底蕴,inside information
1)inside information底蕴
1.In A Dream of Red Mansions there exist the fundamental inside information in two meanings: spirituality and Buddhahood.像《红楼梦》这样伟大的作品必然意味深长,不同的视角会得出不同甚至相反的结论,因而正确把握作品的深层底蕴,就显得很重要。

1.Similarities and Differences of English and Chinese Names Features and Their Inner Cultural Details;英汉姓名异同及其所蕴涵的文化底蕴
2.spicy details of a film star's love life某影星的桃色底蕴.
3.In any case no-one knew anything about him谁也不知道他的底蕴
4.deep-rooted in cultural background and open to modern ideas.文化底蕴浓厚却又不失现代气息。
5.But this needs profound writing ability and a great number of times.这需要深刻的文字底蕴和大量的时间。
6.The Foundation of Social World: From Dualism to Duality;社会世界的底蕴:从二元论到二重性
7.Humanitarianism--The Spiritual Inside Information of News Propagation of the Contemporary Age;人文关怀:当代新闻传播的精神底蕴
8.The Concept s Meaning and Cultural Deposits of Zhong Rong s Shi Pin;钟嵘《诗品》的概念内涵与文化底蕴
9.Whitehead s Causal Efficacy and It s Existential Foundation;怀特海的“因果效验”及其存在论底蕴
10.Culture Connotation and Art Performance of Xi an Tang Paradise;西安大唐芙蓉园文化底蕴及艺术表现
11.The traditional cultural deposits in LU Xun s idea of "intermediate object";鲁迅“中间物”思想的传统文化底蕴
12.Disinhume historical cultural deposits Create the brand of Shanxi’s tourism;挖掘历史文化底蕴 打造山西旅游品牌
13.On “Harmony” Cultural Inside Information of Chinese Traditional Art and Design;论中国传统艺术与设计的“和”文化底蕴
14.On Teaching of Chinese and Cultivation of Cultural Profoundness;试论语文教育与传统文化底蕴的培养
15.Ideological Details and Literary Value of Poems Written Around Orchid Pavilion and Preface;《兰亭诗》《序》的思想底蕴及文学价值
16.The Thought on Inherent Human Qualities of Nobel Prize Laureates for Medical Science;诺贝尔医学奖获得者的人文底蕴思考
17.The inside Inofrmation of shangzhou culture from the Image of wolf;狼意象的商州文化底蕴——以《怀念狼》为例
18.The Ecological Details of Confucianism and Standing for Green Olympics;儒家生态学底蕴及对绿色奥运的解读

1.The Preliminary Study on the National Aesthetic Details of Chinese Piano Works;中国钢琴作品的民族审美底蕴初探
3)cultural connotations文化底蕴
1.Through an analysis of the typical Dian diets such as ethnic specialities, this article discusses their cultural connotations and value of industrial development.本文从“滇味”食俗的表象例证小吃与民族菜系切入 ,论证了其文化底蕴及产业开发价值 ,指出云南是照叶树林及亚洲稻作文化的发源地 ;“滇味”食俗是云南民族文化的结晶 ,因此在对提升民族文化经济价值中 ,有广阔的产业开发价值。
2.By commenting on the scenes of the central compound of the Humble Administrative Garden the paper shows that the garden architecture has ever lasting charm only if the gardenbuilding art is based on rich cultural connotations and great artistic attainments.通过苏州拙政园中部景观评点 ,说明园林构筑必须具有深沉的文化底蕴和艺术功力 ,才具有永久的魅
3.The articles in the collection express true feelings,realize lifetruth,and are rich in cultural connotations.文章抒发真情,体悟世理,富有文化底蕴
1.The designs of sceneries reflected the cultures of the city,and were harmonious with the surrounding envionment.花展景点注重设计与现代科技相结合,体现景点的时代性;景点设计体现了廊坊城市的品位和文化底蕴,与周围环境相和谐;设计注重体现以人为本,运用丰富的植物材料创造优美景观,同时还考虑了施工因素。
2.During a long history of the Chinese nation,a vocal muxic has been formed based on a deep and unique Chinese culture with a unique form,style and soul.经过中华民族悠久的历史沉淀,中国民族声乐形成了深厚而独特的文化底蕴
3.But,the attack of market economy and the scare of culture make the Chinese drama of vanguard reenact the west modern drama.但是,由于市场经济的侵袭和文化底蕴的缺失,使得中国先锋话剧简单地搬演和追随西方现代话剧,成为只供观演双方娱乐的平面模式。
5)scientific attainment科学底蕴
1.Comparison and analyses of students' scientific attainment in higher medical education in China and foreign countries (Comparison between 4+4-year and 5-year medical educational system);中外医科大学生的科学底蕴的比较与分析——4+4学制与5年制医科教育的比较
6)inherent human qualities人文底蕴
1.There isn t sufficient exploration and investigation in the inherent human qualities of the science men.科学家成功之处在于科技创新和人文底蕴的融合。
2.Strengthening humanity quality education for university students and laying a solid foundation on inherent human qualities for students is so crucial to meet the demands for the talent cultivation in modern society.中国传统人文精神是大学生人文素质教育的重要土壤基质,对大学生加强中国传统人文精神素质教育,厚植大学生的人文底蕴,是适应当今社会发展人才培养的迫切要求。
