1.Whenever we talk about western rhetoric,we always like to compare it with the Chinese rhetoric.修辞术是西方的一门古老学问,而且是西方文化传统中一个重要的组成部分。

1.2, Summarize the researches of Aristotle in“rhetoric art”;2、概述亚里士多德在修辞术方面的研究;
2.Rhetoric Art of the Ancient Poem and Middle School Student s Poem Rhetoric Are Studied and Visited for the First Time;古代诗歌修辞艺术与中学生诗歌修辞学习初探
3.The Latest Developments of the Chinese Rhetoric;汉语修辞学的新发展──中国修辞学会2000年国际学术研讨会综述
4.On Terminology Translation of Aristotle s Rhetoric;亚里士多德《修辞学》术语翻译研究
5.Two Landmarks of the Rhetoric Art in a Dream of Red Mansion;《红楼梦》语言修辞艺术的两座巅峰
6.On Artistic Characteristics of Figures in Ancient Poetry in Terms of Rhetoric;从修辞价值看古诗“数字”的艺术特征
7.On the Rhetoric and the Character of Times in Comment on Stock;试论股评信息的修辞艺术与时代气息
8.On Qiang Zhongshu s "Synaesthesie" and Its Artistic Features;钱锺书《通感》与Synaesthesie艺术修辞特色研究
9.“Polysemant” Phenomenon in Chinese and Its Rhetorical Functions;汉语中的“一形多义”现象及其修辞艺术
10.On Two Rhetoric Art of Zhang Yimou s Film Creation;试论张艺谋电影创作的两种修辞艺术
11.The Ambiguity In English And Its Rhetoric Effect;英语语言中的歧义现象及其修辞艺术
12.The rhetoric art and the aesthetic implication of the two-part allegorical sayings in Chuxiong;楚雄歇后语的修辞艺术及其审美意蕴
13.A Rhetorical Perspective on the Differences between the Western and the Chinese Traditional Art of Letter Writing中西方传统书信艺术差异之修辞分析
14.On the Stylistic Feature and Rhetorical Art of Cell-phone Short Messages in English手机英文短信的语体特征与修辞艺术
16.Only Good Rhetoric Making Good Art--On Rhetoric Language of Contemporary Chinese Conceptual Art;有好的措辞,才有好的艺术——当代中国观念艺术的修辞语言论
17.Study on the Rhetorical Use of Punctuations and Symbols in Works of Lu Xun;鲁迅作品中的标点和符号修辞艺术研究
18.The Macrostructure and Rhetorical Structures of Research Articles in Linguistics;语言学语域学术论文的宏观结构和修辞模式

rhetorical art修辞艺术
1.On the Phonetic Feathures and the Rhetorical art of Guan Ju;《关雎》的语音和词语修辞艺术
2.The original monograph researches on rhetorical art from the point view of short message language.傅远碧副教授的专著《短信语言修辞艺术研究》专从修辞艺术的角度研究短信语言,在短信论著中属于拓荒之作。
3)Rhetoric art修辞艺术
1.Rich Content in Mobile Phone Brief Message——An Analysis of the rhetoric art of mobile phone brief message;小小“短信”乾坤大——手机短信修辞艺术分析
2.The present thesis,from the aspects of the pronunciation rhetoric,the vocabulary rhetoric,the figure of speech utilization,discussed the Zhao sketch language rhetoric art,analyzed its language rhetoric art where the Zhao sketch true charm lies.语言修辞艺术是赵氏小品的真正魅力所在,从语音修辞,语汇修辞,修辞格的运用三个层面探讨了赵氏小品的语言修辞艺术。
3.Mentioning the rhetoric art,we currently can still learn a lot from it.具体到修辞艺术而言,其独具特色的比喻艺术,自然浑成的对偶和整句与散句相结合的技法,于今很有研究价值。
1.There are some rhetoric arts in Zhao Shuli s novels:conventioinality and variance of the words application,a plenty of sentence of short sentence and spoken language,some kind of rhetoric and so on.赵树理小说的修辞艺术主要有以下几点:词语运用的常规与变异的结合,短句、口语句式的大量运用并有整散的交错美,以及多种多样修辞格的运用。
2.Furthermore, “polysemant” phenomenon provides a good means for rhetoric.不少精彩的修辞艺术 ,就是由汉语的“一形多义”现象的巧妙运用而创造出来的。
5)rhetorical arts修辞艺术
6)the artistic figures of speech艺术修辞
1.In this paper,the mode of the langue expression and the different aesthetic characteristics,which result in the difference of the normal figures of speech and the artistic figures of speech,are analyzed and compare文章着重从语言美学的视角 ,对二者由于语言表达方式、常规修辞与艺术修辞等话语方式的不同而呈现出的不同的审美特征进行比较性分析。

术术1.兴盛貌。 2.宽广貌。