民俗事象,Folk Customs
1)Folk Customs民俗事象
1.The complicated and changeable weather conditions exert important influence on the formation, development, change, and spread of the folk customs in China, and meanwhile are the natural geographical basis on which rests the diversity of the resources of the Chinese folk customs. 我国不同地区的水热条件组合形成了我国基本的气候类型,复杂多变的气候条件,对我国各种民俗事象的形成、发展、演变和传播产生着重要的影响,同时也是我国民俗资源多样性的自然地理基础。
2.There exist a lot of folk customs in the spoken language of the Yuan opera,such as dresses,adornments,diet,residence,weddings,funerals,games and seasons,which can be easily seen from the aspects of spoken language,and in turn,show the abundant and fresh cultural connotations in the Yuan opera.元杂剧宾白中存在着大量的民俗事象,从散白和韵白两个方面来观照可以更加清晰地看到这一点,诸如衣食住行、婚丧嫁娶、游戏节令等,这也从另一个侧面反映出了元杂剧丰富多采而又鲜活的文化底蕴。

1.Folklore of Changle Story and its Cultural Implications;“长乐故事”之民俗事象及其文化意蕴
2.The Enlightenment of Folk Customs in the Prophylaxis and Treatment of SARS;防治“非典”中的民俗事象给我们的启示
3.On the Symbol in the Traditional Folk Phenomena of the Western China and its Aesthetic Connotation;西部传统民俗事象中的象征及其美学内涵
4.The dialect manifests the folklore in four ways:(1)Dialect unit indicates the folklore meter in broad outline;方言表现民俗的方式有四 :(1)方言单位概括指称民俗事象 ;
5.Mirror Customs and Witch-worshiping Psychology --On “Mirror” Customs in Youjiang River Basin in Guangxi;镜民俗与崇巫心理——广西右江流域“镜”民俗事象研究
6.On Evolution and Meaning of Qiqiao Folk Event;初探乞巧民俗事象的发展演变及其存在意义
7.A Deep Deduction about Life and Death--Try to Analyse the Folklore in the Story about Hulan River;生与死的沉重演绎——试析《呼兰河传》中的民俗事象
8.Comments on the Verbalization of Materials and the Unmarked Feature of Words in Folklore;民俗事象的实物词语化及词语的无标记性论析
9.The basic essential factor that folk custom accords with as well as the various symbol system that forms from this are the kernels that forms the matter of folk custom.民俗符号的基本要素以及由此组成的形式多样的符号系统是构成民俗事象的内核。
10.ON THE INFLUENCE OF CLIMATE FACTORS ON FOLK CUSTOMS;浅谈气候因素对民俗事象的影响——民俗与地理环境系列研究论文之三
11.The folkways of the Snake King Festival in Zhangzhou of North Fujian come from their cultural heritage of snake worship.闽北樟湖蛇王节的民俗事象 ,其文化内涵显示了蛇信仰的文化遗存。
12.Influence of Natural Geographic Environment on Folk Customs--Taking Yi Chuan County in Qian Long Period as An Example;试析自然地理环境对民俗事象的影响——以乾隆时期宜川县为例
13.Mask taboo is common among the public.禁忌是一种民俗事象 ,广泛存在于人们的生活中 ,面具禁忌便是其中之一。
14.The Fading of"Taboo Folklore": With Reference to the Folk Narrative Literature;禁忌民俗的式微——以民间叙事文学为考察对象
15.The Thinkings on Folklore and Mystery of the Novels by JIA Ping-wa--Taking Bai Ye as Example;对贾平凹小说的民俗及神秘事象的几点思考——以《白夜》为例
16.Is A Study With An Object on "Folk-custom" Folklore--Why Does Folklore Alienate "Modern Time";以“民俗”为研究对象即为民俗学吗——为什么民俗学疏离了“近代”
17.The Quest for the Selected Folk Stories of East Guizhou Province;《黔东民间故事选》的民俗学意义探微
18.On the Moves of Introducing Folk Habits into Civil Judicature论民事司法引入民俗习惯的几个举措

1.Folklore of Changle Story and its Cultural Implications;“长乐故事”之民俗事象及其文化意蕴
2.This paper,by analyzing and unstructuring some of the folklores,explains the everlasting cultural theme : to be or not to be.本文从文本入手,通过对其中几项民俗事象的分析解构,具体阐释出关于生与死这个永恒的文化主题。
3)folklore items民俗事象
4)folk custom民俗事象
1.<Abstrcat> Natural geographic environment has great influence on folk customs.自然地理环境因素对众多民俗事象产生重要的影响,以宜川民俗事象为例,其起源、发展、演变受其区域自然地理环境包括区域气候、区域水文、区域地貌、区域土壤、区域植被、区域动物等要素的综合影响,形成了其特有的民俗事象
5)Qiqiao folk event乞巧民俗事象
1.This paper discusses the evolution and continuously enriching process of Qiqiao folk event,analyzes reasons why Qiqiao folk event is gradually disappearing in the majority of urban and rural areas since the Republic of China and puts forward particular sig-nificance of the existence of this custom.论述了乞巧民俗事象逐渐发展演变并且不断丰富的过程,分析了民国以来的近百年间,乞巧民俗事象在广大城乡呈现渐次消失的原因,并提出了此俗存在的特定意义。
6)folk-custom symbolization民俗象征
1.The important function and meaning of colors psychological and folk-custom symbolization were discussed.色彩是产品包装设计的重要元素,论述了色彩的心理象征性和民俗象征性的重要作用和意义。

事象1.事物的形象。 2.事情,现象。