
1.He sighed for the crafty, for the cunning, for the stupid, for the doltish, for the upright and sincere, and for the country bumpkins.叹黠、狡、愚、拙、直谅、乡愚
2.One that makes a grant.授予,准许,转让
3.Of the two the latter is better than the former.二中后比前好。
4.a group of followers or enthusiasts.一群追随狂热
5.believer in; practiser of ...的信仰; ...主义; ...实行
6.Promoters, agents and participants提倡、推动和参加
7.sadden one's friends and gladden one's enemies使亲痛, 仇
8.One that views, especially an onlooker or spectator.观察观看,特指旁观观众
9.Numerical weakness comes from having to prepareagainst possible attacks; numerical strength, from compelling our adversary to make these preparations against us.寡备人也,众使人备己也。
10.One who practices apostasy.背教,变节,脱党,背信
11.They waver while the latter stand firm, they equivocate while the latter are forthright.前动摇,后坚定,前暧昧,后明朗。
12.To be fond of knowledge is better than merely to acquire it; to take delight in it is still better than merely to be fond of it.知之不如好之,好之不如乐之
13.They must become men of truth, of justice, of goodness, of forgiveness, of mercy.他们必须成为实践真理、义、良、和、悲
14.Sun Tzu said: We may distinguish six kinds of terrain,to wit: (1) Accessible ground; (2) entangling ground;(3) temporizing ground; (4) narrow passes; (5) precipitous heights; (6) positions at a great distance from the enemy.孙子曰:地形有通、有挂、有支、有隘、有险、有远
15.Hysterics and obsessives患与强迫观念症患
16.Looker - on see more than player .当局迷,旁观清。
17.Spectators see clearly while the participants are often lost in the maze旁观清,当局
18.Lookers-on see more than the players"旁观清, 当局迷."

4)compiler and proofreader编者校者
5)Us/Other Dichotomy我者/他者
1.This essay explores the source of human fate of guilt-redemption from life entity and human nature as well as further studies life sacrifice, guilt and redemption from the philosophical perspective of "self-otherness".本文试图从生命本体、人性自身发掘负罪-救赎命运根源的同时,也从自我与外界的关系入手,在“自-他”的哲学视野上进一步探究生命中的牺牲、负罪和救赎问题。
