
1.The state or quality of being modest.谦逊谦虚的情态或品质
2.seemly conduct, modesty适度的举止、 谦虚
3.With science, modesty or immodesty is not the issue.科学没有什么谦虚谦虚的问题。
4.You cannot be too modest.人越谦虚越好(无论怎样谦虚都不为过)。
5.She simulated modesty.她装出端庄 [谦虚] 的样子。
6.She is very modest about the prizes she has won.她对自己得奖非常谦虚
7.Why should you sin against modesty?你怎么不谦虚一点呀?
8.She' s very modest about her success.她对自己的成就很谦虚
9."It's not modesty. I really am useless.“这不是谦虚,我实在不行。
10.Virgo: Be Intellectual and Be Modest睿智而谦虚的处女座
11.Annie: Wang Ping likes to be modest.安妮:王平喜欢谦虚
12.He is modest aBout his merit.他对自己的优点很谦虚
13.Modesty is not his long suit.谦虚可不是他的长处.
14.He won praises for his modesty.由于谦虚他赢得了赞扬。
15.insincere, calculated modesty.不诚心的,做作的谦虚
16.Be modest, otherwise you will lag behind.要谦虚,否则就要落后。
17.The teachings of Confucius tell us to be humble.孔子教导我们要谦虚
18.and working hard and living plainly, and being modest and prudent.艰苦朴素、谦虚谨慎,等等。

1.However,this paper,by comparing the Principle′s function to that of the Value Law of the economic field and by pointing out the right attitudes towards the Principle of "being modest" and "assisting the others through correcting their weaknesses",makes a justification and defense for Grice and his "Cooperative Principle".从而建议人们,特别是那些处于相关研究领域的同行们,应谦虚治学;尤其应注意为别人指出缺点和不足的方式和动机,这方面格莱斯本人做出了不错的表率。
3)Modesty Maxim谦虚准则
4)modesty expressions谦虚用语
5)tolerance and modesty宽容谦虚
6)being modest谦虚做人

谦虚谨慎1.亦作"谦虚敬慎"。 2.虚心﹑恭顺而慎重。