1.As witch was intellectual,religious,political power and other powers of assemblies,and in the music can be regarded as the predecessor of future generations Le officials.在先周文化中占有重要的地位,其作为当时知识、宗教、政权等各种权力的集合体,表现在音乐方面应可视为后世乐官的前身。
2.Witch is far from modern life,but we cannot neglect the study of witch in the religious teaching.虽然远离现代生活,但是在宗教学的研究中却不能忽视对于的探讨。
3.The process includes witch, sex or beauty in Aesthetics.维纳斯的历程就是人体审美的历程 ,这一历程包涵着、性、美的不同程度的结合。

1.The practice of sorcery or witchcraft.术魔法或术的实行
2.A Native American shaman.医北美印第安人
3.Of or relating to wizards or wizardry.师的,术的师、术的或与其有关的
4.The Official Wizard includes the King of Chu State,Officer Wizard,the Song Wizard and Supernatural Wizard which are in palace;官方觋包括楚王、官和宫廷中的歌、神;
5.Wizard, Wuxi County, Wizard Culture, the Civilization of Chongqing and the Development of the Reservoir Area溪、文化、长江文明及库区开发
6.Relating to or characteristic of witchcraft.术的,施魔法的与术有关的或有术特征的
7.The Wizard in Chu State can be divided into Official Wizard and Folk Wizard.楚觋可以分为官方觋和民间觋两种。
8.Pull me up, old witch!“拉我上去,老
9.The next day, the witch is even hungrier.隔天,婆更饿了,
10.She must be a witch.她一定是个女。”
11.This is Mr. Wu in Room 415.我在415房间,姓
12.Are you a good witch or a bad witch?你是个好婆,还是个坏婆?
13.The wizard put the princess under a spell, and she fell asleep for ten years.这师使公主中了术,沉睡了十年。
14.An assembly of13 witches.女团由13个女组成的聚合
15.The witch put the princess under a spell, and she fell asleep for ten years.这女使公主中了术,沉睡了十年。
16.The Shaman's Work on Architecture,as Seen on the Shang Dynasty Oracle Bones甲骨卜辞所见之者的建筑术活动
17.Harassed by or as if by a witch.受女折磨的受女折磨的或好象受女折磨的
18.A Mistake in Research of Sorcery: On Frazer s Theory of Sorcery Era and Sorcery Research in China;术研究的一个误区——弗雷泽“术时代论”与中国的术研究

1.By analyzing the meanings of jade, wizard and god, the article explored the each influence of jade, wizard and god drove the development of the prehistoric society.本文通过对玉、、神的内涵分析,探索玉、、神的互动以推动史前社会的发展。
2.Wizard is the ruler of the original tribe culture and the fountainhead of the wizard wield activities.是原始部落文化的执掌者 ,的祭祀活动是艺术的源头。
1.The close link between Jingchu witchcraft,Taoist and Taoism dates back to a unique natural and human environment of the area.楚、道家、道教之间有着深厚的历史关联,荆楚独特的自然、人文环境是孕育三者的天然母体。
2.Pang Pu first probed into the relation of the three words witchcraft,nonexistence and dance,which come from the same witchcraft culture,with one as subject,one as object,and another as means.通过考察我们发现,原来庞朴先生早就谈到、無、舞三字来源于同一项风文化活动,其中“”作为主体、“無”作为对象、“舞”作为手段。
1.It is found in the analysis that Qu Yuan,as a name,contains two cultural memes:sorcery and sacred,which presets the course of his mind,as well as his value and aesthetics.通过对屈原命名礼的分析,清晰见出屈原名字的综合内涵存有""与"圣"两种文化因子。
2.The emergence of the nude (as an art form) in the Primitive Age was represented by the unification of sorcery, sex and beauty.人体形象在原始社会一问世 ,就表现为、性、美的价值统一。
1.The Curation Effect of Psychotherapy in Mental Disorders duo to Witchcraft.;心理干预治疗术所致精神障碍疗效观察
2.The Witchcraft of "Praying for Rain with Dragon" in Ancient China;中国古代“以龙求雨”
3.Study of Meidao of Love Witchcraft in Han Dynasty;论汉代的致爱术——媚道

巫巫 巫   指用画符、念咒、祈祷等迷信方法作为治病手段的人。巫在殷商前就已经出现,由于生产水平的限制,人们遂有鬼神致病等迷信思想产生,是巫产生的历史根源。西周时期医、巫、祝已经分业。《周礼·春官》载:“司巫掌群巫之政令。”尽管这样,医与巫的斗争两千多年来一直存在。同时,巫在春秋战国后一直未取得统治地位,现基本上消灭。