聋生,Deaf students
1)Deaf students聋生
1.Training the deaf students′ ability of social communication is an important part in deaf education.培养聋生的社会交往能力是聋教育的重要方面,本文指出了聋生交往能力存在的问题,分析了听力缺陷、聋校管理、家长态度、社会态度等因素对聋生交往能力的影响,并针对聋生社交能力形成的特殊性,提出培养聋生交往能力的措施。
2.The deaf students have a lower level in reading.高职聋生阅读水平较低,在阅读教学教程中应着力解决聋生在实际阅读中遇到的问题,加强课内外阅读和抽象思维能力的培养,以切实提高聋生的阅读理解能力。
3.To stimulate the deaf students reading interest and increase the amount of reading,attempt on opening up reading activities is made to stimulate their reading interest,choose reading materials,instruct reading methods and set up reading atmosphere.聋生的课外阅读量与学习成绩关系密切。

1.Development of Reading and Writing for Deaf Students with Deaf Parent;聋人家庭聋生书面语言发展情况研究
2.A Survey and Reflection on Sex Education for Deaf Students--A Case Study in Zhuzhou School for the Deaf;聋生性教育调查与思考——以湖南省株州聋校为例
3.Establish Multi-evaluation Mode, Promote the Development of Deaf Students in an All-round Way --On Establishing Filing Bags for Deaf Students;建立多元评价方式 促进聋生全面发展——谈“聋生档案袋”的建立
4.The Teaching of Life Skills and the Promotion of Mental Health in Deaf Students;生活技能教育与聋生的心理健康促进
5.An Investigation Study on Career Expectation and Its Causal Factors in Senior Students in the Schools for the Deaf in Beijing;北京市聋校毕业班聋生职业期望及其影响因素的调查研究
6.On Phenomenon of Disliking Learning and Counter-measures;高年级聋生厌学现象分析及应对策略
7.Effective Way of Improving the Quality of the Deaf Students:Doing Chemistry experiments;化学实验——提高聋生素质的有效途径
8.A Survey on the Present Situation of Participating in Class of the Deaf;聋生课堂参与现状的调查分析及对策
9.Deaf High School Students Cognition of Moral and Non-moral Rules;中学聋生对道德和非道德规则的认知
10.The Research Development of Phonological Awareness for Deaf Students Both Home and Abroad;国内外关于聋生语音意识的研究进展
11.The influence of the role model of sports celebrities on the education of deaf students;体育明星崇拜对聋生榜样教育的启示
12.An Investigation of Parenting Styles to 107 Deaf Middle School Students;107名中学聋生家庭教养方式的调查
13.Improve the Mathematical Ability of Deaf Students by "Geometric Sketchpad";应用“几何画板”提高聋生数学能力
14.An Investigation on the Knowledge of Olympic Games and the Behavior of Physical Exercises of Deaf Students;聋生奥运知识及体育锻炼行为的调查
15.She had borne two children but they were born deaf.她生了两个孩子,但他们生来就聋.
16.Study on the Teaching Model of National Technical Institute for the Deaf--Mathematics Teaching of the Deaf;美国国家聋人工学院建设教学模式研究——聋哑大学生数学教学
17.Deaf peple sometimes find it hard to get through to strangers.聋子有时很难使陌生人理解他们。
18.Purpose: To produce aural/ psychological disturbances and partial deafness.目的:以生产听觉/理干扰和部分聋。

Deaf student聋生
1.Trying to discuss negative individual psychology of deaf students and educational countermeasures;浅谈聋生消极的个性心理及其教育对策
2.As a weak group in education,deaf students are easy to be found obviously that they lose interest and initiative in learning as a result of hearing impairment and many social factors,especially for senior deaf students.聋生作为教育的"弱势群体",由于受听力言语障碍及诸多外部因素的影响,在学习的过程中极易失去兴趣和主动性,导致厌学。
3.This article,focusing on mental and physical characters and painting potential of the special education objects——deaf students,searches spirit motivation and causation in painting practice.从特殊的教育受众群体——聋生的身心特质与绘画潜能入手,探求其精神动因与绘画实践间的因果关系,从造型、色彩两方面带入绘画理念与审美意识之间的渊源关系,从而寻求技法与审美意识之间相伴相生的艺术衔接。
3)The deaf聋生
1.It gives direct teaching stimulations to the deaf with the poor language."奎恩系列"教学法(FrancoisGouinMethod)以序列结构为理论基础,实施实物和动作演示等直观教学,强调眼观和口练在语言教学过程中相辅相成的重要作用,对于先天在语言方面较弱的聋生是一种比较直接的教学刺激。
4)deaf-mute student聋哑学生
1.[Objective] To investigate the prevalence rate and the related factors of the deaf-mute student s malocclusion in Xiamen, China.[目的]了解厦门地区聋哑学生错畸形的患病情况及相关因素。
2.However, compared to the normal population, the deaf-mute students who lost all or nealy most of the hearing, they have been lacking one kind of important cognitive ability——natural languag.然而,聋哑学生作为丧失了全部或大部分听力的特殊群体,与正常学生相比,他们缺少了一种重要的认知技能——自然语言。
1.According to the physiological and psychological features of the deaf-students, this paper makes the questionnaire investigation on the possibility, tendentiousness, customary regularity and ability level of their reading, conducts the comprehensive analysis on the investigation situation, and puts forward some corresponding countermeasures.根据耳聋学生的生理和心理特征,对他们的阅读可能性、倾向性、习惯规律及能力水平进行了问卷调查,对调查情况进行了综合分析并提出了相关对策。
6)loss of the deaf-mute pupils聋校流生

鼻聋鼻聋 鼻聋   病名。泛指鼻不闻香臭的病证。此乃鼻病中常见症状。《外科大成》卷三:“鼻聋者,为不闻香臭也。”治宜审证求因,辨证用药。