抽象表现,abstract expression
1)abstract expression抽象表现
1.Since the conventional judgement of abstract expression of color is by instinct and experience.传统判断色彩抽象表现与命题相符的程度是依靠直觉和经验。
2.ion and abstract expression has great importance to the sketch teaching in art design speciality.抽象思维能力及抽象表现能力的训练和培养,在艺术设计专业素描教学中有着重要的地位,在向专业设计过渡和衔接方面起到关键的作用。
3.In view of various expressions in the modern logo design,discussion in this paper is centered on abstract expression over the comprehensive analysis of the logo\'s shape,color as well as aesthetic expression.对标志设计的表现方式之一——抽象表现方式进行探讨,对标志的形、色以及抽象审美诸方面加以综合分析,继而得出抽象表现使标志具有独特的魅力和感染力,给人以新颖独特、意境深远的美感。

1.The Influence of the Abstract Expressionism to the Chinese Contemporary Ceramic Art抽象表现主义对中国现代陶艺的影响
2.The Abstract Expression of Sketch Teaching in Art Design Speciality;艺术设计专业素描教学中的抽象表现
3.On Abstract Expressionistic Painting and the Reflection of Spirit of the Times;论抽象表现主义绘画折射的时代精神
4.The Commanding Figure of American Abstract Expressionist Movement--A Case Study on Jackson Pollock;美国抽象表现主义代表——杰克逊·波洛克个案研究
5.Perhaps it was the first example of a form of abstract expressionism.它大概是抽象表现主义形式的第一个例子。
6.SEEKING MYSELF──The elaboration of the creative concept of American Abstract Expressionistic art;找寻自我──论美国抽象表现主义艺术的创作观念
7.Language Directly Becomes Nature Showing--Recognize Again "Unadulterated Art" and "Abstract Expressionism;语言直接成为本质的显现——对“纯粹美术”和“抽象表现主义”的再认识
8.Western Modern Art Sculpture in the Performance of Abstract Language西方现代艺术中抽象雕塑的表现语言
9.of or relating to concrete representations of abstractions.属于或关于对抽象观念的具体表现。
10.Explaining the Painting s Abstract and Expression from the Chinese and the Western Paintings;从中西方绘画中解读绘画的抽象性和表现性
11.Abstract Description as a Technique in Painting;试论绘画艺术表现手段中的抽象性描述
12.Comprehensive Material and Abstract Language -On the Forms of Expression in Comprehensive Painting;综合材料与抽象语言——试论综合绘画的图式表现
13.Artistic representation of an abstract quality or idea as a person.拟人化表现把抽象事物或思想赋予人性的艺术表现手法
14.Models are used in the natural and social sciences to represent complex phenomena with a useful abstraction.在自然科学和社会科学中,通过有效的抽象来表达复杂的现象。
15.representing an abstract quality or idea as a person or creature.把一种抽象的性质或者观点象人或者生物一样表现出来。
16.From Concrete Presentation to Abstract Deformation--Also on innovative thinking patterns of design sketch从具象表现到抽象重组——兼谈设计素描之创新思维模式
17.certain form of appearance and dress was from all kinds of abstract imago given by cultures;服饰外观形式来源于文化可提供的各种抽象意象或表现;
18.The Discussion of Ramie Material s Abstraction and Empathy Transference in Modern Fiber Art;现代纤维艺术中麻纤维材料的抽象与移情表现形式探讨

Abstract Expressionism抽象表现主义
1.Greenberg is a critic who loves to launch debates,and all of his criticism are related to the avant-garde art movement,especially the Abstract Expressionism in the United States during the specific period,and what he criticizes aims at specific issues and his arguments become more complete and justified in the series of debates with other critics.格林伯格是一个论战性的批评家,他的批评与美国特定时期的前卫艺术运动,尤其是抽象表现主义的发展密切相连,都有明确的针对性,而他的批评理论也是在与其他批评家的交锋与论战中日趋完善的。
2.When we look back on the contemporary ceramic history of the world , we can know directly or indirectly the influence of the modern art movements since the twentieth century, especially the abstract expressionism, which includes two aspects.其中,以兴起并发展于美国的抽象表现主义对中国现代陶艺的影响最为直接和深远。
3.Through the case of Abstract Expressionism formed because of the gallery operations by Peggy Guggenheim, coordinating paper’s skeleton from the angle of the gallery as the agency.通过佩吉·古根海姆的画廊运作方式对抽象表现主义艺术作品的推广,从而促成其形成这一实例着手研究,以画廊作为中介机构的角度出发梳理全文脉络,一方面介绍画廊面对艺术界人士的运作管理,另一方面是阐述面对公众部分的运作经营,从这两方面展开分析进而找出在佩吉的案例中对当代画廊运作模式的可鉴之处。
3)abstract representa-tions抽象表现形式
4)abstraction and expression表现性与抽象性
5)abstract expressionism抽象表现派,抽象表现主义
6)expressionist abstract表现主义的抽象派艺术;抽象表现主义

抽象表现主义  20世纪40~50年代的美术思潮,最先出现于美国,影响波及欧美各国。抽象表现主义重视创作行为本身的意义,与超现实主义提倡的自动画法一脉相承,所以又有行动绘画的称号。因为它的发源地和中心在纽约,所以还有纽约画派的名称。它实际上是继承了从V.凡高到超现实主义追求艺术的抽象化、直接性、自动性、表现潜意识的自我等方面的探索成果,适应了第二次世界大战以后美国人的心理状态和审美要求的抽象艺术。自从抽象表现主义出现以后,西方前卫派的艺术中心从巴黎转移到纽约。抽象表现主义并没有统一的风格特点,也没有统一的社团。美国艺术史论家们一般认为,它是没有形象的、反形式的、即兴的、动感的、有生命力的、技巧自由的艺术,是用来刺激观察力而不是满足传统鉴赏趣味的艺术。被称作抽象表现主义的画家有M.托比、J.波洛克、W.德·库宁、R.马瑟韦尔、F.克兰、M.罗思科等。抽象表现主义豪放、粗犷、自由的画风,反映了美国人不拘常规、敢于创造和求新的精神,但在富有独创性的形式后面,却含有某种悲剧情调,表现了第二次世界大战以后美国知识分子内心的焦虑和苦闷。