男性形象,male image
1)male image男性形象
1.The Man Is so Beautiful Without Limits ——The Male Image in Shi Jing s Works of Marriage and Amativeness;“彼其之子,美无度”——论《诗经》婚恋作品中的男性形象
2.Feminization of Male Image in Ming and Qing Fiction;明清小说男性形象弱化现象研究
3.The patterning tendency of the male image in advertisements has attracted fully attention.广告中男性形象的模式化倾向已引起广泛关注。

1.The Absence of Men--Dicussion on the male images in Everlasting Regret;男人的缺席——试论《长恨歌》中的男性形象
2.The Current Men's Fashion Magazine Advertisements Male Image Analysis当前我国男性时尚杂志广告中的男性形象分析
3.Permanent Chase--The Male Images in the Female Writers Discourse;永远的追寻——女性话语中的男性形象
4.On the Design of Male Image in Plane Advertisement;当代平面广告中男性形象的设计表现
5.Male Images in Tie Ning s Novels;瓦解与修复——论铁凝小说中的男性形象
6.The Image of Males in The Hungary Daughters;对《饥饿的女儿》中男性形象的一种解读
7.A Research on the Change of Male Images in Chinese TV Advertisements of 30 Years30年中国电视广告男性形象变迁研究
8.Male Images in the Mainland Films in the Globlization Context全球化语境下大陆电影中的男性形象
9.The Study of the Male Image and Its Culture Content in Female Novels in 1990s;论90年代女性小说中的男性形象及其文化内涵
10.Unbalanced Humanity :Male Images in Zhang Ailing s Novels;失衡的人性:论张爱玲小说中的男性形象
11.Male images and female consciousness in The Trilogy of Life written by Chili;池莉“人生三部曲”的男性形象和女性意识
12.The Male Image of Literature under the Beauty Taste of Feminists;女性主义审美观照下的男性文学形象
13.The Male Narrating Subject and Feminine Image in Norwegian Forest《挪威的森林》中的男性叙述与女性形象
14.a figure of a man used as a supporting column.用作支撑柱的男性人物形象。
15.Women images in man power civilization from The Journey to the West;从《西游记》看男权文化中的女性形象
16.On the Image of lovers in the Love Songs of 《the Book of Songs》 From theVisual Angle of Male;论《诗经》恋歌中男性视角的情人形象
18.The Aesthetic Subversion of Shui Hu on the Image of Male Body《水浒传》对男性身体形象的美学颠覆

male images男性形象
1.Applying the Semiotics,this paper analyzes the inflexible stereotype of male images in Chinese menswear advertisements.运用符号学的方法,列举了我国服装广告中男性形象的刻板化现象,并从广告诉求与品牌打造的角度,提出了观照受众的消费心理,从个性化、国际化、中性化、传统文化、商务休闲兼顾等角度打造服装广告中男性形象的主张。
2.Compared with the female images,the male images in her works always lack Moments,most of the time function as foil images of women,existing in shaping the image of men.女作家铁凝以塑造女性形象见长,纵观她以往的作品,很难找出让人难忘的典型的男性形象,她笔下的男性形象和那些女性形象相比总是缺乏闪光点,大多时候是作为女性形象的陪衬而存在,在塑造男性形象时,铁凝经历了一个从瓦解、失衡到修复的过程,这种转变并不意味着铁凝向男性社会的妥协,而是昭示了其对两性关系的重新思考,体现了一种更为温和宽厚的女性主义,大大拓宽了女性文学的精神空间。
3.The paper is intended to classify male images in Wang Anyi s works and make an analysis of her writing purposes based on her writing psychology at that times.文章结合王安忆上世纪八、九十年代的作品,着力从文本中对王安忆笔下的男性形象作一简单的归类,并从当时王安忆的创作心态中分析作者创作之因。
3)male characters男性形象
1.The Objective Epistemic Value on the Male Characters in Zhang Ailing s Short Stories;自身客观存在的认识价值——论张爱玲小说中的男性形象
2.In this process, she succeeds in portraying a batch of various male characters, namely the father, the husband, the sweetheart, the baby, the dwarf, the lascivious man and so on.梅娘是二十世纪三四十年代东北沦陷区文学创作成就最高的一位女作家,她的小说创作紧紧围绕女性主题展开,在此过程中她成功地塑造了一批形态各异的男性形象,即父亲、丈夫、情人和包括婴孩、侏儒、好色成癖的男性等在内的四大系列六种类型。
3.Through the analysis of the male characters and the technique of expression in the famous short stories Hills Like White Elephants and Cat in the Rain written by Ernest Hemingway, this article attempts to illustrated the idea that it is "antiheroes of peculiar type" with the wellknown "code heroes" that makes the image of antiheroes in Hemingways′ works more colorful and vivid.通过对《白象似的群山》和《雨里的猫》中海明威笔下之男性形象及其表现手法的分析,表明正是此种"另类反英雄"与海明威笔下脍炙人口的"准则英雄"一道使海明威作品中的"反英雄"形象更加丰富多彩,鲜明生动。
4)Contemporary Male Image现代男性形象
1.The Imagination and Construction of the Contemporary Male Image;现代男性形象的想象与建构
5)Boy images男童形象
6)images of men pining for wives怨男形象

产品形象产品形象product image  产品形象(produet image)即产品的魅力,指产品对公众的吸引力。它的心理机制是产品的个性与公众的思想感情的密切联系。通常,产品的魅力主要取决下列因素:一是方‘便,如便于携带、存放等;二是适应性强,即用途广泛;三是质量高;四是合乎顾客的地位或身份;五是可靠性:六是满足顾客的审美需要。许多名牌产品,一般都具有上述特点,能使顾客或公众获得多重满足。 (张燕逸撰张交审)