二元制,dual system
1)dual system二元制
1.So we should effectively separate them by implementing the dual system.管理学关于管理职能的理论是财务机构设置的理论基础,在对该理论阐述的基础详细地分析了会计属于企业的服务子系统,而财务属于企业的支持子系统,作为企业服务子系统的会计和作为支持子系统的财务有其各自的职能领域,所以应该在实践中将其有效地分开,即财务机构必须进行二元制的设置,并通过东西方企业实际情况的对比和所进行的社会调查,提出在市场经济环境下,财务与会计机构分设的二元制结构是当前我国大中型企业必然的选择,并且进一步提出了财务部门和会计部门各自的职责权限。

1.The Defects and Reform for Dualism Trial Standard in Second Instance of Civil Trial;论民事二审案件裁判标准二元制的弊端与改革
2.The Constitutional Reform of Burma and the Founding State Movement of Karens;缅甸的二元制改革与克伦族建邦运动
3.A Consideration of “Dual” Administration System for Competitive Sports;竞技体育“二元制”管理体系理论思考
4.A Study of the Causes of the Change from the Binary System to the Unified System in British Higher Education;从二元制到一元制——英国高等教育体制变迁的动因研究
5.binary element string二进位单元串;二进位元素串;二进制单元串;二进制码元串;二进制元素串
6.Investigation on the New Borate Ester Bonding Agents for the High Energy Hydroxy-Terminated Polybutadiene Propellant;混合二元酸制备混合酸二甲酯和聚酯多元醇
7.Purification of 1,12-dodecanedioic acid by recrystallization process十二碳二元酸的重结晶精制工艺研究
8.To place a binary cell in the one state.把一个二进制单元设置成“1”状态。
9.Obstacles to system are the main reasons for the dual structures of urban and rural development.制度障碍是城乡二元结构的主要原因。
10.Remark on the Binary System of Austro-Hungarian Empire in the Late Period of the 19th Century19世纪后期奥匈帝国二元体制评析
11.Processed NBR/PA Dynamic Vulcanization Thermoplastic Elastomer of Good Solvent Resistance;高阻隔NBR/二元PA TPV的制备、结构与性能
12.Study on Characteristic for Direct Contact Ice Slurry Making Process;直接接触式二元冰制备过程特性研究
13.System Analysis: Dual Social Structure and Countryside Physical Culture;制度分析:二元社会结构与农村体育
14.On Multi Land System and the Second Rural Modernization;多元化土地制度与农村第二期现代化
15.Regulatory Constraint in Banking Industry and the Saving Mobilization,the Transformation of the Dual Economy Structure;银行业规制与储蓄动员、二元经济转换
16.Binary Plight and Chinese Education System Reform;“二元化”困境与中国的教育体制改革
17.Choices between Commercial Insurance and Compulsory Insurance on Environmental Liability Insurance: the Establishment of Dualistic Liability Insurance System on Environmental Tort;论我国“二元化”环境责任保险制度构建
18.The Conflict in the Incidental Civil Action and its Harmonization;附带民事诉讼制度的二元冲突及协调

binary system二元制
1.From the historical perspective, the researcher traces back to the whole process from the binary system to the unified system, then endeavors to explain the causes of the change in the higher education system in the UK from the binary system to unified system by applying drift theory, homogenization, policy change and sociology of organizations from both macro and micro levels.本文首先从历史纵向角度追溯英国高等教育从二元制到一元制的历程,然后从宏观和微观两个层面,用趋同理论、漂移理论、组织社会学理论和政策变迁等理论解释英国高等教育从二元制到一元制变迁的动因。
3)Binary refrigeration二元制冷
4)dual system二元体制
5)Binary system二元体制
1.But as the long-standing binary system exists,the development process faces frequent resistance.但由于我国二元体制的长期存在,二者的发展进程充满了阻力。
2.In this test,it will focus on the status of the ecological damage and environmental pollute in the rural,analyzing the history of the increasing serious and difficult governance from binary system,and according to that,it sets forth to establish Urban and Rural integration to contain deterioration of rural environment.本文针对当前我国农村生态破坏和环境污染的现状,从二元体制入手剖析农村环境日益严重和治理困难的历史渊源,在此基础上提出了建立城乡一体化环境治理机制,遏制农村环境恶化的相应对策。
6)Dual Track Balance二元制衡
