1.Homonymy and homonyms in English;英语里的同形异义同形异义单词
2.polysemy, homonymy and ambiquity, which constitute the composition base of Chinese - English puns.通过对英汉双关的构成基础即一词多义、同形异义和歧义进行分析比较,解析了英汉双关的运用和功能。

1.On English Polysemy and Homonymy;试论英语多义词与同形异义词的识别
2.The Contrast between the Terms of Same Shape but Different Meaning and Those of Different Shape but Same Meaning in Common Speech and Wu(Suzhou)Dialect;普通话和吴方言同形异义词语和异形同义词语之比较
3.Two words are homographs if they are spelled the same way but differ in meaning.拼写相同意思不同的两个单词是同形异义词。
4.A comparative analysis on synonymy,paronyms,polysemy and homonymy in medical english;医学英语同义词、同源词、多义词和同形异义词的辨析
5.The Analysis about "V/N+shijian+dao" Structure;“V/N+时间+到”同形异义现象的形成机制及动因
6.On semantic ambiguity caused by polysemy and homonymy;探讨英语多义词和同形异义词引起的语义含糊现象
7.Looking the Same Words with Different Meanings of Mainland and Taiwan from Modern Novels of Taiwan;从台湾当代小说看海峡两岸的同形异义词语
8.One of two or more words that have the same spelling but differ in origin, meaning, and sometimes pronunciation.同形异义词两个或以上单词拼法相同,但在起源、意义和有时读音上不同
9.Different word with the same spelling be distinguished in this dictionary by superscript numbers本词典在同形异义词的右上角标注数字以资区别
10.Different word with the same spelling is distinguished in this dictionary by superscript numbers.本词典在同形异义词的右上角标注数字以资区别。
11.Different words with the same spelling are distinguished in this dictionary by superscript numbers.本词典在同形异义词的右上角标注数字以资区别.
12.The Strategies of Vocabulary in the Intercourse--the Similar Words in Chinese and Japanese;跨语言交际中的词汇困惑及其对策——以日汉“同形异义词(字)”为例
13.Hemispheric Asymmetry in Solving Lexical Ambiguity in Chinese;汉语同形歧义词歧义消解的两半球差异
14.Differences between Chinese-Japanese Homonyms from the Translation of "视线"(Vision)从“视线”的翻译看汉日“同形同义”名词间的差异
16.On the Various Form and Different Menning;浅谈几种形式不同意义略异的让步从句
17.Typical Differences between Synonymous Monosyllabic and Disyllabic Quantitative Adjectives and Corresponding Cognitive Models同素近义单双音节形容词的差异及认知模式
18." English Synonyms"<英语同义词辩异>。

4 letters Idioms of different meanings in异形同义
3)Synonyms in Different Forms同义异形
1.Further Cognition to the Phenomenon of "Synonyms in Different Forms"“同义异形”修辞现象的再认识
1.A comparative analysis on synonymy,paronyms,polysemy and homonymy in medical english;医学英语同义词、同源词、多义词和同形异义词的辨析
2.On semantic ambiguity caused by polysemy and homonymy;探讨英语多义词和同形异义词引起的语义含糊现象
3.This paper deals with English polysemy and homonymy in terms of three aspects : the definitions of polysemy and homonymy, the ways of forming polysemy and homonymy, and the traditional identification of polysemy and homonymy.通过分析英语多义词和同形异义词的定义和来源,探讨了英语多义词和同形异义词识别的原则并浅析其不足。
5)Isomorph antonym同形异义诃
1.English Influence on Hong Kong Written Chinese: The case of homographs;英语对香港书面汉语词汇的影响——香港书面汉语和标准汉语中的同形异义
2.But there are also many homographs in both of the languages.日汉两种语言存在许多同形异义词,对这些词不加以区分的话,就不能正确理解日语,给语言交流带来阻力,因此有必要对日汉同形异义词加以辨析。
3.There are a lot of Chinese-character-words in Korean language, especially homographs, which often cause mistakes and errors when South Korean students learn and use Chinese.韩国语中存在大量汉字词,尤其是“同形异义词”的存在使韩国学生在学习和使用汉语的过程中常常会发生错误和偏误。

同气异形同气异形 同气异形   病因病理学术语。指同是六淫之邪致病,其本病与标病症状未必一致,可出现不同证候。《素问·至真要大论》:“粗工嘻嘻,以为可知,言热未已,寒病复始,同气异形,迷诊乱经。”