1.In Chinese painting,the inscription of the name and poems is a unique in merging calligraphy into the Chinese traditional painting, making it a combination of poetry,calligraphy,painting and seals so as to complement the theme and conception of the painting.中国绘画中的题款不仅在绘画作品中融进了书法艺术,使诗、书、画、印相结合,而且有助于补充和深化绘画的主题和意境,是画家借以表达感情、抒发个性、增强绘画艺术感染力的重要表现手段。
2.This article does a case study of the inscriptions and seal marks,the integral parts for the layout in Chinese calligraphy and paintings.中国画把题款、印章作为画面布局中不可分割的一部分。
3.The image of calligraphy for inscription must harmonize with that of a tableau.题款书法的意境,必须与画面的意境相协调;题款书法的线条的节奏、质感必须与画面中的线条的节奏、质感相呼应、和谐,本文认为这与书画用笔同法、书法入画的中国传统绘画理论、实践有密切的关系,其中书法入画理论是关键因素。
2)problem fund on account问题帐款
3)donation problems捐款问题
4)inscriptional calligraphy题款书法
1.The picturesque conception of inscriptional calligraphy refers to the following:it can strengthen the painting vigor;it blends with the painting:it can make up flaws of the painting;it can illuminate drawing t.题款书法有其自身的诗性品质 ,即诗情 ,主要表现为 :一、诗性文字创造的意境 ,二、线条墨象的空间造型 ,三、诗情与画境的相融相发。

1.Harmony between Inscription Calligrphy and Artistic Conception in Chinese Painting论中国画题款书法与画面意境的和谐
2.Notice of Lodgement of Money in Court向法庭交存款项通知书
3.The Legal Issue Relating to Fine Rules in the Library Regulations--Discussing with Mr. Hu Dongyang;图书馆规章中有关“罚款”规定的法律问题——与胡东阳先生商榷
4.it must not express that the drawee will perform his promise by any other means than the payment of money.不得书明付款人将用付款以外之方法履行承诺。
5.Analysis of Legal Theory on Overdue Fine System in the Library图书馆“超期罚款”行为的合法性探析
6.Sha MengHai s Calligraphy Thoughts and Chinese New Learning in the Early 20th Century;试论《书画书录解题》一书的书法文献辨伪
7.Study on the Legitimacy of Section 337 of the Tariff Act of the US;美国关税法337条款合法性问题研究
8.A probe into the basic legal issues of standard terms: a commercial perspective of the Contract Law of PRC;格式条款的基本法律问题——从商法视角看《合同法》格式条款立法
9.It can be used to write inscriptions on paper or inscribe wooden plaques or stone tablets.书法还可以用于题辞、书写牌匾,
10.guaranty of collection收款担保, 收款保证书
11.endorsement to pay "payee only"“凭收款人亲收”付款背书
12.Statement of Account [downpayment loan]供款结算书〔首期贷款〕
13.The regulations of the format of lines vary by the style of calligraphy.在不同的书法作品中, 行款的规矩是不同的。
14.Discussion on Legal Basis for Penalty System in University Library;关于高校图书馆罚款制度法律依据的探讨
15.Essential Analysis about Establishing “Library Statutory Permission";设立“图书馆法定许可”条款的必要性分析
16.On the Inheritance of Traditional Calligraphic Technique from the Perspective of Wang s Calligraphy;由王系书法的发展看书法传统笔法的继承问题
17.The tribunal discus the question of redundancy payment.法庭讨论了对解雇人员的付款问题。
18.Article 15 of the constitution deals with this problem.宪法的第十五条款谈此问题。

problem fund on account问题帐款
3)donation problems捐款问题
4)inscriptional calligraphy题款书法
1.The picturesque conception of inscriptional calligraphy refers to the following:it can strengthen the painting vigor;it blends with the painting:it can make up flaws of the painting;it can illuminate drawing t.题款书法有其自身的诗性品质 ,即诗情 ,主要表现为 :一、诗性文字创造的意境 ,二、线条墨象的空间造型 ,三、诗情与画境的相融相发。
5)Problem loan问题贷款
6)Reparations problem赔款问题

题款题款  又称“题识”、“款式”。中国画题跋的几种形式。凡人物、山水、花鸟等绘画作品画面布置变化极为多端。满的构图,只能题一姓名,或钤一方图章,已经足够,这种款式,叫“穷款”。很空的构图,须题长篇大论以补充画面的空虚,叫“长款”。构图上多处错杂的空虚,须题二处,或二处以上的,叫“多处款”。一幅画,除诗跋等处,仅题作者姓名的,叫“单款”。画面除作者姓名外,题有这幅画所有者字、号,以表示为某人所持有。如“某某先生雅风”,此先生名字题在作者上面,叫“单款”。因此作者姓名又叫“下款”。上下两款合起来叫“双款”。