延华胶囊栓剂,Yan-hua Capsules suppository
1)Yan-hua Capsules suppository延华胶囊栓剂
1.The therapeutic efficacy of Yan-hua Capsules suppository in the pregnancy women with candida vaginitis延华胶囊栓剂治疗妊娠期念珠菌性阴道炎疗效探讨

1.The therapeutic efficacy of Yan-hua Capsules suppository in the pregnancy women with candida vaginitis延华胶囊栓剂治疗妊娠期念珠菌性阴道炎疗效探讨
2.Clinical study of Tongxinluo capsule combined with warfarin on the prevention of thromboembolism in elder patients with non-valvular artrial fibrillation通心络胶囊配合华法林预防老年非瓣膜性房颤血栓栓塞的临床研究
3.Study on Tinidazole Composite Microcapsules Vaginal Suppository;新型阴道用栓剂—替硝唑复合微囊栓剂研究
4.Effects of Bacillus subtilis capsule on immune function and anti-disease ability of Chinese mitten crab枯草芽孢杆菌微胶囊制剂对中华绒螯蟹免疫机能及抗病力的影响
5.Effect of Fufang Xueshuantong capsule on traumatic hyphema复方血栓通胶囊治疗外伤性前房积血
6.Objective: To investigate the clinical efficacy of anti-thrombus and thrombolytic capsule in the treatment of ultraearly cerebral embolism.目的:观察抗栓溶栓胶囊治疗超早期脑栓塞的临床疗效。
7.A kind of wafer capsule formerly used by pharmacists for presenting an unpleasant-tasting drug.胶囊,扁胶剂一种胶质囊,药剂师用来存放难闻的药
8.Preparation and Performance Properties of Microencapsulated Slow Release Gel Breaker MEB-1微胶囊缓释破胶剂MEB-1的制备及性能
9.Determination of Tetrahydropalmatine in Gout Capsule by HPLCHPLC测定痛风胶囊中延胡索乙素的含量
10.The Effects of Acute Cerebral Thromboembolism in Rats on Phospholipids and the Influence of Buchang Naoxintong Capsule on It;步长脑心通胶囊对脑血栓栓塞大鼠血浆磷脂水平的影响
11.Clinical Research on Treatment of Atherothrombotic Brain Infarction with Kangshuancapsule抗栓胶囊治疗动脉粥样硬化性血栓性脑梗死的临床研究
12.Inhibitory Effect of Qushuanling Capsule on the Function of Platelet Aggregation in Animals祛栓灵胶囊抑制动物血小板聚集功能的研究
13.Effects of Tianma Xingnao capsule on thrombosis and coagulation system天麻醒脑胶囊的溶栓作用及对凝血系统的影响
14.The Study on the Prescription of Soft Gelatin Capsule Shells and Preparation Process Parameter;软胶囊剂的胶皮处方和制剂工艺参数研究
15.Preparation of Microcapsules of Bacillus Subtilis and B. Cereus and Effects on Immunological Function of Chinese Mitten Crab Eriocheir Sinensis两种芽孢杆菌微胶囊制剂的研制及其对中华绒螯蟹免疫功能的影响
16.Study on Embolization of Renal Arterial of Rabbits with Fibrin Sealant and Gelatin;生物蛋白胶与明胶海绵栓塞剂的实验研究
17.The Effect of Yue-hua Capsule on Weight Index of Important Visceral Organs of Rats With Tuberculosis月华胶囊对结核小鼠脏器指数的影响
18.Research Progress on Macromolecular Wall Materials Used for Pesticide Microcap sule农药微胶囊剂用高分子囊材的研究进展

Yanhua Capsule延华胶囊
1.Objective To observe the therapeutic effect of Yanhua Capsule on recurrent candidal vaginitis of gravida.目的:观察延华胶囊用于孕妇复发性念珠茼性阴道炎的疗效。
3)Encapsulated Delayed Release Breaker胶囊延迟破胶剂
4)Anti-plug capsula消栓胶囊
1.Effcet of Rongshuanjiaonang on Fibrinolysis Coagulation System in High Altitude Polycythemia Patients;溶栓胶囊对高原红细胞增多症凝血纤溶系统的影响
6)Kangshuan capsule抗栓胶囊
1.Objective:By observing Kangshuan capsule\'s clinical application for treatment on the Atherothrombotic brain infarction,we verified the effect of Kangshuan capsule in clinical and explored its mechanism of treatment on Atherothrombotic brain infarction,furthermore,the evidence for clinical popularization of the therapy can be provided.目的:对抗栓胶囊治疗动脉粥样硬化性血栓性脑梗死患者的临床研究,验证其临床疗效,探讨该药的作用机理,并为该药在临床推广应用提供依据。

延枳丹胶囊药物名称:延枳丹胶囊汉语拼音:Yanzhidan Jiaonang主要成分:延胡索、瓜蒌、薤白、丹参等。性状:胶囊剂,内容物为棕黄色粉末;味苦。药理作用:结扎冠状动脉狗心肌缺血试验提示,本品可减少心电图ST段升高总和及减少ST段升高导联数。功能与主治:宣痹豁痰,活血通脉。用于痰浊壅滞挟瘀引起的冠心病、心绞痛,症见胸闷、胸痛气短、肢体沉重,形体肥胖、痰多、舌质紫暗、苔浊腻、脉弦滑。用法与用量:口服。一日3次,每次4粒。不良反应:个别病人服药后出现胃部不适,改为饭后服药,胃部不适可消失,不影响继续治疗。禁忌症:孕妇禁服。注意事项:规格:每粒装0.5g。贮藏:密闭,防潮。有效期:暂定1.5年。处方药:是