1.The Effect of LiBian and the Simplification of Chinese Characters on XingShengZi;汉字隶变和简化对形声字的影响
2.In the course,the periods of the most intensive changes are the period of libian and the period of kaihua.汉字偏旁的形变经历了极其漫长的过程,在这个过程中,偏旁形变最剧烈的是隶变时期和楷化时期。

1.The slaves of the old society have become the masters of the new society.旧社会的奴隶变成了新社会的主人。
2.Reasons of Li-Character Evolution according to Principles of Internal Reason and External Reason从内因和外因原理看“隶变”产生的原因
3.A Limited View of the Magistrate to Change in the Process Theerror to Change to the Chinese Character Development Influence;管窥隶变过程中的讹变对汉字发展的影响
4.To make into or as if into a slave.使成为奴隶使成为奴隶或使变得象奴隶一样
5.Transformation of the Affiliation Relations and the duties of Court Gentleman of the Bureau of Review from the Wei and Jin Dynasties to the Sui Dynasty;魏晋迄隋比部郎隶属及其职掌之变化
6.Local Government in Chihli Province and Urban Change in Early 20~(th) Century二十世纪初直隶地方政府与城市变迁
7.The essay expounds the deformation and exaggeration of Li script respectively before and after Han dynasty in the aspects of the use of strokes、structure、presentation、etc.文章分别从古隶和汉隶的用笔、结体、章法等方面阐述隶书的变形与夸张。
8.that human energy can be exchanged and put to use by making a man into a slave.如果把人变为奴隶,人力也是可以交换和消费的。
9.Demographical Factors and the Evolution of Slavery in the Chesapeake人口因素与切萨皮克地区奴隶制的演变
10.The Origin and Development of Shoot in the Slave Society;射的起源及在奴隶社会时期的发展和演变
11.This fall in price has altered not only the profitability of slavery but also the relationship between slave and master.价格的滑落不但影响了奴隶制度的经济收益,还使奴隶与奴主之间的关系起了变化。
12.There is great difference between Li Shu creation and tradition Han Dynasty Li Shu under the background of cultural bump and change.在文化大冲撞、变革的背景下,隶书的创作与传统汉隶有了极大的区别。
13.Love that does not renew itself every day becomes a habit and in turn a slavery.爱情若不能日日自新,将变成一种惯性,并最终成为奴隶。
14.In parts of South Asia and North Africa, slavery is a millennia-old tradition that has never truly ended.在南亚、非一些地区,奴隶制度甚至有千古传统,从不曾真正改变。
15.The emergence of li calligraphy is an important reform in Chinese calligraphy.隶书的出现,是书法史乃至文字史上的一次重大变革。
16.RESEARCHERS DO KNOW that slavery is both evolving and increasing in raw numbers.研究者确实知道的是,奴隶制度不断在演变,数量也在增加。
17.The emperor of Lilliput wanted to conquer Blefuscu and make the people his slaves.利国皇帝想要征服布国,将其人民变成自己的奴隶。
18.But now the need was to protect the free Athenians against the return of such slavery.但现在必须防止这种使自由的雅典人变为奴隶的情形重演。

the deformation of Lishu隶书形变
3)variable membership function变隶属度函数
1.In our paper adaptive fuzzy control with variable membership function is proposed.本文提出了一种变隶属度函数自适应模糊控制方法,该方法利用输入量及输入量的变化量构造适当的调整因子,并利用调整因子改变输入量的隶属度函数,达到调整控制量大小的目的。
4)current transformer变流电隶感器
5)prisoners of war were turned into slaves.俘虏变成了奴隶。
6)membership functions/ wavelet transform隶属函数/小波变换
