主观表现,subjective expression
1)subjective expression主观表现
1.Though both of these two novels are on sexual love, LCL is full of author s subjective expression, his enthusiasm and his ideals which are embodied by his praising of love , his singing of life and his calling for humanity, while JPM imitates objectively, showing its objectiveness by depicting life without modifications, separating the soul from the body and narrating without feel.本文从创作手法的角度对比研究《查特莱夫人的情人》与《金瓶梅》,认为两部作品都以写性爱为题材,不同的是:《查特莱夫人的情人》写“性”更多地是主观表现,充满激情与理想,具体表现为对爱情的讴歌,对生命的礼赞与对人性的呼唤;而《金瓶梅》写“性”则是客观模仿,其客观性表现为摄入生活的不加粉饰、灵与肉的分离、叙事的零度情感处理。

1.Her work is a subjective representation of the external world.她的作品是对外部世界的主观表现
2.Subjective Expression and Objective Imitation --Comparison between Lady Chatterley s Lover and Jin Ping Met;主观表现与客观模仿——《查特莱夫人的情人》与《金瓶梅》比较研究之二
3.an art movement early in the 20th century; the artist's subjective expression of inner experiences was emphasized.二十世纪早期的一场艺术运动;强调艺术家内心体验的主观表现
4.Sectarianism is an expression of subjectivism in organizational relations;宗派主义是主观主义在组织关系上的一种表现;
5.Subjectification, Syntax and Communication;语言主观化、句法表现和话语交际功能
6.Theme and Expression:Application of Ornamental Bamboo in Horticulture主题与表现——观赏竹在园林中的应用
7.Their manifestations are: (1) blind action regardless of subjective and objective conditions;其表现如:一,不顾主观和客观条件的盲干。
8.Social Performance and Self-Expression--A Comparison of the Principal Writing Ideas between Modern Lampoons and Essays;社会表现与自我表现——现代杂文与小品文创作主体文学观念之比较
9.Self expression and subjective sensation --On the difference between self expression novel and neo sensation group novel;表现自我与主观感受——浅谈自我表现小说与新感觉派小说的不同
10.Stereotyped Party writing is a vehicle for filth, a form of expression for subjectivism and sectarianism.党八股是藏垢纳污的东西,是主观主义和宗派主义的一种表现形式。
11.Through it all Richard Nixon moved as if he were himself a spectator, not the principal.尼克松自始至终表现得象旁观者,而不是主角。
12.To the Thinking That Displays Different in Color of Subjectivity in Chinese and Western Painting;对中西绘画中主观性色彩不同表现的思考
13.SEEKING MYSELF──The elaboration of the creative concept of American Abstract Expressionistic art;找寻自我──论美国抽象表现主义艺术的创作观念
14.Influence of West Expressionist Aesthetics on Chinese Gloomy Poems;西方表现主义美学观对中国朦胧诗潮的影响
15.Discussion on Performance of Landscape Elements in Theme Park in Northern Region浅论主题公园之景观要素在北方地区的表现
16.This trend is exhibited in the process from external unification to the subjective unification.这一历史趋势表现为从客观统一体到主观统一体的发展进程。
17.Micro subject of the insurance market: Inadequate demand for commercial insurance.这主要表现在1、险市场微观需求主体:对商业保险的需求不足。
18.With the Argument of the Expressionism to Analysis West Marxism Artistic Form Theory;从表现主义之争看西方马克思主义美学的艺术形式观念

subjective performance主观表现性
3)expression of subject and object主客观表现
4)expressionist view of translation表现主义翻译观
5)expressionism aesthetics outlook表现主义美学观
6)subjective expression of worth价值的主观表现

电视图像质量主观评价  在对电视系统进行必要的客观测量的基础上,最终由观看者对图像质量进行主观感觉的综合评价。在电视系统设计过程中须根据技术经济的要求进行综合评价,判定可接收的图像损伤,主观评价对客观测量和设计都有参考性的指导作用。国际电工委员会(IEC)第569号公告对观看的条件、人数、人员、图像内容、评价项目和方法都有具体规定。其中对观看距离规定为 6倍屏幕高度;人数不少于20人,若人员评价的重复性好,可减到7人。评价项目包括清晰度、灰度重现、几何失真、图像干扰、黑白和彩色信号的总图像质量、伴音干扰、伴音总质量、整机总质量等。对彩色电视机还增加色纯、会聚、重合、灰度跟踪和彩色感觉等。评价方法有与参考样机相比的相对比较法和绝对评价法。对评价结果按每人的各项评分统计得出总的评分。      主观评价和客观测量之间关系的研究也是一个重要的课题。如关于信噪比S/N 和图像质量等级 Q的对应关系,欧洲广播联盟(EBU)第 3220号文件给出公式:S/N=23-Q+1.1Q2(分贝)。美国电视规划协会(TASO)的研究报告认为,信噪比44.7分贝是图像质量五级;34.7分贝是四级。