着床窗期,implantation window
1)implantation window着床窗期
1.Investigation of endometrial receptivity in the implantation window of the unexplained infertile women.不明原因不孕患者着床窗期子宫内膜容受性分析

1.Investigation of endometrial receptivity in the implantation window of the unexplained infertile women.不明原因不孕患者着床窗期子宫内膜容受性分析
2.Study on the Hysteroscopic Endometrial Appearances and the Expression of Sex-Hormone Receptor at the Implantation Window着床窗期宫腔镜下子宫内膜形态与性激素及其受体表达的研究
3.Study on the Expression of the Muc1 and TGF-β1 in the Endometrium and the Relationship between E_2/P and MUC1/TGF-β1 in Implantatation Window;MUC1和TGF-β1在子宫内膜的表达及其在着床窗期与雌、孕激素相关性的研究
4.Study on endometrial morphologic changes,sex hormone and sex hormone receptors at the implantation window of the unexplained infertile women.不明原因不孕患者着床窗期子宫内膜形态结构与性激素及其受体表达
5.The expression of Insulin-like growth factor II in the window of implantation in unexplained infertile woman;不明原因不孕患者胚胎着床窗口期子宫内膜胰岛素样生长因子-Ⅱ的表达
6.First the curtains caught on fire and then bedclothes.首先窗帘着火了,之后床单也跟着燃烧起来。
7.He moved a little from the window and stood looking down at her from the foot of the bed.他从窗口移过几步,站在床脚边上俯首看着她。
8.and, I thought, I rose and endeavoured to unhasp the casement.我觉得我起了床,并且试着去打开那窗子。
9.Expression and Effect of Transforming Growth Factor-βⅠ and Its Receptors in Endometrium of Implantation Window;TGFβⅠ及受体在子宫内膜着床窗的表达及作用
10.His bed was next to the window. But the other man had to spend all his time flat on his back.他的床正好靠着窗户,可是另一个人却只能整天地平躺着。
11.He lay between crisp sheets in his bed beneath two windows silky with daylight.在两扇透着柔和日光的窗棂下,他紧紧地裹着被子躺在床上。
12.He whispered, his arms folded on the side of my bed-place, staring through the open port.他低声说,拢着双臂靠在我床边,眼睛直瞪瞪地从开着的舷窗向外看。
13.The windows were draped with costly hangings.窗上全挂着贵重的窗帘。
14.A glazed door opened on the garden; opposite this was the bed,--a hospital bed of iron, with a canopy of green serge;一扇窗门朝着园子,对面是床棗一张医院用的病床,铁的,带着绿哔叽帷子。
15.When I was a child, after bedtime I would often get out of my bed in my pajamas, go to the window and stare at the stars.小时候,我常常在入睡前裹着睡衣溜下床,来到窗前凝视满天星斗。
16.Clinical Study of Maxillary Sinus Lift with Bone Graft and Internal Sinus Floor Elevation and Simultaneous Placement of Implants开窗植骨与闭合冲压上颌窦底提升同期种植的临床研究
17.Clinical Study of Early Postoperative Rehabilitation of Lumbar Intervertebral Disc Protrusion;腰椎间盘突出症开窗术后早期康复治疗的临床研究
18.Short-term Curative Effect of Expand Fenestration in Treating Lumber Spinal Stenosis扩大开窗术治疗腰椎管狭窄症的近期临床疗效观察

Window of implantation胚胎着床窗口期
3)Implantation window着床窗
1.To know the reliability of predicting implantation window by testing urine LH.目的:观察排卵正常的妇女子宫内膜接受性标志物—胞饮突的形成情况;研究胞饮突的发育与雌、孕激素及其受体的关系;验证尿LH(luteinizing hormone,LH)用于预测着床窗时间的可靠性。
1.Dissection of Peri-implantation Mouse Endometrium;完整分离围着床期小鼠子宫内膜方法的建立
2.Objective: To investigate the expression of leptin in mouse uteri during peri-implantation process of embryos.目的:探讨瘦素在围着床期小鼠子宫组织中的表达规律。
3.The results showed that:① Immunoactive AngⅡ was mainly distributed at luminal and glandular epithelium in rat uterus during estrus cycle, and its density was highest at proestrus, while lowest at diestrus; ② Positive staining AngⅡ, AngⅡ typeⅠreceptor (AT1R) and AngⅡ typeⅡ receptor(AT2R) were localized in luminal and glandular epithelium during peri-implantation, their density .②围着床期大鼠子宫中存在AngⅡ、AngⅡtypeⅠreceptor(AT1R)和AngⅡtypeⅡreceptor(AT2R),亦主要定位于腺上皮和腔上皮,其染色强度随妊娠延长而增加。
1.TGF β1and progesterone modulate the affairs taking place in micro-environment during implantation,which is important to maintain pregnancy.本文就转化生长因子β1(TGFβ1)和孕酮对着床期子宫内膜的调节作用进行综述。
1.Objective: To investigate the regulation of estradiol(E 2) and progesterone(P 4) on gelatinases in periimplantation.目的 :了解雌、孕激素对围着床期小鼠子宫内膜明胶酶表达的影响。

胚胎着床胚胎着床  卵受精后6天后在宫腔内形成囊胚从透明带中孵出,向子宫内膜靠近,以滋养层细胞面定位向内膜(apposition),并粘着而侵入内膜(penetration),并融合(fusion)。以后胚胎在内膜中发育成长,着床的成功,依靠胚胎的质量及子宫内膜的发育情况,目前认为着床期的“窗口”可有3~4天。