农耕文化,farming culture
1)farming culture农耕文化
1.Refulgence made by combining nomadic culture with farming culture——Qin Dynasty unification(first);游牧文化和农耕文化联手打造辉煌——秦统一论纲(一)
2.On the Reproduction Ceremony in Farming Culture and Its Survival in Ethnic Religion;农耕文化中的“孕育仪式”及其在少数民族中的遗存
3.The formation and development of Chinese classical garden were investigated in the views of farming culture,such as farming environment,life philosophy,and science and technplogy.从农耕环境、农耕生活、农耕思维、农耕科技等角度审视中国古典园林风格的形成与发展,认为中国古代园林是农耕文化的浓缩、再现和升华。

1.On the Resources of Farming Culture and the Heritages of Intangible Culture;关于农耕文化资源与非物质文化遗产
2.Xian-nong Tan is the Important Carrier of Chinese Agricultural Culture;先农坛——中国农耕文化的重要载体
3.This is another feature of the farming dances.这成为农耕文化型舞蹈的又一特征。
4.Study on the Exploitation and Utilization of Farming Culture Tourism Resources in Hangzhou;杭州农耕文化旅游资源开发利用研究
5." Fan Dao Geng Yu" (Planting Rice and Concurrently Raising Fish in Paddy) --Theme of Traditional Cultivation Culture cf the Shuis;“饭稻羹鱼”——水族传统农耕文化的主题
6.The Culture of Chinese Agriculture Culture;华夏农耕文化探源——兼论以粮为纲
7.Effect of Cultivation Culture in Central Plains on the Construction of Enterprise culture in Henan Province;中原农耕文化对河南企业文化建设思想的影响
8.Intermingling and Conflict of the Poems in Yuan Dynasty between Nomadic and Agricultural Life;游牧文化与农耕文化冲击及融合中的元诗
9.The reflections of nomadic and farming cultures in Arabic and Chinese vocabularies;游牧文化与农耕文化在阿汉词汇中的体现
10.On Developmetal Process of Chinese Agrarian Culture and Evolution of Its Agriculture Priority Ideas;论华夏农耕文化发展过程及其重农思想的演替
11.On Inheritance and Development of Traditional Cultivation Culture for Modern Agriculture;论现代农业对传统农耕文化的继承和发展
12.Primary Analysis on Farming Culture and Growth of Rural Sightseeing/Leisure Tour in Shanxi山西省农耕文化及观光休闲农业发展浅析
13.Why didn t Chinese Characters Develop into Alphabet?;从农耕文化的角度审视中国文字的演变
14.The Metropolitanization of Society and the Declination of Agricultural Cultural Tradition;社会的都市化与农耕文化传统的夕阳西下
15.The plowing culture and the nomadic culture are two traditional principal cultures in China.农耕文化与游牧文化是我国传统的两大主体文化。
16.The New Eastern Zhejiang Culture--Transformation from Agricultural Culture to Marine Culture;浙东文化的新变局——从农耕文化到海洋文化的蜕变
17.Agro-farming Culture and Fishery s Culture. Comment on Culture Relationship of "The Wise Find Pleasure in Water; the Virtuous Find Pleasure in Hills";农耕文化与渔业文化的对话——评“智者乐水 ,仁者乐山”的文化间性
18.The Value and Influence of Agriculture in Chinese Landscape Design;农耕文化在现代中国景观设计中的价值和影响

agricultural culture农耕文化
1.Traditional agricultural culture in Wangjiang area is characterized by the satisfaction with current situation as well as the intensive cultivation.传统的皖江地区农耕文化表现为安土重迁、勤力农亩的特征。
2.The objective conditions of its development are agricultural culture,the mode of social existence and development with the unity of military affairs and culture,and the mode of co-existence of multi-economic culture with the central task of agricultural culture.《孙子兵法》有着深厚的文化根柢:农耕文化与军事文化合一的社会生存与发展方式,农业文化为主的多种经济文化并存方式是其产生的客观土壤;原始的战争预测术衍生的军事谋略思想,《易经》中的军事哲理思想,春秋中叶以前论兵专著中的思想以及诸子百家的论兵之理是其产生与成熟的文化之源。
3.Qingyang City, the cradle of agricultural civilization, is the typical section plane to study the cultural response to geographical environments owning to long-standing, variety and continuity of its agricultural culture.庆阳农耕文化具有悠久性、多元性和连续性,是研究文化与环境响应的典型“剖面”。
3)cultivation culture农耕文化
1.The development of the cultivation culture is faced with a giant challenge for the reason of worsen ecology enviroment in Guizhou today.历史上贵州各民族创造了多种农耕经济文化类型,贵州的传统农耕文化因其诸多可持续发展因素而能够传承至今。
4)agriculture culture农业(耕)文化
5)original ecological farming culture原生态农耕文化
6)recognition of farming culture农耕文化认同
