互渗,mutual penetration
1)mutual penetration互渗
1.Solving the problem of mutual penetration of soap and lubricant in LHT-120/17 wire drawing machine;关于解决LHT-120/17拉丝机中润滑油与皂化液互渗问题的探讨
2.Character Subject and Author Subject ——the dividing line between novel and prose and their mutual penetration;角色主体与作家主体——试论小说与散文的分野与互渗
3.This paper tries to research into the contents and styles in Bai Pu s Ci and Qu poetry and discuss the interaction and mutual penetration between Bai Pu s ci and qu poetry.本文将白朴的词曲从内容题材到艺术风格等方面进行比较研究,结合作家本身所具有的主、客观因素,探讨白朴词曲之间相互影响、相互渗透的现象,进而研究金元之际的特定历史时期词曲互动的这一较为普遍的文学现象,以及这种现象对文体演变和发展的影响。

2.On Permeation of Buddhism and Study of Confucian Classics Each Other in the Southern and Northern Dynasties;论南北朝时期佛教与经学的相互渗
3.Discussion about the Combination and Interpenetrating between Martial Art Chinese Traditional Health Preserving;论武术与中华传统养生学的交融互渗
4.On the Infiltratinging Characteristics of Intellectuals and Business People in the Role Designing of "San Yan" and "Er Pai;论“三言”“二拍”角色设计的士商互渗特征
5.The Mutual Infiltrativeners Among Reading Course Serial;“读”系列课型教学之间的相互渗透性
6.On the Mutual Permeability Between and Merging of Religion and Ethics in the Contemporary Society;论现代社会宗教与伦理的互渗和融通
7.Mutual Permeation and Melting --New Interpretation of the Text Structure of Goddess;互渗与消融——《女神》文本结构的重新解读
8.China’s Film Culture:From Displacement of Paradigm to Integration of Genres中国电影文化:从模块位移到类型互渗
9.Analysis on the Overlapping of Ancient Intellectuals and Traders' Images in Sanyan Erpai“三言二拍”中士、商互渗现象解读
10.In political field,economic and political elite influence and infiltrate into each other.在政治领域 ,经济精英与政治精英相互影响 ,相互渗透。
11.Stand Opposite but Replenish mutually Infiltrate into Each Other but Maintain Independence──On the Tension and Evolution of Confucianism and Taoism;对峙却互补 互渗但独立──论儒道文化的张力效应与流变态
12.Mutual Complement and Infiltration --The Open Relationship Between Literature and Art and Politics in the Period of Social Transformation;互补与互渗——略论社会转型期文艺与政治的开放性关系
13.Critique on Luo Yiping s studies on art theory and art creation;融合与互渗——罗一平的艺术理论研究与艺术创作
14.Interpenetration Between Quantity and Quality: Study on the Problems of Elderly Population from the View of Social Adaptation;量与质互渗:从社会适应视角解析老年人口问题
15.Mingle And Infiltration--The Influence of Ode on Bao Zhao s Poetic Composing;交融与互渗——论辞赋对鲍照诗歌创作的影响
16.On the Phenomenon of Mutual Infiltration between Prose and Ode in the Kangxi Era and Qiaolong Era;论康、乾时期辞赋创作中的赋、颂互渗现象
17.Overlapping Between Suffixes,Words and Word-endings in Korean;朝鲜语词缀、词类和词尾范畴的相互渗透现象
18.The Mutual Infiltration of Humanistic Education and Technique Educationin in Higher Vocational College;人文教育与高等职业技术教育的相互渗

infiltration each other互渗
1.From the creation of new poetry in his early years to the historical plays in the forties, a thinking mode of infiltration each other and expression wild about ritual have run through his spiritual structure all the time.我们认为,郭沫若在中国现代历史上不可替代的位置毕竟不是作为道德家而确立的,从早期新诗创作到40年代的历史剧,互渗的思维方式和热衷于仪式的表现始终贯穿于郭沫若的精神结构之中。
3)mutual infiltration and mutual expatiation互渗互阐
5)Law of mutual infiltration互渗律
6)interpenetrating streams互渗透流

渗渗1.寒冷貌。 2.指因害怕而产生发冷的感觉。