1.The Olympic emblem is the most authoritarian subject symbol to promote the Olympic Games.会徽是宣传奥运会最有权威性的形象标志。
2.The emblem design of2008Beijing Olym pi c Games is a design model and a new milestone in the history of the Olympic Game s.2008年北京奥运会会徽设计图案中使用了能够代表中国传统文化的印章形式,采用汉字与图形的同构组合,并且融入了龙的精神,浓缩了中华民族装饰艺术的精髓,是设计的典范,也将是奥运会历史上的一个新的里程

1.Small Emblem Big World--An Analysis of Modern Olympic Emblems;小会徽 大世界——析现代历届奥运会会徽
2.The emblem is a symbol of faith,会徽是信念的象征,
3.The Chinese character @Jing@ on the seal looks like a human figure在会徽上,中国汉字“京”
4.Can a guild get its own coat of arms and show it on clothes or weapons?工会可以有自己的会徽吗?会徽会显在衣服或是武器上吗?
5.On the reverse the official emblem of the Barcelona Games.奖牌背面是巴塞罗那奥运会会徽
6.Can players change the way their guild emblem will look?玩家可不可以改变工会会徽的外观?
7.The Expo emblem looks like three people holding hands.世博会会徽看起来像三个人手挽着手。
8.What is the emblem of the 2004 Athens Olympic Games?2004年雅典奥运会的会徽是什么?
9.Decode Summer Olympic Symbol s Visual Seamier Significant;解读夏季奥运会会徽的视觉符号意义
10.Research on Olympic Logos in Recent Three Editions of Olympic Games21世纪三届奥运会会徽的比较研究
11.Jeff: The color of the flag is white without brims. In its middle is the emblem of the Asian Olympic Committee.杰夫:会旗白色无边,中间是亚奥理事会的会徽
12.She pins the large button on him.她把那枚大会徽别在他的身上。
13.The emblem was specially designed.我们设计的会徽不同一般。
14.Annie: Could you introduce something about the emblem?安妮:介绍一下会徽,好不好?
15.follows the tradition of the design of the Olympic emblems.沿用了奥林匹克会徽设计的传统。
16.9. What is the emblem of Beijing's bid?9.北京申奥的会徽是什么组成?
17.Huizhou Documents and Huizhou Society--on the Value of Huizhou Documents;徽州文书与徽州社会——也谈徽州契约文书的价值意义
18.Disputes between the Huizhou Merchants and the Local Community in Their Business-running Regions in Qing Dynasty;清代徽商与经营地民众的纠纷——六安徽州会馆案

accounting logos会计徽标
1.With French sociologist Durkheim s theory of the religious sociology as an analytical frame,the paper investigates and analyzes the logos of thirty-five Institute of Certified Public Accountants,and draws the conclusion that accounting logos not only represent the identification of professional communities,but also symbols the value orientation of accounting professional communities.以法国社会学家涂尔干的社会学理论作为分析框架,通过对我国35个注册会计师职业群体徽标符号的统计调查,分析并揭示出会计徽标符号所表征的不只是会计职业群体的身份标识,会计徽标符号是会计职业群体价值取向的表征符号。
3)Huizhou community徽州社会
4)EXPO emblem世博会徽
5)emblem of Olympic Games奥运会会徽
1.The emblem of Olympic Games not only reflects international and popular artistic trend as the design of sign,but also represents developing direction of the design.奥运会会徽作为标志设计的一种,不仅体现着国际流行的艺术潮流,也代表着标志设计的发展方向。
6)the Hui-Ning Association徽宁同乡会

会徽会徽  11uihui会徽分为体育组织的会徽和运动会专用会徽。①体育组织会徽。中国大部分体育协会都有会徽。②运动会会徽。又称会标。大型运动会专门设计的主题标志。在综合运动会及大型单项体育赛事中使用。各届全国运动会都设计会徽。中国城运会会徽在第4届开始启用,中国少数民族传统体育运动会会徽在1986年第3届开始启用。