1.Based on all the first fanqi spellings of chongniu in Jingdian Shiwen the authors have newly listed and on the statistical analyses they have made o.用反切比较法和反切结构分析法重新统计观察《经典释文》首音中重纽反切,可以发现《经典释文》首音重纽反切结构具有两条规律:(1)用A或B类切上字时,切上字决定被切字的重纽归属;(2)切下字的声母类型可以区分被切字的重纽归属。
2.There is Chongniu in Huilin Yinyi.《慧琳音义》中,重纽两类的区别仍然存在,重纽A类与纯四等韵相混,重纽B类与普通三等韵相混。

1.On the Structural Features of Chongniu(重纽) Used in Hui Lin Yiqiejing Yinyi(《一切经音义》);慧琳《一切经音义》重纽反切结构特点
2.On the New Data and Structural Features of Chongniu Used in Classics Annotated and Glossed;《经典释文》重纽反切的统计及结构特点
3.The consignment arrived at New York seriously damaged.发运到达纽约的货物,损坏严重。
4.intends to bulldoze ahead with plans for extensive reconstruction&b{New York Times)打算尽力实现广泛重建计划(纽约时报)
5.Two New York state troopers are in critical condition after being shot.两名纽约州骑警在遭枪击后病情危重。
6.New York is the most serious air pollution city of America.纽约市是美国空气污染最严重的城市.
7.Newyork city is the most air-polluted city in the united states.纽约市是美国空气污染最严重的城市。
8.Stocks open higher as investors return to Wall St.资人重回华尔街,纽约股市早盘大涨
9.Significance of the Implement of Nuremberg Code浅论《纽伦堡法典》制定实施的重要意义
10.New York World Trade Center Final Reconstruction Scheme Delayed纽约世贸中心重建最终方案延期出台
11.New York is a great financial center.纽约是一个重要的金融中心。
12.The missing man suddenly resurfaced in New York.失踪的男人突然在纽约重新露面了。
13.New York and San Francisco are important American ports.纽约和旧金山是美国重要的港口城市。
14.The Multifractal Features Analysis on New York Oil Futures Market;纽约原油期货市场多重分形特征研究
15.Mass Organization--the Pivot of Reconstructing the Relation between Country and Society;社团——重塑国家和社会关系的枢纽
16.Try to Analyse the Important "Kink"of "Net of Thought"--the Central Concept;浅析“思维之网”的重要“纽结”——中心概念
17.Comrade JIANG Ze-mins Important Theory of "Cultural Ties;江泽民同志关于“文化纽带”的重要论述
18.Important economic targets" mentioned in the preceding paragraph include important industrial and mining enterprises, scientific research bases, hubs of communications, signal centers, bridges, reservoirs, warehouses and power stations.前款所称重要的经济目标,包括重要的工矿企业、研基地、通枢纽、信枢纽、梁、库、库、站等。

pivot in Chongqing重庆枢纽
3)important hub重要枢纽
4)Chongniu characters in GuangYun《广韵》重纽字
5)recombinant NRG-1重组人纽兰格林
1.Animal experiments have showed that short-term intravenous administration of recombinant NRG-1 improves cardiac function and survival in different models of cardiomyopathy, including toxic, ischemic, dilated, and viral cardiomyopathy.目的评估注射用重组人纽兰格林对慢性收缩性心力衰竭患者的临床疗效及安全性。

全裸裸重唇重 俗名: 冷水鱼 产地及产期: 分布于伊洛瓦底江上游的大盈江。 介绍: 体长,侧扁。头锥形。口大,亚下位,弧形。下颌前缘无锐利角质。唇狭窄,下唇分两叶,唇后沟不连续。口角具须1对,极细小。除臀鳞外,全身裸露。背鳍刺软,无锯齿,起点显著在腹鳍之前。   是高山冷水中生活的小型鱼类。