佛教造像,Buddhism statue
1)Buddhism statue佛教造像
1.A lot of Buddhism statues were excavated in the site of the Dahai temple.大海寺遗址出土的佛教造像以唐代中晚期造像艺术成就最高。
2.In the long course of over 1,300 years developing,the art of Tibetan Buddhism statue has formed its own art system and characteristics of Buddhism statue.藏传佛教造像艺术在经历了1300余年的发展过程中,形成了自己的佛教造像艺术体系及文化特点。

1.Despite being small,this statue of Buddha is one of the earliest Buddhist images in China.这尊佛像虽小,却是中国最早的佛教造像之一。
2.Studies on Buddhist Like a Bodhisattva among Shichuan Cliff in the Tang Dynast;唐代四川佛教造像中的“菩萨装佛像”研究
3.Research on JiYue Images in Stone-carvings of the Southern Dynasties in Chengdu;成都南朝佛教造像中的伎乐图像研究
4.Figured Stele is a very popular form in the folk Buddhist art i n the Northern Dynasties.造像碑是北朝盛行的一种民间佛教造像形式。
5.Look At Ancient Statuary Art in Beijing from Buddhism Statues从佛教造像看北京地区古代雕塑艺术
6.Research on Crafts of Colored Drawing and Gilding on Buddhist Images in LongXing Temple龙兴寺佛教造像彩绘贴金工艺初探
7.The Emotional Factors in the Tibetan Buddhist Statue Art;藏传佛教造像艺术过程中的情感特征
8.The Changes in Buddhist Sculpture s Dissemination Route During The Northern And The Southern Dynasties;南北朝时期佛教造像传播格局的转变
9.On the Recommendence of China s Buddhism Statue and Its Characteristics of Art;中国佛教造像的引进及艺术特色探究
10.Donor Figure lmages in Chinese Buddhist Sculptures:A New Viewpoint for Research on Buddhist Art History中国佛教造像中的供养人像——佛教美术史研究的新视点
11.The Artistic Statues in Grottoes of Fengxian Temple On the Secularity of Buddhism Statues in Tang Dynasty奉先寺大像龛石窟造像艺术——兼论唐代佛教造像的世俗性
12.Buddhist Sculptures Found in Sichuan Province: Centered On The Period of 520-540;关于中国成都地区的佛教造像——以520~540年间造像为中心
13.Oriental Verve Anatomy of the Buddhist Statues Excavated at Longxing Temple of Qingzhou东方神韵——青州龙兴寺出土佛教造像赏析
14.Observing the Ancient Sculpture art in Beijing Area from Buddhist Statue从佛教造像看北京地区的古代雕塑艺术
15.Notes on the Exhibition of Statues of Buddha in Guangzhou City Museum of Art艺术的庄严——从广州艺术博物馆佛教造像展谈起
16.The Modes and Style Evolvement of Joss Statues in North Henan Made in the Dynasty of Bei Wei (II);北魏豫北佛教造像碑的样式特征与风格演变(下)
17.The Modes and Style Evolvement of Joss Statues In North Henan made in the Dynasty of Bei Wei(I);北魏豫北佛教造像碑的样式特征与风格演变(上)
18.A Probe into the Structural System and Its Symbolized Meaning of the Art of Tibetan Buddhism Statue藏传佛教造像艺术的结构体系及其象征意义

Joss Statues佛教造像碑
1.The Modes and Style Evolvement of Joss Statues in North Henan Made in the Dynasty of Bei Wei (II);北魏豫北佛教造像碑的样式特征与风格演变(下)
2.The Modes and Style Evolvement of Joss Statues In North Henan made in the Dynasty of Bei Wei(I);北魏豫北佛教造像碑的样式特征与风格演变(上)
3)Tibetan Buddhist statue藏传佛教造像
1.In the process of carving the Tibetan Buddhist statue, every activity is holy, sincere, and religious.在藏传佛教造像艺术中,一切的行为都是神圣虔诚的宗教行为,也都是重新认识把握佛教精神的必要过程。
4)Tang Dynasty Buddhism statues唐代佛教造像
5)China's Buddhism Statue中国佛教造像
6)Buddhist Statues Art佛教造像艺术
1.Primary Reasearch of Buddhist Statues Art in Longxing Temple Qingzhou;青州龙兴寺佛教造像艺术初探

龙门伊阙造像【龙门伊阙造像】 (杂名)龙门伊阙造像,约一万二千尊,高者过八丈。就山石凿成佛殿,千佛围绕,可谓钜观。自魏及唐,造像有字可拓者,尚存二千品。佛像身面残缺者,约有七千尊。亟宜修补。