1.The experiment investigates the pauses within sentences with verbal predicate.本文是以汉语为目标语的韩国学生和汉语本族语者为实验对象,对他们在37个汉语动词谓语句中的停延表现进行横向和纵向相结合的实验性比较研究,目的是找出韩国学生在停延方面与汉语本族语者的不同之处。
2.This research is a comparative investigation of the pause of sentences with verbal predicate.本文是以汉语为目标语的韩国学生和汉语本族语者为实验对象,对他们在37个汉语动词谓语句中的停延表现进行横向和纵向相结合的实验性比较研究,目的是找出韩国学生在停延方面与汉语本族语者的不同之处,并制定出相应的教学对策。

1."De(的)"、"Dui(对)" and the Pause;“的”格式、“对”格式与语句停延间关系
2.Rhythm Structures of the Chinese Shi-Sentences;“是”字句的节律特征和语音停延规律
3.A Comparative Study of Phonetic Pauses in Chinese Sentences by South Korean Students and Chinese Students;韩国留学生汉语句子停延习得的实验分析
4.stay of proceedings停止诉讼程序,延期
5.transfer moratorium延期偿付, 停止偿付
6.adjourn, postpone the debate (the sitting, the discussion)暂停、延期辩论(会议、讨论)
7.A sign indicating that a note or rest is to be held.延长号表示音阶或停顿的符号,休止符
8.stop,delay, postpone or check(sth)停止,延缓,推迟,控制(某事物)
9.Any delay in shipment is likely to cause complications.船期如有延误可能会带来暂停装船。
10.They told the executioner to let him go, and pardoned him.就让刽子手停止行刑,赦免了王延寿。
11.(mathematics) of a function or curve; extending without break or irregularity.(数学)指函数或者曲线;没有停顿的延伸或者没有不规则的延伸。
12.He paused and focused his attention on the silent hills stretching out before him.他停住了,专注地端详着绵延在前面的远山。
13.Methods for Extending Operation of Steam Turbine when Coke Dry Quenching Auxiliary Ceases Operation干熄焦装置停止作业时延长汽轮机运行的方法
14.Analysis of Queuing and Stop Delay at Intersection by Method of Stationary Queue静止队列法交叉口排队与停车延误分析
15.Road traffic delay caused by curb parking set in the influenced area of signalized intersection信号交叉口影响区路边停车的交通流延误模型
16.A model of road traffic delay caused by curb parking设置路内停车对路段交通流形成的延误模型
17.To stop or postpone(a game) because of bad weather, darkness, or other adverse conditions.停止或延期比赛由于天气不好、天黑或其它不利条件而停止或推迟(一场比赛)
18.distressed loan: Loan on which repayment of interest and principal has been severely delayed or completely suspended.还本付息有困难的贷款: 指还本付息严重拖延或完全停止的贷款。

1.There is agreement between pause-extension and syntactic structures.句子的停延和句法结构有一定的联系 ,二者有时会表现出一致性。
2.The main reason of thisphenomenon is that they can t make pause-extension skillfully.停延不仅是发音生理的制约,更是出于言语表达和听觉理解的需要。
3.The study of pause-extension has been paid much attention to.停延问题很早就受到语言学家们的关注,经过学者们的努力,研究成果日益丰硕。
3)Delayed shutdown延迟停机
4)stop delay停车延误
1.Survey and Analysis of Signal Intersection Stop Delay;信号交叉口停车延误调查及分析
2.When the offset model is established to minimize the mean stops and the stop delay of the through traffic,the paper takes the four aspects of the actual traffic conditions into consideration.论文确立优化相位差的目标为通过车流在主干道上的停车次数和停车延误最小。
3.Based on the analysis of the process of vehicle travel at signalized intersections, this article studies the relations between the control delay and stop delay.详细地分析了信号交叉口车辆的受阻过程,在此基础上对现有控制延误和停车延误模型及其之间的关系进行了讨论,并用实测数据对控制延误和停车延误之间的换算系数作了验证。
5)stopped delay停车延误
1.Study of the relationship among stopped delay,approach delay and control delay;停车延误、引道延误和控制延误关系研究
6)Postponed shut down延时停车
