1.Male was called“nu”while female was called “bi”.“”最初为“古罪人” ,其中男称为“” ,女称为“婢” ;后作为谦词 ,亦是男女混用。

1.slave labour, owners隶的劳动、 隶主.
2.Servus vicarius隶特有产中的
3.a person who is not a serf or a slave.不是农隶的人。
4.The slaves rebelled against their masters.隶们奋起反抗隶主。
5.Slaves produced slave children.隶生的孩子是隶。
6.The state of one who is bound as a slave or serf.役一个人被迫做隶或农的状态
7.Three Little Slaves and Slave Agency and Slave Series;三个“小隶”与“隶社”及隶丛书
8.To make into or as if into a slave.使成为隶使成为隶或使变得象隶一样
9.The Dying Slave垂死的隶(雕塑)
10.Of, relating to, or characteristic of the Huns.匈的,匈似的匈人的,与匈人有关的,匈牙利似的
11.Thrall. Subject is your slave forever.役术:受术者永久成为你的隶。
12.Advocating the practice of slavery.赞成隶制的提倡实行隶制的
13.Slaver used to ship slaves from Africa to America.隶贩子过去把隶由非洲运到美洲。
14.The cruel serf-owner put out the serf's eyes.残忍的农主挖掉了农的眼睛。
15.He redeemed the slaves from the control of the owner.他从隶主那里把这些隶赎了回来。
16.The masses of serfs and slaves had no right to receive education.广大农隶没有接受教育的权利。
17.No one shall be held in slavery or servitude.不论何人均不得被处为隶或役。
18.a ship used to transport slaves from their homes to places of bondage.从家乡运送隶到役地的船。

A bondman; a slave.农奴;奴隶
1.On the Peace-through-Marriage Policy of the Western Han Dynasty toward the Huns;略论西汉对匈的“和亲”政策
2.Juyan Frontier Fortress function at the resisting the Huns in the Han Dynasties;汉代居延塞在抵御匈中的作用
3.From Luntai Imperial Order to the Meeting on Salt and Iron——Viewing Big Change of the Policy on Huns During the Midand Late West Han Dynasty from Discourses on Salt and Iron从“轮台诏”到“盐铁会议”——以《盐铁论》观西汉中后期对匈政策的重大转变
1.Genetic analyses on the affinities between tuoba Xianbei and Xiongnu populations;拓跋鲜卑和匈之间亲缘关系的遗传学分析
2.New Explanation on Criminal Laws of Xiongnu——And the Objective and Characteristics of the Xiongnu Laws in Qin and Han Times;匈刑法新解——兼论秦汉时期匈法律的立法目的与特点
3.A Study of Xiongnu Waist Ornaments and Related Issues;匈腰饰牌及相关问题研究
1.Several Opinions on The Race of the Hun;关于匈人种问题的几点认识
2.The Impact Hun Played On China History During the Period of Sixteen States;十六国时期的匈对中国历史所产生的影响
3.Interpretation of the Relationship Between Hun and Han Dynasty with the Anthropology and Ethnology Theories;匈与汉朝关系的民族学解读

《黑奴吁天录》  即《汤姆叔叔的小屋》。见美国废奴运动。