1.How to choose,use and compile teaching materials for higher vocational schools;合理“选”、“”、“编”高职教材的分析
2.Truth" and "use" have always been two indispensable dimensions in scientific research."真"与""是科学研究中不可或缺的两个重要维度,通过对高等教育管理的研究状况和高等教育管理学的发展历程进行理性的回顾与反思发现,以往的研究中存在着"真"与""疏离的现象,而恪守求"真"与求""并举的科学精神,是发展和完善我国高等教育管理学的必然选择。

1.A sword, a horse, a shield.剑,马,盾。
2.improve a use for改进对…的使/利/应
3.To use or apply wrongly.误错误使或应
4.To put into service or apply for a purpose; employ.,使使或为某一目的使;使,利
5.No, no. Please, go ahead.不 ,不。你走吧。
6.a requisition form, order, etc徵单、 徵令.
7.to employ ... exchange rate...计价,采汇率
8.use factor利系数, 利
9.Tips for Netscape usersNetscape 户使须知
10.(cause sth to) become thin,damaged,weak,etc by constant use(使某物)薄、细、坏或旧等
11."Depend"construed with"on".depend与on连
12.Particular Charges特别费单独费特别费特别费
13.Disable cookies禁 cookie
14.We must use the computer when its usage is required, but it is best that we do not turn to it when it is not necessary to do so.该电脑时必须,不必时最好不
15.The sword that reaches him has no effect, nor does the spear or the dart or the javelin.人若刀,枪,标枪,尖枪扎它,都是无
16.The sword of him that layeth at him cannot hold: the spear, the dart, nor the habergeon.人若刀,枪,标枪,尖枪扎他,都是无
17.Employing to suspect,but also use the suspect; Laity both ; Deadhead not; Different people must use.人要疑,疑人要;俗人可可不;庸人不可;异人要大
18.a versatile drill, truck, etc万钻、 多途卡车.

1.The comparison between Chinese preposition "yong" and English preposition "with";汉语介词“”与英语介词“with”比较
2."Yng,Zheng,Ruo and yong" are characters in the line statements on oracle bone inscriptions found in Hua Dong.花东甲骨中的繇辞主要有永、正、若、等,它们或为单字,单独使,或为多字联合使
4)applied wind and water用风用水
1.Explained the problem of applied wind and water management in mine excavating process, proposed some improving measures put forward and remarkable economic benefits obtained.分析了某铜矿采掘工序在水管理上存在的问题,提出了相应的整改措施,通过分步实施,取得了明显的效益。
5)catalitic action催用作用
6)Valuable usefulness有用之用
