1.The Research on the Decoration Features Development of Fish-pattern on Chinese Ancient Ceramics;中国古代陶瓷鱼纹装饰特征演变研究
2.This article analyzes and studies the features of fish-pattern decoration on ceramics during the Dynasties of Xia,Shang,Zhou,Qin and Han,from several aspects such as the Implication,the skills and the form including the composition,the shape,the combination and so on.文章从鱼纹装饰的涵义、技法、形式(包括构图方式、鱼纹形态、组合形式)等几个主要的方面,分析和研究了夏商用秦汉时期陶瓷器上鱼纹装饰的特征。
3.The period of Wei,Jin,Sui and Tang, is a special time for the development of the fish-pattern decoration on the ancient Chinese ceramics.魏晋南北朝和隋唐时期是中国古代陶瓷鱼纹装饰比较特殊的发展阶段,该阶段鱼纹由陶器装饰为主,逐步转向以瓷器装饰为主。

1.The Research on the Decoration Features Development of Fish-pattern on Chinese Ancient Ceramics;中国古代陶瓷鱼纹装饰特征演变研究
2.The Seek of the Symbolism of Fish-like decoration about the Primitive painted pottery in China;中国原始彩陶鱼纹装饰象征寓意探讨
3.On a painted pottery basin from Banpo Village, for instance, we see the design of a human face with a fish's body.半坡的彩陶盆上还有一种人面鱼纹图形,把人面和鱼形纹样结合在一起,
4.mary janes of alligator-grained leather鳄鱼皮纹理状低面鞋
5.Any of various marine fishes of the family Serranidae, such as the sea bass and the striped bass.鲈鱼一种鳍科的海生鱼,例如海鲈鱼和条纹石?
6.On the artificial propagation technique and survival activity of early larva of Tridentiger trigonocephalus纹缟虾虎鱼人工繁殖技术与早期仔鱼生存活力
7.silvery-bodied with dark markings and tiny barbels.有暗斑纹和细触须的银白色鱼。
8.(heraldry) applied to a fish depicted horizontally.(纹章学)用在鱼身上来描述平游的特点。
9.alligator-grained plastic satchel bag鳄鱼皮纹理状书包式塑胶袋
10.North American freshwater bass resembling the larger marine striped bass.北美洲淡水鲈鱼,外形象大的条纹石瓰。
11.Study on LDH Isoenzymes in Epinephelus chlorostigma (Cuvier et Valenciennes)网纹石斑鱼乳酸脱氢酶同工酶的研究
12.A New Species of View and Admire Fishes from Kunming-Yunnanilus tigerivinus ,sp.nov昆明观赏鱼类一新种——虎纹云南鳅
13.Studies on Characteristics and Fingerprint of Ultra-fine of Houttuynia Cordata Thunb Powder;鱼腥草超微粉特性及其指纹图谱研究
14.Studies on Chemical Constituents and Fingerprint Analysis of Houttuynia Cordata;鱼腥草化学成份及其指纹图谱的研究
15.Stady on HPLC Fingerprint of Flavonoids from Houttuynia cordata by Comparing with Fingerprint Reference鱼腥草黄酮类成分HPLC指纹对照法研究
16.GC Fingerprint of Essential Oil from Houttuynia cordata Thunb. by Comparing with Fingerprint Reference鱼腥草药材挥发油的指纹对照法研究
17.Establishment of DNA fingerprinting of tilapia with microsatellite罗非鱼微卫星DNA指纹图谱的构建
18.Writings from the17 th century record that boats were often surrounded by huge schools of cod, salmon, striped bass and sturgeon.根据17世纪的文史资料记载,船只周遭总是围绕著大群的鳕鱼、鱼、纹鲈鱼与鲟鱼。

fish patterns鱼纹
1.The fish patterns on the figure bricks of Han dynasty in Nanyang city, originating from Yangshao culture, and assimilating the style of bronze patterns, developed its own artistic styles of Han dynasty.南阳汉画像砖鱼纹饰,渊源于纯朴自然的仰韶文化彩陶纹饰并摆脱其稚拙的形象特征,挣脱了沉重威严的青铜纹饰风格的羁绊并吸取其强健有力的用线手法,发展成富有蓬勃进取精神的汉代艺术风格。
3)"Bird Peck Fish" lines"鸟啄鱼"纹
4)fish line decoration鱼纹饰
1.Chinese people are quite familiar to fish line decorations.鱼纹饰是我国传统造型艺术中喜闻乐见的一种纹饰,经过漫长的社会演化,形成了我国民间独特的鱼文化。
5)Decoration of Fish pattern鱼纹装饰
6)the fish emblazonment鱼形纹饰
1.In the history of emblematic emblazonment of China, when it comes to certain subject that develops for a lasting time, contains a plentiful content and takes a strong emblem, it is only the fish emblazonment.鱼形纹饰充满了原创生机,在我国的装饰纹样史中,论及某一题材延续性之长,寓意内容之多,装饰性之强,莫过于鱼形纹饰了。

鱼纹鱼纹  青铜器纹饰之一。商代的鱼纹,脊鳍和腹鳍各有两个,鱼的形象较为呆板。春秋战国时期的鱼纹,常见有一个脊鳍,鱼口多张开,形象生动。鱼纹多施于盘内。故宫博物院藏一件龟鱼蟠螭纹方盘,盘内鱼纹显示出鱼在水波中游动的状态。鱼纹也常见于汉代的铜洗和宋、元的铜镜上。