1.This paper attempts to formulate strategies and tactics for originality and creativity in television advertising.电视广告相对于其他媒体广告 ,有其自身的特殊性 ,本文旨在通过对电视媒体的客观分析 ,有效地提出电视广告创意及其表现上的应对性策略 ,总结出电视广告创意表现上的规律性 ,为电视广告的创意与制作提供借鉴与经

1.Research on Psycho-analysis and Creativity Presentation of Advertisement of Products for Children;儿童产品广告的心理分析及创意表现研究
2.Chinese Traditional Decorative Patterns:Their Priamary Ideas and Modern Expressions;中国传统图案的原创意识与现代表现
3.On the Indirect Strategy of Expression in the Design of Modern Advertising;论现代广告创意设计的间接表现策略
4.Ink Performance and the Sublimation of Freehard Brushwork in Landscape Painting;山水画创作中的笔墨表现与写意升华
5.Aesthetic Feature and Artistic Expression of Fashion Design Theme;时装创意主题的审美特性与艺术表现
6.Creative Concepts and Design Presentations of Visual Communication Design;视觉传达设计的创意理念与设计表现
7.A Theory of the Urban Landscape Light of Artistic Creativity and Performance论城市景观光文化的艺术创意与表现
8.To be a lea-der, there is a need to continue to innovate and be creative.身为领先者,就得不断创新和表现出创意。
9.The Training and Expression of Creative Thoughts创造性思维培养与表现——刍议创意素描教学
10.Study the Performance and Creativity of Logo Design in the Postmodern Context浅论后现代语境下标志设计的表现与创意
11.Will students who have learnt creativity through one subject be creative beyond the subject?学生受过创意训练之后,在该科之外能表现得更有创意吗?
12.The Uncertainties in Creative Industry Management and Its Countermeasures;创意产业管理中不确定性来源表现及应对策略
13.An Expression of Personality with Freedom;表现自由之“性灵”——论林语堂《瞬息京华》的创作意蕴
14.Creation,Orientation and Presentation--On the Whole Plot Art of Visual Identity;创意、定位与表现——谈VI视觉识别的整体策划艺术
15.A Red Flower Needs to Be Set off by Green Leaves;红花绿叶总相宜——谈正负形的创意与表现
16.Making Life full of creativity-on writer s loneliness and its artistic expression;让生命充满创意——论作家的孤独感及其艺术表现
17.But eventually,they would come,and eventually make sense.'但最终这些意图会表现出来,直到最后完成创作意图。”
18.It seems as if the designing ariginalities and represeating forms of the modern figures designing have also antered a new level.现代图形设计从设计创意到表现形式,仿佛进入了一个新的层面。

Manifestation of graphic creative idea创意思维表现
3)Details of innovative performance细节创意表现
4)creative expression创意表达
1.In fierce market competition,the culture sign character of real estate advertisement is more and more strong,and the way and the rules of advertising creative expression have started to change.以广告语境这一浸润着文化心理的研究为切入点,寻求房地产广告创意表达的有效途径。
5)expression in composition创作表现
6)representation intention表现意图

创意曲  一种小型的复调乐曲,有的属于自由模仿性质,有的与赋格曲或小赋格曲相类似。创意曲与赋格曲(或小赋格曲)的主要区别在于:①主题的第 1次进入不完全是单声部的,有时由一个对位声部伴随着出现。②创意曲的呈示部中,主题多半在主调上依次进入(答题与主题相距八度)。但也有些创意曲则与赋格曲一样,呈示的调性保持主-属调的关系。大多数创意曲都是根据一个主题写成的,也有的创意曲具有卡农或小型二重赋格曲的特点。J.S.巴赫为教学而写的30首创意曲中的《E大调二部创意曲》,一开始两个主题同时进入,并在以后的多次进入中始终保持不变,类似二重赋格曲,所不同的是答题与主题相距八度。创意曲的结构大多为二段式和三段式。