思维形式,mode of thinking
1)mode of thinking思维形式
1.Logic has not contained all the general modes of thinking of human being,although it is a science dealing with human mode of thinking.逻辑是关于思维形式的学问 ,但并未覆盖人类一般思维中所有思维形式

1.Mutual Effect of the Two Modes in Mathematical Thinking Process;试论数学思维过程中两种思维形式的交互作用
2.Stydy of form and theory of metaphor thinking in sport area;运动领域的隐喻思维形式及理论探索
3.Talking About the Concretive Expressive form to the Constructive Mathematical Thinking Way;建构性数学思维方式的具体表现形式
4.The Four modes of Thinking of Dialectics and Formal Logic, etc.;论辩证法和形式逻辑等四种思维方式
5.Analogy and association are intermediary thinking.类比和联想是中介思维的主要形式。
6.On the Creative Thought in "Organic Form" by Denise Levertov论莱维托夫“有机形式”诗歌创作思想
8.A Formal Model of VSK-Agent System Combined with Mental States;结合思维状态的VSK-Agent形式化模型
9.Research into the Form Idea of Chinese Characters and the Thinking Mode of the Original Mankind;汉字的构形表意与远古人类思维模式
10.Metaphysics Crisis and Postmodernist Thinking Mode;形而上学危机与后现代主义思维方式
11.The Interactive Relation between Critical Thinking and Informal Logic;批判性思维和非形式逻辑的互动关系
12.“Harmony between Ideas”and“Harmony between Forms” --comparison between the ways of thinking of Chinese and English nations;“意合”与“形合”—比较汉英民族思维方式
13.Characteristics of Traditional Chinese Thinking Mode and Reason;中国传统思维方式的特征及形成原因
14.Speech and thought presentation in Mrs.Dalloway;《达罗卫夫人》中的对话和思维表现形式
15.The Symbolic Pattern and the Differences in Chinese and Western Thoughts;从中西方思维方式的差异看标志形态
16.Brief Study of the Multiple Factors Forming Deng Xiao-ping s Creative Mode of Thinking;邓小平创新思维模式形成的多重因素
17.From Morphological Changes of English Words to Thought Paradigms;由英语词形转换联想到中西思维模式
18.Development of Philosophy Modality & Thinking Mode--The Difference between Eastern & Western Philosophical Thinking Mode;论哲学形态和思维方式的发展——兼论中西哲学思维方式之不同

thinking forms思维形式
3)form of thinking思维形式
4)thinking form思维形式
1.In his opinion, people’s cognitive ability can obtain scientific knowledge of universality and necessity, and thinking forms provide logical guarantees for acquiring such knowledge.在他看来 ,人们的认识能力能够获得普遍必然的科学知识 ;思维形式为人们获得这种知识提供了逻辑上的担保 ,这体现在两个方面 :一是时空形式和逻辑范畴为人们获得普遍有效的规律性知识提供了逻辑上的担保 ,二是形式逻辑的基本原则和辩证逻辑的接受总则为人们获得普遍有效的规律性知识提供了逻辑上的担保正说明它在理论上是有担保的 ,在经验上是有现实根据的。
5)formal thought形式思维
1.his article is an observation from the point of structural stability of the essential relations among thefoundations of mathematics, the foundations of physics and formal thought.本文从结构稳定性角度考察数学基础、物理学基础及形式思维之间的基本关系。
6)formalized thinking形式化思维
1.Other thinking modes include formalized thinking,image thinking and trial-and-error thinking.除了这个为西方传统哲学熟悉的思维方式之外,还有形式化思维、形象思维和试错型思维。
