
1.morally rigorous and strict.道德上严厉或者严谨
2.the rigorous methods of science严密 [严谨] 的科学方法
3.Preciseness,Preciseness,More Preciseness! --About many misusages from a textbook of a well-known university;严谨,严谨,再严谨些!——从一本名校教材的多处失误谈起
4.a strict vegetarian.一个严谨的素食主义者
5.You're a Very Accurate Translator!您是个非常严谨的翻译!
6.He kept his promise with religious care.他严谨地遵守他的诺言。
7.a carefully worded reminder措辞严谨的催促通知
8.Simple, restrained and harmonious in style风格朴实、严谨及和谐的
9.The story is very well organized.这个故事结构严谨
10.The painting has complicated scenes with rigorous structures.全图规模宏大,结构严谨
11.The verses scan well.这些诗句韵律严谨.
12.We have much to learn from his meticulous scholarship.他治学严谨,值得效法。
13.He is noted for his meticulous scholarship.他以治学严谨著称。
14.Some writing has the precision of a steel engraving.有的字体严谨如同钢刻。
15.The scholar is an exact thinker.这位学者思维严谨
16.Protection of well doing sterilization and supply-sciences,rigor and strict科学、严谨、严格搞好消毒供应保障
17.blue laws; the puritan work ethic; puritanic distaste for alcohol; she was anything but puritanical in her behavior.严格的法律;严谨的职业道德;对酒的严格禁止;她的行为决不是严谨的。
18.of a stern or strict bearing or demeanor; forbidding in aspect.指严格或者严谨的行为举止;样子令人生畏。

1.The Stringent Design & The Free Expense——The modular design research on furniture;严谨的设计 自由的消费——论家具的模块化设计研究
1.This thesis treats of the specific requirements concerning it in three aspects,namely,rigorousness,effective expression and style to show the hardships involved in this profession.本文从严谨,修辞,风格三个方面论述这一标准的具体要求,表现出这项工作的艰辛和困难。
4)rigorous decision严谨决策
1.However,there still exist some problems as far as the exactness,compatibility and rationality are concerned.经过研究发现,2007年开始实施的中国注册会计师执业准则虽然在内容上有所更新,在质量上也有所提升,但在严谨性、协调性以及合理性等方面却存在着一定的问题,这些问题在一定程度上已经影响到了准则的科学性,对这些问题进行讨论有助于以后执业准则的修改完善。
2.Intruduced some ways to train students to improve exactness in resolving mathmetics problems.通过解例题引导学生在解题中 ,重视特例 ,注意范围 ,考虑周严 ,以提高学生解题的严谨
6)Careful and precise arrangement布局严谨
