1.Chinese version of Future Orientation Questionnaire was administered to 1997 students respectively from 6 general senior high schools and 6 secondary vocational schools to explore the content and temporal extension of adolescents future-oriented goals and fears.以1995名普高生和中职生为被试,采用未来取向问卷(中文版),考察了普高生和中职生的个人未来目标和担忧的内容与时间广度。
2.The purpose of this study is to investigate and analyze middle school students fears of poor performance for important examinations in the United States and China.在调查和分析中国与美国14-15岁的中学生对重要考试的后果的担忧情况的基础上,比较了两国学生的担忧水平,考察了由于父母、教师、同学或自身的原因而导致的担忧,并分析了两个国家的学生在这些担忧上的性别差异。

1.An Irishman can be worried by the consciousness that there is nothing to worry about .爱尔兰人会因知道无事可担忧担忧
2.For crying out loud, don't worry about money all the time求求你,别老是为钱担忧!
3.Money borrowed is soon sorrowed.借钱才到手,立刻便担忧
4.She is because of worries and is afraid to shiver.她因担忧和害怕而发抖。
5.Don't let my illness concern you.不要为我的病担忧
6.He was anxious about the safety of his children.他为孩子们的安全担忧
7.Don't worry about my health.不要为我的身体担忧
8.We're all concerned for her safety.我们都为她的安全担忧.
9.There is no percentage in worrying about it.为此担忧无济于事。
10.We are anxious about [for] his safety.我们为他的安全担忧
11.She could hardly bother.她大可不必担忧了。
12.She feared for the lost child.她为丢失的孩子而担忧
13.He trembled for her safety.他为她的安全而担忧
14.She worried over her father's health.她为父亲的健康担忧
15.your fears have no basis in fact; how much of the story is fact and how much fiction is hard to tell.你的担忧没有事实依据。
16.FAO officials are also concerned因此,粮农组织官员担忧
17.Dreaded the long drive home.为回家的漫长旅途担忧
18.But you need have no anxiety on my account.但你不必为我担忧

1.Future goals and concerns,representations of the future,they are important for adolescats preparation to the future.目标和担忧是个体关于未来的心理表征,对个体日常指向未来的行为具有引导作用。
1.The Relationship among Metaworry,Emotional Expression and Friendliness of Undergraduates;大学生的元担忧、情感表达与友善的关系研究
2.The results show that:1)Field-Dependence/Independence(FD/FI) cognitive style has a negative correlation with the sense of time value and metaworry has a negative correlation with the sense of time efficacy.综合探讨时间管理倾向、认知方式、元担忧水平的相互关系,以及三因子对学业成绩的相对影响作用。
3.Questionnaire was used to examine 1152 middle school students about their metaworry and the relationship between their metaworry and test anxiety.使用元担忧问卷,对1152名中学生的元担忧及其与考试焦虑之间的关系进行了研究。
4)have something on one's mind; be on own's mind心里担忧
5)have some misgivings有些担忧
6)distress oneself担忧;悲痛
