庙会,temple fair
1)temple fair庙会
1.A Study on the Rural Temple Fairs in Northwest of Henan Province during the Modern Times;近代时期豫西北农村庙会市场研究
2.The Research about Investigation and Protection, Which of "NiNiGou" and Temple Fair for Human s Father in HuaiYang of Henan Provice;淮阳人祖庙会与泥泥狗的现状调查及其保护性研究
3.The temple fair began dur-ing Qianlong Dynasty ,it was the first one of temple fairs in Beijing.隆福寺为明景帝敕建佛寺,清雍正元年重修,乾隆年间开始有庙会,为京城庙市之冠。

1.among the most famous was the temple fair at the Niangniang (Goddess) Temple of Miaofeng Mountain.名的如妙峰山娘娘庙会
2.People went to see the templefair in force.人们成群结队来看庙会
3.A Study of the Temple Fairs in Henan Province during 1895~1937;1895~1937年河南庙会研究
4.Temple Fair Of Cities And Towns And Its Evolution;城镇庙会及其嬗变——以武汉地区庙会为个案分析
5.Temple Fair and Theatre in Chang an of the Tang Dynasty--The Origin and Combination of Temple Fair and Theatre in the Mediaeval Times;唐代长安的庙会与戏场——兼论中古时期庙会与戏场的起源及其结合
6.Carl and Emil went up to the Catholic fair.卡尔和爱弥儿去赶天主教庙会了。
7.The temple fair is crowded with people, and is bustling with activity.庙会上人们比肩继踵, 真是热闹啊。
8.The research in Temple Fair culture has been started since the early 21st Century.庙会文化的研究始自二十世纪初。
9.The lantern was bought when I was visiting a temple fair.这个灯笼是在赶庙会的时候买的。
10.Space of Temple Fair and Music Order;声漫山门——晋北庙会中的音乐级序
11.Causes and Effects on Temple Fair in Yu Lin City of the Northern Shaanxi and Its Countermeasures;从陕西榆林看庙会引发的问题及对策
12.Linkage: A Study on the Role of Rural Elite during Organizing the Temple Fair链合:庙会组织中的村庄精英角色研究
13.Study on the Spirit Belief of Temple Fairs in Modern Shandong Province(1840-1937)近代山东庙会之神灵信仰研究(1840-1937)
14.Temples and statues decay, but books survive.寺庙会倒坍,神像会朽烂,而书却经久长存。
15.Temples and statures decay, but books survive.寺庙会倒坍,神像会朽烂,而书却经久长存.
16.The Comparative Research of Temple Fair and Exposition in Display Design;庙会和博览会在展示设计形态上的比较研究
17.The Temple Fair of the Northern Shaanxi and the Social Changes of the Northern Shaanxi in the First Half of the 20~(th) Century;陕北庙会与二十世纪上半期陕北社会变迁
18.The sun's first rays would smite down through the gloom of the temple and the long alley of the temple pillars.太阳最初的光线会穿透庙宇的阴暗处和庙中列柱之间的长廓。

The temple fair庙会
1.Since 1980 s,many local people have volunteered to repair the temple and build up the temple fairs.自二十世纪八十年代以来,各地民众开始大规模自发组织修庙并组织庙会活动。
3)temple fair culture庙会文化
4)Da Guan Temple Festival大官庙会
5)temple agora灵山庙会
6)temple fair's changes庙会变迁

庙会庙会  庙会亦称庙市,中国的市集贸易形式之一。在唐代即已存在。一般设在寺庙内或其附近,有的在规定的日期举办,有的在寺庙的节日举行。在庙会期间,人们既可欣赏到各种民间舞蹈、杂耍、武术表演,也可品尝到各种风味小吃,还可购买到各种手工艺品等。1949年以后,庙会曾被作为封建糟粕强行取消。80年代初作为历史遗留下来的市集形式之一又逐渐兴起,对交流城乡物资、丰富人民生活、满足群众多种需要具有很大作用。庙会是汇集民族风物的一种形式。工商、市场管理部门应加强对庙会的引导和管理,把庙会管理纳人市场管理的范围,如对庙会场所进行整修,结合民俗习惯规定庙会举办日期,为参加庙会者提供必要的便利条件。同时应制定庙会管理规则,取缔不健康的活动或非法交易,保护参加庙会群众的合法利益。只要管理得当,庙会这种民间的市集形式一定会不断完善、不断发展。