1.On the fuzz of fuzzy mathmaties, we discusses some easy mixed definitions its clarification, stochastic and approximation.针对模糊数学的模糊性 ,讨论了易于混淆的几个概念 :清晰性、随机性及近似性与模糊性之间的区别与联系 ,进一步明确了模糊性的客观普遍特性。
2.This paper discusses the relationship between fuzzy mathematies and traditional mathematies, some easy mixed definitions its clarification,stochastic and approximation.针对模糊数学如何正确认识其模糊性、清晰性、随机性及近似性与模糊性之间的区别与联系进行了讨论。

1.To lose clarity or coherence of thought or expression.离题思想或表达失去了清晰性或连贯性
2.Research on the Relationship between Self-concept Clarity and Psychological Adjustment;自我概念清晰性和个体心理调适的关系
3.Definition, image definition清晰度,图像清晰度
4.His style of writing is characterized by clearness.他的作品具有清晰的特性。
5.articulate speech; an articulate orator; articulate beings.清晰的讲话;语言清晰的演说者;语言清晰的人。
6.Loud and clear, kid. What's up?接收清晰,怎么了?
7.excellent definition轮廓清晰(指印花)
8.Results TLC spots developed w ere fairly clear, and the blank test showed no interference.结果薄层图谱斑点清晰,阴性对照无干扰。
9.Use visual properties to group elements and provide clear hierarchy运用视觉属性将元素分组,创造清晰的层次结构
10.The fact, state, or degree of being visible.可见性,清晰程度能看见的事实、状态和程度
11.Testability Feature of an HDTV Channel Receiver Chip高清晰度电视信道接收芯片的可测试性设计
12.Sharpness and clarity of tone.清晰动人音调尖锐而清晰
13.of or relating to articulation.发音清晰,或与发音清晰度有关。
14.The most perspicuous physical characteristic of the porosity of a soil or rock matrix is its continuity.岩土格架的孔隙率的最清晰的物理特性是它的连续性。
15.It seems to have a pretty clear picture .电视机的图像很清晰。
16.exercise had give his muscles superior definition.高清晰度电视将试播。
17.Functional prototype of high definition TV高清晰度电视功能样机
18.He had great powers of lucid exposition.他具有清晰的表述能力。

3)blurring; inarticulateness; blur; unsharpness不清晰性
4)completeness and distinguishability完备清晰性
6)map clarity地图清晰性
