吴地文化,WU culture
1)WU culture吴地文化
1.From the angle of regional culture,the paper mainly discusses the relationship between Wu culture and style of LU Ji\'s works.陆机作品风格与吴地文化之间存在千丝万缕的联系。

1.Nanjing Local Culture Being the Development of the Culture in the Area of Ancient Wu Kingdom;南京区域文化是古代吴地文化的一个发展
2.In the Ming Dynasty, Wu Region withnessed an unprecedented boom in its culture and art, especially with its paintings as the acme of perfection.明代,吴地文化艺术空前发达,尤以绘画为最,涌现出许多著名画家。
3.On Bronze Founding in Wu Culture(Second Part)--Development of Metallurgy in the History of the Wu;论吴文化冶铸(下篇)——吴地历代冶金业的发展
4.On Bronze Founding in Wu Culture(First Part)--Founding of the Wu Kingdom and its Local Features;论吴文化冶铸(上篇)——吴国青铜器铸造与地方特色
5.On the Planing of the Baosheng Culture Tourism in the Native Place of Wuzhenren;吴真人祖籍地“保生文化旅游”规划研究
6.Dietetic Culture in the Wu Region;吴地特色的饮食文化──“饭稻羹鱼”
7.Development of Wu District Tea Culture Through Developing Tourism Culture;无锡旅游文化建设引入吴地茶文化的设想
8.Carry out study of Wu-Chu regional culture Promote great revival of Chinese culture--An overall view of the first seminar on Wu-Chu culture;开展吴楚地域文化研究 促进中华文化伟大复兴——首届吴楚文化学术研讨会综述
9.The Economic and Cultural Communication between Wu and Chu Districts and Zhongyuan in Early Qing Period;先秦时期吴楚地区与中原的经济文化交流
10.On the dramatic development of Wu and Chu districts culture in Song Dynasty and its reasons;论宋代吴楚地区文化的跨越性发展及其原因
11.Wu-dancing has the abundant history resource and the bright regional culture characteristics.吴地舞蹈有着丰富的历史资源和鲜明的地域文化特征。
12.Wuxi is a part of the birth place of Wu Culture which stands for the total spiritual and material wealth created by the people in the Wu area during the social development of thousands of years.吴文化是指吴地人民在千百年来社会实践中创造的物质财富和精神财富的总和。
13.Graves and Utensils in the Kingdom of Wu--All-embracing Multi-culture of Wu;论吴墓与吴器——兼论吴文化的兼收并包和多元杂糅性
14.The Migration of Inhabitants of the Wu Area and Change of Cultural Type During the Period of 600 BC-300 BC公元前6世纪-公元3世纪吴地的居民变迁与文化转型
15.The Prosperity of Merchandise Economy And the Development of Townspeople Culture Brought By Merchandise Economy in the Region of Wu in Ming and Ching Dynasty;明清时期吴地商品经济的繁荣及市民文化的发展
16.An Analysis of the Relationship between the Wuyue State and Japan;钱氏吴越国与日本的交往及其在中日文化交流史上的地位
17.A probe into the complex cultural characteristics of shiji from Wu culture recordation从吴文化记载看《史记》的文化综合特点

folk culture of the Wu area吴地民间文化
3)Lu Ji and Wu Culture陆机与吴地文化
4)scholars from Wu吴地文士
1.Lu Ji\'s association showed remarkable local characteristic, and his friends were mainly scholars from Wu .在西晋南北地域矛盾突出的背景下,吴地文士的生存境况十分恶劣,但客观上来看,他们促进了南北文化的交流。
5)Eastern Wu Culture东吴文化
6)the Wu culture吴文化
1.Analysis of the influences of the Wu culture to the architectural characteristics of traditional house in Suzhou;浅析吴文化对苏州传统住宅建筑特点的影响
2.However,the Wu culture lacked such a connotation as there was not a definite kind of burial custom concerning graves,and utensils of Wu also lacked a fixed pattern or feature.然而吴文化却缺乏这种独特的内涵,其表现为吴人的墓葬没有一定的形制与葬俗,吴人的器物也缺乏固定的器型与特色,吴文化的不定型和变动性反映出吴人兼收并包和多元杂糅的特点。
