营销城市,marketing city
1)marketing city营销城市
1.During the course of constructing city in recent years, operating city and marketing city appear and are focused ever-increasingly by our government and professors in China as completely new concepts.经营城市与营销城市是近年来我国推进城市化过程中出现的新理念,成为政府部门、学者专家们热切关注的重大课题。
2.Under the present circu ms tance of quickening urbanization process,operating city,operating city land an d marketing city have become the key issues that government departments,scholar s and experts focus upon.经营城市、经营城市土地与营销城市,在当前我国加快城市化进程的大背景下,成为政府部门、学者专家们热切关注的重大课题。

1.On Operating City,Operating City Land and Marketing City;论经营城市、经营城市土地与营销城市
2.A Discussion on Operation of Cities and Urban Land and City Marketing;论经营城市及经营城市土地与营销城市
3.Rethinking On Operating City, Operating Land Of The City And Marketing City;关于经营城市、经营城市土地与营销城市的再认识
4.A Probe into the city marketing strategy in the view of experiencing marketing;体验营销视角下的城市营销策略探析
5.Problems in City Marketing;城市营销误区剖析与城市营销实施思路
6.Study on the Communication Strategy of City Brand in the City Marketing;城市营销中城市品牌的传播策略研究
7.The Choice of Tactics of Marketing Subdivision of Market in Wuzhou City;梧州市城市营销市场细分的策略选择
8.The Analysis of Marking Strategy and Managerment of CDMA Network in a Moderate City;某城市CDMA网络的市场营销策略研究
9.City Marketing and Culture Construction of Hengyang City;论城市营销与衡阳市的文化建设定位
10.A Preliminary Study on the City Marketing and the City′s Development--To Take Nankai of Tianjin as an Example;城市营销与城市发展初探——以天津市南开区为例
11.Reference of Chinese City Marketing;中国城市营销的全景式参考——国内外关于“城市营销”问题的研究借鉴
12.A Probe into Marketing and Selling Strategies of Medium-scale and Small-scale cities;中小城市营销促销策略初探——以岳阳市为例
13.A Study on Positioning, Designing and Communicating of City Image during City Marketing;城市营销中城市形象的定位、设计与传播研究
14.Co-branding of sports competition and city brands in city marketing;城市营销中体育赛事与城市品牌联合战略研究
15.City Marketing:the New Dynamics of City Development;城市营销:城市发展的新动力——以宁波为例
17.Study on the Construction of Sanming City Tourism Destination Based on City Marketing基于城市营销的三明城市旅游目的地建设研究
18.<City Elite>DM Magazine Maketing Plan;《Elite城市精英》DM杂志营销计划书

Urban marketing城市营销
1.In the fierce competitive environment of economic globalization,marketization and administrative decentralization,China′s many urban governments have implemented various urban marketing strategies in order to promote urban economic growth.在经济全球化、市场化和分权化所营造的激烈竞争环境中,中国许多城市政府都以促进经济增长为目标而采取了多种多样的城市营销策略,城市治理方式由传统的规制型向企业型转变,城市政府甚至演变为超级企业。
2.In order to absorb more circulating capital,an increasing number of local governments have focused on urban marketing as an important instrument of urban competition strategy,which makes urban marketing a significant ingredient in urban competition strategy in the globalization era.为了吸引更多的全球资本,越来越多的地方政府将城市营销作为城市竞争战略的重要手段,城市营销已经成为全球化时代城市竞争战略的重要组成部分。
3.With the rapid development of urbanization in our country, much more attention is devoted to the problem of urban marketing.随着我国城市化的加速推进,城市营销越来越受到重视。
3)city marketing城市营销
1.Co-branding of sports competition and city brands in city marketing;城市营销中体育赛事与城市品牌联合战略研究
2.Problems in city marketing in Henan and countermeasures against them;河南城市营销存在的问题及对策
3.The evolution of the theories of western city marketing;西方城市营销思想的演变
4)City image marketing城市形象营销
5)city brand marketing城市品牌营销
1.Based on the intension definition of the city marketing、city brand and the brand of the city marketing,the effect of the Olympic Games on the development of the city marketing was analyzed with the city brand marketing as the point of view.在对城市营销、城市品牌、城市营销品牌化内涵界定的基础上,从城市品牌营销的角度分析奥运会对城市营销发展的影响,希望此届奥运会推进我国城市品牌营销的步伐,树立城市特色和品牌,对提高城市竞争力能够起到积极作用。
6)city marketing strategy城市营销战略
1.Therefore,analytical study about city marketing strategy of Yinchuan will be significant to the development of Yinchuan and even western city.依托城市营销资源、城市营销能力和城市营销执行力,在城市营销竞争情报的支持下的城市营销战略,银川市才能获取关键的顾客资源,取得优于竞争对手的优势。

城市营销城市营销(CITY MARKETING)主要是指城市利益相关者以市场为导向,规划与整合城市物质和非物质资源,运用营销学相关理论和方法,树立和传播城市品牌,形成和提升城市竞争力的战略思想和行为。