CHaC00H FB了IJ ︸胜、!尸以.纵扮!F(48) OH lCICH:一C一CHZCIN=,、 1,1 NH尸丫r,一一三之~、汗尸Na月,DMF F(49)(11) :HzN~3。:。您丫督自气丛立竺竺自护、-跳沪/、‘犷HCOH、屯/卜‘2 (51)(52) 。之丫⑧ 坐助OH(‘2,(53) HCI-~~,~~~~~~,..~ 一H20‘HCI(90)侧 月F C.\H一\l尸n下.C上z、丫F H C 一 N =‘ N 1.1七(47) 氟康哇口服吸收快而完全,半衰期长(22~32h)体内分布均匀,能很好的透过血脑屏障,并渗透到脑脊液内阳〕。口服100mg后,脑脊液平均浓度为血浆浓度的0.58一0.89倍。70%原药由肾脏排除。 大多数病人对氟康哇耐受良好哪〕。常见的副作用为头痛、恶心、疲劳、发热、浮肿、出疹、腹部不适及转氨酶升高。但发生率小于5环,极少数病人出现血小板减少,停药后即恢复。·2.8.烯丙胺类 1981年发现蔡替芬(haftifine)(s0)具有较高的广谱抗真菌活性。由于其优良的抗真菌活性,新颖的结构特点,很快引起了人们的重视,通过对其结构改造和抗菌活性的研究,发现了活性高、毒性低的衍生物特比禁芬(terbinafine)(‘oa)和丁禁芬(botenafine)(乐ob)。活性最大,最低抑菌浓度(Mlc)为。.01一0.2哆/ml,对申克氏抱子丝菌和曲霉属真菌次之,Mlc分别为0.8一1.5限/耐和0.8~12.5阳/而。禁替芬的体外抗皮肤真菌活性明显优于咪哇类抗真菌药,而与托蔡醋(发癣退)和灰黄霉素相似。 蔡替芬对真菌细胞超微结构有影响,还干扰真菌细胞的脂质代谢,故有杀菌作用。在作用机理上蔡替芬与氮哇类药物一样,都是抑制麦角幽醇的生物合成,但作用部位二者不同,禁替芬是角拨烯的环氧化酶的特异性抑制剂。通过抑制角鳖烯的环氧化,使角盆烯蓄积和麦角幽醉缺乏,使真菌细胞膜的组成和通透性发生改变,导致杀菌作用[5,〕。 蔡替芬是一个高效低毒的外用抗真菌药,其疗效与克霉哇、美康哇、益康哇等外用抗真菌药相似。