1.Based on a stylistic-oriented approach,the thesis principally examines the styles of the technique of"narrative"and its progression in three representative episodes from Ulysses:"Telemachus","Calypso"and"Eumaeus",with the aim to discover their aesthet- ic value and structural function in representing theme and character.就詹姆斯·乔伊斯的美学思想结合文体学理论着力分析和探讨文体风格的审美意义和价值;研究《尤利西斯》中第一章"忒勒马科斯"、第四章"卡里普索"和第十六章"欧迈俄斯"三章中的"叙事体"这一文体技巧的语言风格和发展过程,以及其在塑造人物和表现主题的重要作用。
2)Body Narrative身体叙事
1.The Ideology of Body-cum-Consideration of Body Narrative in Red Classics;身体的意识形态——兼谈“红色经典”中的身体叙事
2.The narrative aesthetics of Ooe Kenzaburo are demonstrated in three phases: First, body narrative derived from individual experiences; .大江健三郎的叙述美学包括三个层面:一是个人体验孕育的身体叙事,二是边缘存在中的艰难抉择,三是面向拯救的灵魂探索。
3.Therefore, in fact there is a clue of body narrative un.所以在《笑面人》外在曲折情节的下面实际上存在一条身体叙事的线索。

1.The Ideology of Body-cum-Consideration of Body Narrative in Red Classics;身体的意识形态——兼谈“红色经典”中的身体叙事
2.Cooking Own Meat--The Discuss of the Body Narrative in the LuXun’s Works;“煮自己的肉”——鲁迅作品的身体叙事
3.Self and Watching: Women s Body Narrative in The Awakening;自我与注视:《觉醒》中的女性身体叙事
4.Narration of body on 90′s novel in China;中国近十年来小说中的身体叙事论略
6.Body Narrative: The Characteristic and the Future of the New Time Female Writing身体叙事:新时期女性写作的特征与前景
7.The Body Narrative Tactics of the Young Chivalrous Swordswoman in The Story of Swordsman from Shushan《蜀山剑侠传》正派年轻女侠的身体叙事策略
8.Human Exposure and Sex Transformation: An Interpretation of Jinpingmei s Physical Narration;身体的敞开与性别的改造——《金瓶梅》身体叙事的释读
9.Floating Bodies: the body narration of peasants fi gures of chinese movies in 1990s’无主的身体:20世纪90年代以来中国电影农民形象的身体叙事
10.The Female Physical Narrative in Novels of Women Writers of 40 s Shanghai School;二十世纪四十年代海派女作家小说创作中的女性身体叙事
11.On the Subjective Similarity of Woman Literature and the Poor People Literature女性叙事与“底层叙事”主体身份的同构性
12.Comment on Wei Wei's Paradox of Body, Daily Life and Narrative Ethics魏微的“异”:身体叙述、生活美学与叙事伦理
13.The "Cultural Revolution" Narrations: Body Mirror Image and Language Association;“文革”叙事:身体镜像与语言指渉
14.The "Embodiment of Class Identity" of Modern Literature Narrative System: Bodily Ideology of Revolutionary Period;现代文学叙事体系中“阶级的身体”——革命时代的身体意识形态
15.From Late Qing Dynasty to the May 4th Movement: The Modern Imagination, Construction and Narration of Female Body;从晚清到五四:女性身体的现代想象、建构与叙事
16.Body and Space: Two Points of Narrative in Writing Novels in Recent Years;身体与空间:近年小说创作的两大叙事焦点
17.Body Narrative and Soul Salvation--A Review of Narrative Aesthetics of Ooe Kenzaburo;身体诉说与灵魂拯救——论大江健三郎的叙事美学
18.The Body Ideology of Novel Narration of Xinguijun In the Literary World文坛新桂军小说叙事中的身体意识形态

Body Narrative身体叙事
1.The Ideology of Body-cum-Consideration of Body Narrative in Red Classics;身体的意识形态——兼谈“红色经典”中的身体叙事
2.The narrative aesthetics of Ooe Kenzaburo are demonstrated in three phases: First, body narrative derived from individual experiences; .大江健三郎的叙述美学包括三个层面:一是个人体验孕育的身体叙事,二是边缘存在中的艰难抉择,三是面向拯救的灵魂探索。
3.Therefore, in fact there is a clue of body narrative un.所以在《笑面人》外在曲折情节的下面实际上存在一条身体叙事的线索。
3)Individual narrative个体叙事
1.An Arguing with the Shaping of "LuXun" in Body-Narrative;身体叙事中的“鲁迅”生产
5)collectivity narration集体叙事
6)Experience narration体验叙事
