1.This paper discusses the phonology and lists the homophony syllabary of Maihua, an unclassified dialect with some features similar to Yue group and Hakka, in Sanya city, Hainan province.本文描写了迈话的声韵调系统,并列出了同音字汇。
2)phonology system声韵系统
1.This paper discussed the Bernhard Karlgren s phonology system of Lanzhou dialect of ninety years ago,found its differences and similarities with the present Lanzhou dialect,and analyzed the objective reasons of the differences.本文归纳了90年前高本汉所记兰州方言例字读音的声韵系统,指出了与今兰州方音的共同特征和明显差异,分析了造成这些差异的主客观原因。

1.Study on Phonetic System of Zengxiuhuzhulibuyunlue;《增修互注礼部韵略》声韵系统研究
2.On the Initial Consonant System of The Re-settled Classical Phonological Diagram by Sima Guang(重订司马温公等韵图经);《重订司马温公等韵图经》的声母系统
3.Families 末 and 未 in Guangyun and the Nine Pairs of Twins;《广韵》“末、未”谐声系统及其间九对“双胞胎”
4.Features of Vowels and Tones in Nanchang Dialect in the Mid-19th Century;19世纪中叶南昌话韵母与声调系统的特点
5.A Study on the Tone System of Yuan Yun Pu--Even Tone Feature and the Existence of Entering Tone;论《元韵谱》声调系统的两个问题——平分阴阳和保留入声调
6.In this system, a structural recognition strategy based on the primitives of initial consonant symbol and rhyme symbol is applied.该识别系统采用了以声符、韵符为基元的结构识别策略 .
7.Affection to initial from vowel is ont of them.韵母中的元音对声母系统演变的影响是其表现之一。
8.Review of the Initial Consonant System of Jianghuai Mandarin in Late Qing Dynasty;《古今中外音韵通例》声系的几个问题
9.A Study of Rhyming in Poetry and Prose in the Liang Dynasty;梁代诗文阳声韵入声韵用韵数理分析
10.The Pictophonetic Characters Relation of Shuowenjiezi and the Discussion on Archaic Chinese Phonology;《说文解字》谐声字的音韵关系及上古声母的讨论
11.The Sound Systems and Table of Ming Dynasty Manuscript Rhyme Tune in North Min明闽北韵书手抄本《六音字典》音系性质及其声韵调配合表
12.Firstly a phoneme system of the standard Chinese-putonghua was determined based on the results of cluster analysis of perceptual confusion of speech sounds of putonghua.本文首先根据汉语普通话语音知觉混淆的群集分析结果,确定汉语的声韵调音位系统。
13.A Comparative Study about the Vowels in the Pinghua Dialect of Nanning and the Vowels in Standard Chinese as well as the Mid-Ancient Sounds;南宁平话韵母系统与普通话、中古音韵母系统的比较研究
14.On Phonology Transformation in"Guang Yun"and Phonology at Second and Third Grade in"Yun Jin;论《广韵》变韵与《韵镜》二、三等韵之关系
15.Research of Text Analysis and Prosody in Chinese TTS System;汉语TTS系统中的文本分析及韵律研究
16.A Comparative Study of the Final Systems of Bai Dialect and Ping Dialect Spoken in Nanning;南宁市白话、平话韵母系统比较研究
17.Evolution of the"Yunmu System"from"Zidishu" to"Wufangyuanyin;从《五方元音》到子弟书韵母系统的演变
18.Comparisons between Putonghua and Dazhou Dialect in Phonology;四川达州方言与普通话音系及声韵配合比较

phonology system声韵系统
1.This paper discussed the Bernhard Karlgren s phonology system of Lanzhou dialect of ninety years ago,found its differences and similarities with the present Lanzhou dialect,and analyzed the objective reasons of the differences.本文归纳了90年前高本汉所记兰州方言例字读音的声韵系统,指出了与今兰州方音的共同特征和明显差异,分析了造成这些差异的主客观原因。
3)the Yinsheng rhyme阴声韵韵母系统
4)syllable form声韵调配合关系
1.This paper describes the phonology of Hakka dialect in Shijiao, Lianjiang, including phonological system and its features, and lists the syllabary.本文主要介绍廉江石角客家方言音系,包括声韵调、语音特点和同音字汇三个部分。
2.On the basis of field work, the author describes the phonology of Qidouhua, which is used in Sumitang village, Dalupu town, Jianghua county, puts forward her own ideas by comparing Qidouhua with other neighboring Tuhua, and hopes.第二部分:江华粟米塘七都话的语音系统 这一部分全面分析了粟米塘七都话的声韵调及其语音特点、文白异读规律和老壮差异的例子,记录并整理了同音字表 第三部分:江华粟米塘七都话与周边土话的比较 这一部分首先将粟米塘七都话与江永松柏土话、城关土话进行了声韵调的全面比较,揭示了粟米塘七都话和松柏土话的密切联系,并推论这三种土话尽管存在各类差异,但应该有着相同的来源;然后再将这三种土话与周边土话进行比较,论证了上述观点。
3.This thesis tries to analyze the tune of phonology and phonetic features of Jiangcun dialect, compare it with other dialets, and the author put forward his own opinions hoping to provide some materials for the study of the dialect in these areas.笔者在实地调查的基础之上,以江村土话为考察对象,分析了江村土话的声韵调以及语音特点,同时与周边方言进行了比较,提出了自己的一些见解,希望能为湘南土话的深入研究提供资料。
6)phonological system声韵调
1.This paper introduces the phonological system of Zhaoping dialect in Guangxi Automous Region and its features, and lists its homophony syllabary.本文描写了昭平方言音系,内容主要包括昭平方言的声韵调和语音特点、同音字汇两个部分。

立体声录音和道尔贝光学体声系统一、立体声技术发展的几个阶段 在1881年前后,法国人就做了电话线双耳效应的试验,把剧场的节目通过双声道送到用户家中,用两声道耳机聆听。以后美国也做了双耳电话的实验。这些可称为双声道的试验阶段。到1920年,英国哥伦比亚唱片公司录制了三通道左中右立体声唱片。1926年英国BBC广播公司开始用中波台播出立体声节目。1937年立体声电影问世。到50年代中期开始大量出版立体声节目磁带。至60年代美国完善了立体声广播,制定了标准。全美国约有300个广播电台采用所制定的标准进行广播。这一阶段可称为实用和应用阶段。在以后的30年中,立体声技术得到了飞速发展,形成了各种立体声系统争相竞争的阶段。二、立体声的简单原理 立体声的重放效果正是应用两个或两个以上的声道模拟实际声源的方位,组成与实际声源空间位置相对接近的听觉效果,这样就具有了各声源的展开感、分布感和宽度感。提高了声音的保真度和清晰度,使声音显得有层次和临场感。使听众享受到完美的音色和音响。立体声的最大特点是高保真度。三、道尔贝光学立体声系统 道尔贝光学立体声是35毫米电影立体声系统,它属于准四声系统,即4—2—4系统。道尔贝光学立体声影片在影院放映时,其中三声道分别由银幕后的左、中、右三组扬声器和另一组装在观众厅的环境扬声器放音。在普通影院放映时,则同样能放出单声的效果,影片就能兼用了,这种兼容性是其他立体声系统所没有的。