1.With close study Sartre s theory,the paper analyzed the connotations and relation of the self-consciousness,object-consciousness and reflective-consciousness.文章考察了萨特的相关论述,细致分析了自身意识、对象意识和反思意识的涵义及其之间的关系。
2.It has to be by means of language sign to differentiate people s demands and opposite regularity When human being taking self-motive activities up, hence engenders object-consciousness and self-consciousness.意识的二重性在原始混沌的感性认识中就潜在地影响着观念运动,使用了符号进行反映之后,对象意识和自我意识有了借以区别的形式。
3.But academic circles have very different comprehension to pre-flective cogito: some advocate that it is only self-consciousness, and some think it’s just object-consciousness.但是,学界对于“反思前的我思”的理解却甚为分歧:有些学者主张“反思前的我思”只是自身意识,也有人认为它只是对象意识

1.Object consciousness, self-consciousness and its objectivity: a rethinking;对象意识与自我意识及其客观性:一个再思考
2.The Connotation and Relation of Sartre s Self-Consciousness,Object-Consciousness and Reflective-Consciousness;萨特论自身意识、对象意识和反思意识的涵义及关系
3.The subconscious mind takes in more than you think and can aid us greatly.潜意识对我们的帮助比你想象的要大。
4.Translation and Image--recognition of the three translation versions of "To be or not to be";翻译与意象——对“To be or not to be”三个译本的认识
5.a mental image produced by the imagination.凭空想象的意识图象。
6.A style using subco cious mental activity as its subject matter,characterized by dreamlike,halluncinatoyy imagery.将下意识的精神活动作为描写对象,多运用梦幻意象的艺术形式。
7.Poetry,Image,the Unconscious:On "Deep Image";诗歌·意象·无意识:“深层意象”阐释
8.He doesn' t seem to be aware of the coldness of their attitude towards his appeal.他好象没有意识到大家对他呼吁,态度冷淡。
9.The Thriving of Southern Ling Consciousness;岭南意识的勃发——以明代广东作家为考察对象
10.On the Non-main-current Phenomena of College Students and Countermeasures;浅议高校学生中的非主流意识现象及其对策
11.Reflections on the Villagers’Lack of Essential Senses of Awareness in Village Administration;对村民自治中农民公民意识欠缺现象的思考
12.The Effect of the Training of Representation Consciousness on The Teaching Result of Gymnastics;表象意识的培养对体操教学效果的影响
13.The Meaning Shown by Pictures "in Taiji Diagram and Its Inspiration to Epistemology;太极图的"立象尽意"及其对认识论的启示
14.The Impact of "China's State Consciousness" on Literary Imagination in the Late Qing Dynasty and the Early Republic Period“中国意识”对清末民初文学想象力的影响
15.Psychological Analysis of the Subconscious Consuming of the Package Appeal Target包装设计诉求对象的潜意识消费心理分析
16.As for knowledge significance to human still remain the static elaboration of result on improving human quality.至于知识于人的意义则着力于对人的素质这一表象的认识上。
17.Four Characteristics of the Trade-off Phenomenon Between Consciousness and Unconsciousness意识和无意识权衡现象的四个特征
18.Ballard phenomenon巴拉德无意识记现象

object consciousness对象意识
1.Human consciousness is the unity of the object consciousness and the self consciousness.人的意识是对象意识和自我意识的统一。
3)object of consciousness意识对象
4)viewpoint of the object of social consciousness意识对象观
1.The problem of viewpoint of the object of social consciousness can not solve scientifically until Marx.在马克思之前,意识对象观问题没有得到科学地解决。
5)image consciousness形象意识
1.Beginning with PR consciousness that enterprises should possess, this paper discusses the vital significance of establishing enterprise image consciousness and service consciousness and deliberates initially how to establish and develop image consciousjness and service consciousness.从企业应具备的公共关系意识入手 ,论述了企业形象意识和服务意识确立的重大现实意义 ,并对企业如何确立和培养形象意识及服务意识作了初步探讨。
2.The image consciousness of our country and nation is a component part of Deng Xiaoping s Theory.国家与民族形象意识是邓小平理论的有机组成部分。
3.The image consciousness of a country and nation is the embodiment of patriotism and the great driving force of keeping our country stable and progressing.国家与民族形象意识是爱国主义精神的集中体现 ,是维系国家与民族稳定与发展的强大精神动力。
6)image construal意象识读
1.Different language-encodings for the same image lead to different image construals.这一现象对同一意象的不同编码方式导致了不同的意象识读。

《活动 意识 个性》  Α.Н.列昂节夫著。它是作者晚期的理论著作。苏联政治出版社1975年出版。全书仅10余万字,分5章:①马克思主义和心理学;②心理反映;③心理学中的活动问题;④活动与意识;⑤活动与个性。1980年上海译文出版社出版李沂等的中译本。列昂节夫多年研究活动问题,包括物质的感性-对象活动的结构和发生,对个体心理过程形成的作用;心理、意识的产生对生活活动、劳动活动的依从性;根据主导活动形式划分个体心理发展年龄阶段;提出主体的物质活动和精神活动在发生、结构和功能上的联系,彼此相互过渡理论等。他以多年的研究为基础,于1972~1974年的苏联《哲学问题》杂志上连续发表长篇论文:"心理学中的活动问题","活动和意识","活动和个性"。最后改写成此书,出版后获罗蒙诺索夫一等奖。本书是关于心理学方法论问题的专著,书中全面地阐述了作者的活动观点,在苏联心理学界有较大影响。作者在书中谈到,心理学是一门关于对现实的心理反映(它中介着个体的生活)的产生、功能和结构的具体科学。而要建立这样一门科学的完整体系,最重要的是 3个范畴:对象活动、人的意识、个性。因而,他写这本书的任务不是阐述一些具体的心理学观点和理论,而是根据历史唯物主义关于人的本性、人的活动、意识、个性的学说去寻求获取这些具体的观点和理论的方法与途径。