1.This paper researches IPv6 basic header,and from the angle of network security,analyzes and discusses the fields which can be used to explore covert channel,presents two kinds covert channel creating methods.研究IPv6基本报头,从网络安全的角度出发,对其中可被用于隐蔽通道载体的字段及其隐蔽通道构建方法进行分析和探讨,在此基础上提出2类构建方法。

1.The Research and Implementation of Header Compression for 6LoWPAN;6LoWPAN报头压缩研究与实现
2.IPv6 also includes improved packet headers, which are quite different from IPv4's packet headers.IPv6还包含了改进的包报头,它与IPv4的包报头差别很大。
3.the act of informing by verbal report.口头提供情报的行为。
4.His paper would then engross his thoughts.然后,他就会埋头看报了。
5.report heading group presentation rule报表头部栏表示规则
6.May I give you an oral declaration?我可以做口头报关吗?
7.a petty desire to have her revenge她想要报复的狭隘念头
8.Journal of Shantou University Medical College汕头大学医学院学报
9.He sweated over his written reports.他埋头撰写书面报告。
10.The story is splashed across the front page of the newspaper.这篇报道刊登在报纸头版显著位置。
11.The paper splashed the story on page one.报纸在头版报道了这件事。
12.Masthead: Any design or logotype of a newspaper's name on the front page. Also called Flag in the US.版头:报纸面版上的报名徽号或设计.
13.The newspaper splashed the story on page one.那家报纸把这件事当头版新闻报导。
14.To place or report on the front page of a newspaper.把…刊登在头版放在报纸第一版或在第一版报道
15.People who buy headlines eventually end up selling new apers.那些相信报纸头条的人最终的命运就是卖报纸。
16.Changjiang Daily s Front-page Layout Innovations and Journalism Reforms of the Organs Newspaper;《长江日报》近期头版革新暨党报新闻改革研究
17.He rolled his trousers up t make a pillow, putting the newspaper inside them.他把长裤卷起来当枕头,把那张报纸塞在里头。
18.The incident made(or hit)headlines in the next day's press这一事件成了次日各报的头版头条新闻

3)Master head报头;报名
4)master headn.报头;报名
6)telegraph terminal电报头
1.The paper introduces the transformation of DK7720B WEDM machine with telegraph terminal interface,realizing the communication between WEDM CNC system and the computer with CAXA software,so as to make full use of the merits of CAXA software and accomplish the upgrading of old equipments.本文介绍一种利用电报头接口改造旧电火花线切割机床,通过CAXA软件实现线切割数控系统与计算机的通信,充分发挥CAXA绘图式自动编程软件的优点,实现旧设备的升级改造。
