1.On the naissance and development of humanism higher education philosophy——A comparison between higher education philosophy by John · S · Brubacher and higher education philosophy by Zhang Chuting;人本高等教育哲学的诞生与发展——中美两部《高等教育哲学》之比较
2.On humanism in rhetoric study;试论修辞研究中的人本思想
3.Humanism and the ideology of people-as-foundation;人本与民本——两汉儒家政治思想的中心

1.Godism,Matterism and Humanism--On the Meaning of Humanism from Its Historical Evolution;神本、物本、人本——从“以人为本”的历史演变论其含义
2.Property Rights of Human Capital、Thoughts of Human Based Management and Human Based Finance;人力资本产权、人本管理思想与人本主义财务学
3.Human Nature·Human Center·Humanization--The Nature of Human-Centered Management and Its Realization;人性·人本·人化——人本管理的实质及其管理实现
4.Research of Historical Viewpoint on People-Oriented, People Thought and Humanism;民本思想、人本主义与以人为本的历史观探究
5.On Relationship Between Humanism,Starting from People s Interest and Starting from Human Interest;正确认识人本主义、民本思想与“以人为本”的关系
6.Critique and Transcending: from People-foundation Theory and Humanism to taking People as Fundament;批判与超越——从民本论和人本主义到以人为本
7.humanistic therapy人本主义心理治疗 人本治疗法
8.People Study in This Management: People First to Promote Organization s Development;人本管理研究:以人为本促进组织发展
9.People-Orientation and Humanism--An Outlook on Scientific Development;以人为本与人本主义——兼论科学发展观
10.Enlightenment from Confucianist Thought to Mordern Management;儒家人本思想对现代人本管理的启示
11.Humanistic Psychology and Humanistic Language Teaching;人本主义心理学与人本主义语言教学
12.Used as a disparaging term for a Japanese.日本佬对日本人的蔑称
13.There's nothing left in the exchequer this month.本月份本人国库空虚.
14.domestic sponsors本国主办人(项目)
15."You do not belong in these parts?"“您不是本地人吗?”
16."Cherchez la femme," came Shang Chung-li's voice.“本来女人是祸水。
17.The natives were cowed by the army.本地人受到军人的恐吓。
18.own contributions(参与人)本人之缴款

1.Human-oriented Administration of Libraries in 21st Century;21世纪图书馆的人本管理
2.New Campus Being Human-oriented,Ecology,and Opened:Overall Planning and Building Design of Wuhan Caidian Vocational Education Center人本、生态、开放的新学校——武汉市蔡甸职业教育中心总体和单体设计
3.Psychological-health education undoubtedly has the very important human-oriented value.心理健康教育无疑具有重要的人本价值。
1.The Path of Administration System Reform in China: The Humanity Bureaucrat System;我国行政体制改革的路径选择:人本官僚制
2.Marx s historical materialism under the background of Renaissance s humanity and Enlightenment s rationality manifest the nuified characteristic of scientific rationality and the humanity principle, taking the thorough humanitarianism as a core and the scientific rationality as the realistic way.在文艺复兴的人本诉求与启蒙运动的理性彰显背景下产生的马克思唯物史观,体现出了科学理性与人道主义结合的特征:以实践的彻底的人道主义为核心,以科学理性为现实路径。
1.Therefore the humanistic,innovative and intensivism reform of manage for the libraries will be imperative under the situation.因此图书馆的“人本、创新、集约管理改革势在必行。
2.This paper makes a theoretical exploration of the ways headmasters strengthen school system construction: First, humanistic ideology as its ideological foundation; Second, respect as its ethic norm; Third, trust as its psychological configuration, which are relatively independent and inherently interconnected.本文就校长如何加强学校制度建设进行了一些理论探讨,提出了人本思想是学校制度建设的思想基石、尊重是学校制度建设的伦理准则、信任是学校制度建设的心理场域这三个既相对独立又有着内在联系的命题。
3.Humanistic education,which grasp the essence of"human"and take"what is human, what human should be and what is humanistic view"as logical starting point of the education and unify the world outlook and methodology,is based on the new humanistic view.人本教育观是建立在对人本全新认识的逻辑起点上。
5)People foremost人本
1.In light of the social development realities,people foremost,re-organization and innovation reinforce each after,while of its essences,they demand the harmo-nious spirit.人本、整合、创新是构建社会主义和谐社会的基本要素。
2.The article reviewed on the historical process of argument, sorted out the different ideas, and proposed the writer s opinions on the relativity of music value, criticism of post colonial, the musical view of people foremost and music foremost, as well as how to deal with the relationship between China and the West in the situation of the multicultural in the contemporary era.本文在回顾论战的历史过程、对各家观点进行梳理的基础上,就论战中涉及到的“音乐价值相对论”、“后殖民”批评、人本与乐本的音乐观以及在当代世界文化多样性格局中如何看待和处理中西音乐关系等问题发表了作者的见解[本文(上)发表在《黄钟》2006年第二期上]。
3.The article reviewed on the historical process of argument,sorted out the different ideas,and proposed the writer s opinions on the relativity of music value,criticism of post colonial,the musical view of people foremost and music foremost,as well as how to deal with the relationship between China and the West in the situation of the multicultural in the contemporary era.本文在回顾论战的历史过程、对各家观点进行梳理的基础上,就论战中涉及到的“音乐价值相对论”、“后殖民”批评、人本与乐本的音乐观以及在当代世界文化多样性格局中如何看待和处理中西音乐关系等问题发表了作者的见解。
6)humanistic men人本人

(RS)2,4′-二氟-α-(1H-1,2,4-三唑-1-基甲基)二本基甲醇分子式:C16H14F2N2O分子量:321.11CAS号:密度:1.41熔点:130℃蒸气压:400nPa(外推至20℃)毒性LD50(mg/kg):雄、雌大鼠急性经口 LD50分别为 1140、1480,大鼠急性经皮LD50大于1000,兔急性经皮大于2000。对大鼠和兔的皮肤无刺激,但对兔眼睛有轻微刺激性.在Ames试验中无诱变作用,在活体细胞形成研究中为负结果,对大鼠和兔无致畸作用。性状:纯品为无色晶体溶解情况:溶解度(20℃,g/L):丙酮190、二氯甲烷150、己烷0.3、甲醇69、甲苯12、水0.13(pH7)用途:本品为三唑类杀菌剂.是甾醇脱甲基化抑制剂,具内吸性。在植物体内向顶性传导,对病害有保护和治疗作用。以125g(a.i.)/ha喷雾,可防治禾谷类作物白粉菌、黑麦喙孢、长蠕孢属、柄锈菌属、壳针孢属病原菌,也可作种子处理剂,防治土传病害和种传病害。本品对谷物白粉病有特效。制备或来源:以氟苯和邻溴氟苯为原料,制得α-(2-氟苯基)-α-(4-氟苯基)氯乙醇,再与1,2,4-三唑钠盐反应,即得粉唑醇。类别:杀菌剂