1.Breaking the System Barriers to Promote a Speedy and orderly development of PEIs of Guangdong Province;打破体制壁垒 规范和促进广东民办教育快速有序发展
2.Training Analysis before Wanghailong Break National Records of 94kg-rank Snatch;王海龙打破94kg级抓举全国纪录前的训练分析
3.Unofficial History of t he Scholars Circle is a work which breaks the common structural patterns of em bedding rhythmical verses in "Bai Hua"novels.这样,《儒林外史》便彻底打破了白话小说融入诗词韵文的结构模式。

1.Break through the stereotypes破除陈规,打破旧框框
2.broken bowl flower (whole plant)打破碗花花(全株)
3.Broke the league's home-run record.打破联盟的本垒打纪录
4.she broke the record for the half-mile run.她在赛跑中打破了纪录。
5.Who broke the record for the long jump.是谁打破了跳远纪录。
6.He repeatedly broke the world record.他屡次打破过世界纪录。
7.They have broken production records.他们打破了生产纪录。
8.Laughter breaks the ice,笑声(能够)打破冷场,
9.The silence is succeded by the striking of a clock时钟鸣响声打破了寂静
10.The boy broke a cup.那孩子打破了一只茶杯。
11.A servant broke a cup.一仆人打破了一只茶杯,
12.How did you break it?“你是怎么打破茶杯的?”
13.The windows were smashed By the angry moB.窗户被愤怒的暴民打破
14.Broken cups lay here, there and everywhere, over the floor.打破的杯子满地都是。
15.was now prepared to Break silence and tell.准备打破沉默并讲出来
16.Someone or other has broken the teapot.不知是谁把茶壶打破了。
17.It was he who broke the windowpane.打破窗玻璃的人就是他。
18.break in the staves (of), as of a cask.打破棍子,关于水桶。

The act of breaking.打破打破的行为
3)overcome the obstacles打破瓶颈
4)breaking dormancy打破休眠
1.A comparison on methods for breaking dormancy of Zoysia japonica Steud. seeds;结缕草(Zoysia japonica Steud.)种子打破休眠方法的比较
2.The effects of changing temperatures within 25-15 ℃ and constant temperature of 20 ℃ on breaking dormancy of 23 peach cultivars were studied.研究了25~15℃变温与20℃恒温条件对23个桃品种打破休眠的影响。
3.In this study, the effect of reagent treatment on breaking dormancy and forcing flowering of lily was studied, using Lilium Asiatic Hybrid‘prato’as materials, the key results as follow:1.掌握百合鳞茎的休眠特性和快速打破休眠的方法,是百合种球采后处理的关键,也是成功地实现周年切花生产的关键。
1.Through the shell-broking test of extrusion and blow for different species of walnut,then contrast various indicators about the effect shell-broking,it come out that it is a better way using blow-breaking than that of extrusion method,that it makes more intact kernel.通过对不同品种的核桃进行挤压破壳和打击破壳的对比试验,得出了核桃不同破壳方式的破壳取仁效果数据,证明了打击方式破壳比挤压方式破壳能得到更高比例的高路仁;同时也证明了核桃品种对破壳效果也有较大的影响,与所得高路仁的比例密切相关。
6)dormancy breaking打破休眠
1.A series of methods and techniques were studied about shoot tip culture, bulb forming and dormancy breaking in vitro, scale cutting and commercial bulb production in Oriental Hybrid Lilium ( Sorboune 、 Acapulco and Siberia ).本文以东方百合(Lillum)‘索蚌(‘Sorboune’)、‘元帅’(‘Acapulco’)、‘西伯利亚’(‘siberia’)三个品种为材料,研究了东方百合的茎尖培养、试管成球、试管鳞茎打破休眠、鳞片扦插和优质商品种球生产配套技术和方法。
2.Effects of chemicals on dormancy breaking of wine grapecultivars under dry-hot climate in Southwestern China; 2001~2002年,在四川省攀枝花地区对霞多丽、佳美、梅尔诺和黑虎香4个葡萄品种休眠冬芽进行了化学药剂打破休眠的处理,并对萌芽率和提前萌发时间进行了调查。

打破1.使物体破坏﹑损伤。 2.谓击溃敌军。 3.指突破原有的例规﹑习惯﹑状况等。