1.Research on Annals of Music in Jiutangshu and Xintangshu《旧唐书》和《新唐书》“乐志”研究

1.Investigating the Amount of zu(租)yong(庸)diao(调) Recorded in Old Tang Book and New Tang Book《旧唐书》《新唐书》租庸调数额考
2.On the Discrepancy of Comment on Li Shangyin between Old Tang History Book and New Tang History Book论《新唐书》、《旧唐书》对李商隐评价之差异
3.Research on Annals of Music in Jiutangshu and Xintangshu《旧唐书》和《新唐书》“乐志”研究
4.A Critical Study of DOUBTS ABOUT LUNYU Recorded in XIN TANG SHU and QUAN TANG WEN;《新唐书》、《全唐文》所载《对<论语>问》辨误
5.The Research on the Biographies which New Tang Book Supplements《新唐书》增补传记之史料来源考略
6.Correction of Two Mistakes of Xin Tang Shu Based on Li Hua’s San Xian Lun读李华《三贤论》纠《新唐书》谬误二则
7.Discuss the tendency of esteeming virtue in Xintangshu literature biography from the change of the biography由人物改传看《新唐书》的尚德倾向
8.Brief Analysis into Tang Five Periods' Neologism Recorded in Old Tang Book简论《旧唐书》中的唐五代新兴词语[1]
9.Textual Reach and Explanation of The ZUYONGDIAO System Recorded in NEW TANG BOOK·SHIHUOZHI;《新唐书·食货志》所载“租庸调”新考
10.A Study of Book-Name Changing in Old Tang History and New Tang History--Investigations into Works by Writers of the Tang Dynasty;新旧唐书经籍艺文志所载书名变异考——《唐人著述考》之一
11.Reason for Two Mistakes in the Zhi Documents of A New Book of Tang s History;《新唐书·志》的两则错误及致误原因
12.On the Acceptance of Shi Shuo Xin Yu in Tang Dynasty from Jin Shu;从《晋书》看唐代的《世说新语》接受
13.Research on the Cao Country in Xin Tang Shu;《新唐书·西域传》所记“曹国”考
14.New Evidence for the Beacon Tower System in the Tang Dynasty:A Study on Newly Found Documents about Beacon Tower;唐代烽铺建制新证——新出烽铺文书研究之二
15.The New Tang annals: History of Rites and Music recorded that when the Tang Dynasty was at its pinnacle, the number of the Jiyue performers had been tens of thousands.《新唐书·礼乐志》载:唐朝盛时,乐工舞伎总数竟有数万人。
16.The Resources and Innovatings of Compilingthe Collection of Commented on Poetry of The Tang Dynasty;论《唐诗品汇》一书编纂的思想资源及创新点
17.Japanese Textbooks Distort the Historic Facts;满纸荒唐言 细解其中义──评日本《新历史教科书》
18.On the Relationship between Shoushi and Xiangzhang in the Shihuozhi of New Tang Book《新唐书·食货志》所载“手实”、“乡帐(计帐)”关系考

New Tang Book《新唐书》
1.Investigating the Amount of zu(租)yong(庸)diao(调) Recorded in Old Tang Book and New Tang Book;《旧唐书》《新唐书》租庸调数额考
2.The Research on the Biographies which New Tang Book Supplements;《新唐书》增补传记之史料来源考略
3)Tang Shu Xin Yu《唐书新语》
1.With a detailed study of NATD and Tang Shu Xin Yu, we find a direct relationship in between: Tang Shu Xin Yu quotes much from NATD.通过具体考辨可以发现,《大唐新语》与《唐书新语》有直接的渊源关系:《唐书新语》采用了《大唐新语》,或者二者实际上就是同一种书。
1.Commenting on XinTangShu s Literary Criticism;《新唐书》文学批评研究
5)Xin Tang Shu Jiu Miu新唐书纠谬
1.Xin Tang Shu Jiu Miu, written by Wu Zhen, a historian and emendater of Northern Song Dynasty, is a book intended to correct the faults in Xin Tang Shu, which is a history book compiled and published by the government of the time.《新唐书纠谬》是北宋史学家、考据学家吴缜针对当时官方所修的史书《新唐书》所作的史纠类专著。
6)Xin Tang Shu·GAO Li-shi Zhuan《新唐书·高力士传》
