1.While the impact of intellectuals in modern Chinese literature can not be underestimated, their experiences have exerted a tremendous influence on modern Chinese literature, which is, in effect, caused by the interaction between factuality and tardiness.中国现代文学中知识分子的作用不可低估,知识分子的遭遇对现代中国文学有着巨大的影响,这实际上是事实性与迟来的交互作用造成的。
2)rational fact理性事实
1.In this disquisition,I will discuss two important questions that are named self-conscious and principle-conscious by Kant,the later is also named rational fact.在这篇论文中我将讨论两个分别被康德称为自身意识和法则意识的重要问题,后者也被康德称为理性事实。
4)factual cognition事实性认识
1.The point that appraisive cognition differs from the factual cognition determines the diversity of cognition results.由于评价性认识本身不同于事实性认识的特点,决定其认识结果的多样性。

1.The Philosophical Thought on Factual and Appraisive Cognition in International Campaign against Terrorism;对国际社会反恐中事实性认识和评价性认识的哲学思考
2.On the Double Character of the Fact Investigation in Civil Procedure --And Discussion with Axiology and Epistermology;论民事诉讼事实认定的双重性——兼与认识论、价值论商榷
3.The Cognition Structure Analysis on Seeking the Truth And It s Handling Countermeasures;实事求是艰难性的认识结构分析及其求解对策
4.validating the authenticity of something or someone.确认某事、某人的真实性。
5.It admits that possibilities may be in excess of actualities, and that things not yet revealed to our knowledge may really in themselves be ambiguous.它承认,可能性也许超过现实性,我们尚未认识的事物自身可能真是模糊的。
6.not recognize the true value of sth/sb/oneself认识不到某事物[某人/自己]的真实价值
7.The truth will come home to him at last.他总有一天会认识到事实真相。
8.You must awake to the fact that failure means disgrace.你必须认识到失败就是耻辱这一事实。
9.All who travel should be over cognizant of this fact.凡是出差的人都必须认识到这一事实。
10.He was rather slow to realize the cold truth.他迟迟才认识到这冷酷的事实。
11.The Spirit of Truthfulness and Awareness of History Identity in Xixia History;《西夏书事》的征实精神与历史认同意识
12.Start from Facts and Seek Truth from Facts: Seek Truth from Facts Studies in Deng Xiaoping s Epistemology;从事实出发,从事实中求是——邓小平认识论思想中“实事求是”研究
13.Fact or Rhetoric: Restudy on the Cui Ying -jie Case;案件事实,还是叙事修辞?——崔英杰案的再认识
14.Politicians are only now realizing the gravity of the situation.政治家现在才认识到事态的严重性。
15.We awake to the complication of this matter.我们开始认识到这件事的复杂性。
16.The accident woke up to the importance of prevention.这次事故使我们认识到预防的重要性。
17.Understanding and Thinking of Making Innovation Experiments in University;对高校实施创新性实验的认识和思考
18.Improving the Cognition and Practice to the Effectiveness of Ideological Politics Lectures;提高思想政治课实效性的认识和实践

rational fact理性事实
1.In this disquisition,I will discuss two important questions that are named self-conscious and principle-conscious by Kant,the later is also named rational fact.在这篇论文中我将讨论两个分别被康德称为自身意识和法则意识的重要问题,后者也被康德称为理性事实。
4)factual cognition事实性认识
1.The point that appraisive cognition differs from the factual cognition determines the diversity of cognition results.由于评价性认识本身不同于事实性认识的特点,决定其认识结果的多样性。
5)facts relying on subject(主体性事实
6)factive verbs事实性动词

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-