1.The Pragmatic Analysis of the Pronoun "qi" in the Third Person Singularin the Ancient Chinese;古代汉语中第三人称代词“”字活用的语用分析
2.Analysis of the fact that the ancient book and record "Family Letters of Warring States Vertical and Horizontal" has so many "qi" character,this paper holds that it was used more frequency as the pronoun,and among them the personal pronoun uses account for a most as the attribute mainly.通过对马王堆汉墓出土的重要典籍《战国纵横家书》中""字的穷尽式量化性分析,认为""作为代词使用频率最高,中人称代词占绝大多数,主要做定语,功能是修饰名词或名词性结构,甚至成为名词性结构的标志;作为副词使用频率不高,可表推度、反诘、时间等语气。
3.This article states some personal views on the part of speech,grammatical function and usage characteristics of the classical Chinese function words "qi"and"zhi".本文对文言虚词“”、“之”字的词性、语法功能及用法特点谈了个人的一些看

1.Like father, like son.有父, 必有子。
2.Like son, like father.有子,必有父。
3.Words are to be judged from their function; and deeds are to be observed form their effects听言必责用,观行必求
4."Like master, like man."1. 有主必有仆。
5.Like mother, like child [daughter].[谚]有母必有子[女]。
6.A uniform made of this cloth.卡服卡布做的制服
7.The results are often very ludicrous.结果往往极好笑。
8.Appear at points which the enemy must hasten to defend;march swiftly to places where you are not expected.出所不趋,趋所不意。
9.if quietly encamped, he can force him to move.出所必趋,趋所不意。
10.Woman has a fair face, But a foul heart芙蓉面,蛇蝎
11.Better to Believe the worst, and be pleasantly surprised, than to be optimistic and learn the worst宁可信有不可信
12.pay Back in one's own coin以人之道还人之身
13.Knowing it's so, But don't know why it's so知然,不知所以然
14.I know him by name, but I have never met him.我仅闻名,未见人。
15.select the refined and discard the crude取精华,去糟粕
16.A workman must sharpen his tools if he is to do his work well.工欲善事,必先利器。
17."Then river waves are calmed And Birds are mute that were singing,"川为静波, 鸟亦罢鸣;
18.Quorn looks and tastes a lot like meat.阔恩素肉形如肉,

mean solar time其间;其时
4)shi qi mai其脉
1.This paper presents the result of the textual research on "shi qi mai" given in Plain Questions , in which the author corrects some of the misconceptions and understandings of this term.《素问》“脉”中“”字的训释 ,诸家所说纷纷。
1.Is QI in Heqi a Meaningless Word?;“何”之“”是否“无义”?
1.This paper studies the correlative adverb "qishi" with the function of textual cohesion and relevance from semantic and pragmatic points of view.本文借鉴前人研究副词的成果和方法,从篇章的视点对具有篇章衔接功能的关联副词"实"从语义和语用两方面进行研究。
2.With the text function, this thesis studies the correlevance adverb "Qishi" on the following four issues: First, the "Qishi" in the text of the connection location and semantic types.本文从篇章功能角度,对关联副词“实”主要论述了以下四个问题:一、“实”在篇章中的连接位置和语义类别。

《关于各国在月球和其他天体上活动的协定》《关于各国在月球和其他天体上活动的协定》Agreement Concerning Activities of States on the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies  Guanyu Ge Guo zai Yueqiu he QitaTianti Shang Huodong de Xieding《关于各国在月球和其他天体上活动的协定)}(A greemen,ConeerningAc‘i下i‘ies砚fstates on the Moon and Other CelestialB口dies少简称《天体协定》或《月球协定》。1979年12月5日联大通过,18日在联合国总部开放签署,1984年7月11日生效。至1990年底,已有n个国家签署,7个国家批准加人。 协定由序言和21条正文组成。主要内容是:①月球和太l泪系内除地球以外的其他天体应专门用作和平目的;禁止在月球和其他天体上使用武力或从事敌对行为;缔约各国不得在月球表面和内部或在环绕月球轨道上或飞向、一匕绕月球的轨道上,设置载有核武器或任何其他种类的大规模毁灭性武器的物体;禁止在月球上建立军事基地、军事装置及防御工事,试验任何类型的武器及举行军事演习。②缔约各国应尽量将其探索和利用月球的活动告知联合国秘书长、公众和国际科学界,每次飞往月球的时间、目的、位置和轨道参数等应在发射后立即公布。③月球及其自然资源乃人类共同财产,任何国家、组织机构或个人不得以任何形式据为己有;缔约各国有权在平等的基础上探索和利用月球,不得有任何性质的歧视;所有缔约国应公平分享月球的资源利益,并对发展中国家以及对探索月球作出贡献的国家给予特别照顾。 该协定与1967年的《外层空间条约》相比,更具体详尽地阐述了缔约国为确保月球和太阳系其他天体专门用于和平目的所应承担的义务,为和平与合作开发利用月球等天体规定r行为准则。 (李道忠)