1.The Study of Contrastive Structure "A一量B一量" in Modern Chinese;现代汉语中“A一量B一量”对举结构及其相关问题研究
2.Starting with the contrastive phenomena of numeral which abound in the proverbs,this disquisition classified and explained the meaning,structure and function,and then analyzing the reasons of differentiation of the meaning of numeral in such structures and the focus effect which was from the contrastive phenomena of structures.文章从谚语中大量存在的数词对举现象入手,对数词意义、结构和功能做出分类说明,并进一步分析数词在这类结构中意义发生分化的原因以及此类对举现象所形成的焦点作用。
3.Starting with the contrastive phenomena of numeral which abound in the proverbs, this disquisition classified and explained the meaning, structure and function, and then analyzing the reasons of differentiation of the meaning of numeral in such structures and the focus effect which was from the contrastive phenomena of structures.本文从谚语中大量存在的数词对举现象入手,对数词意义、结构和功能做出分类说明,并进一步分析数词在这类结构中意义发生分化的原因以及此类对举现象所形成的焦点作用。
2)voting game选举对策

1.Rising of Nationalism after Cold War and Our Corresponding Measurement;冷战后民族主义浪潮对我国的影响及应对举措
2.The Analysis to Questions and Suggestions for EPPE Corp.易派壹佰公司发展中的困惑与应对举措分析
3.The Existing Challenges and Their Solutions to Managing Human Resources in Institutions of Higher Learning;浅析高校人力资源管理的现实挑战及应对举措
4.Trend of the Overseas Grain Logistics and Handling Measures in Our Country;国外粮食物流的走向及我国的应对举措
5.Challenges confronted by CPC s construction of keeping advanced and countermeasures;党的先进性建设面临的挑战及应对举措
6.On the China s Market Economic Position Issue and Countermeasures in the Environment of WTO;论WTO环境下中国“市场经济地位”问题和应对举措
7.The Sino-European Economic and Trade Cooperation: Its Problems and Countermeasures;中欧经贸合作中的现实问题及应对举措
8.On the Reasons and Countermeasures for Anti - Dumping Sanction to China;论中国遭遇反倾销制裁的原因和应对举措
9.Challenges and Opportunities Confronted by "Shanghai Co-operative Organization" and Its Responses;“上海合作组织”面临的挑战、机遇及其应对举措
10.The Influential Factors and Countermeasures of the Information Consultative Industry in China;我国信息咨询业的受制因素与应对举措
12.The Modal Split of High-speed Passenger Transport Corridor and the Counter-Measures of Highway Passenger Transport高速通道客流分担率及公路客运应对举措研究
13.The Discussion on the Changing of User Needs in Hybrid Library and Responding Measures论复合图书馆用户信息需求拓变及应对举措
14.Problems and Measures of Students' Entrepreneurship Education in Chinese Colleges and Universities高校创业教育存在的问题及其应对举措
15.An Analysis of Financing Barriers of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in China and Solutions to Them我国中小企业融资障碍透析与应对举措
16.Mechanism and countermeasures of public hospital finance risk in new situation;论新形势下公立医院财务风险形成机理及应对举措
17.Opportunities and Counter-measures of Our Commercial Enterprises for China s Entry to WTO;谈我国加入WTO商业企业所面临的机遇及应对举措
18.Strategies and Moves of China and the United States to Deal with the International System Restructuring;中美应对国际体系转型的战略和举措

voting game选举对策
4)goodness and evil juxtaposed善恶对举
1.His individual character is revealed in his lyric poems with an unique writing form:bold,unconstrained,changeable,disorderly,goodness and evil juxtaposed,etc.他的复杂个性展现在政治抒情诗中,形成了极其独特的创作形态:章法大起大落,复杂多变;语意重复错杂;比喻多善恶对举等。
5)contrastive structure对举式
6)internal contrastive pattern内部对举
